Because Murong Lian has a lot of money, it can be said that she can never spend it all in her lifetime——

She can spend it as she she treats money, power, status and even men as dirt with disdain and indifference.

She regards a noble soul as the goal she has pursued throughout her life and a noble spirit as the direction she has pursued throughout her life.

The reason why Yu Chisheng was able to win Murong Lian's favor and favor - if it was because of Yu Chisheng's straightforward personality and handsome appearance when they first met, then after he came to work at her house later, it was because of the following reasons and View--

Murong Lian felt that in the balance of men's values ​​- if one side is money and the other side is friendship, then when there is a conflict between money and friendship, most men, especially businessmen like her husband who are ruthless and unjust, will Choose money without is much more important than friendship.

But Yu Chisheng is a big exception.

Murong Lian inquired and found out that when Yu Chisheng was eating, drinking and playing with his friends, he always paid for it. Even when others treated him, he took the initiative to pay for it. This cannot but be said that although Yu Chisheng had no money, he valued it. The friendship of friends despises the value of money.

This noble and self-respecting friendship is the most difficult thing for a man to obtain...

Murong Lian sympathized and pitied the young man named Yu Chisheng because he had the nobility of pure ice and the self-esteem of curling ruler... In this sympathetic and pitiful soul, she gained fresh, sweet excitement and ecstasy. A feeling and enjoyment that is different from other things.

She suddenly came to her senses - and soon willingly forgave Yu Chisheng for his reckless ignorance and reckless spending of money...

In her opinion, ignorance and recklessness are cute, spending money carelessly can be corrected, and high self-esteem is amazing.

In this state of mind, Murong Lian found that she and Yu Chi Sheng were getting closer and closer in spirit.

In particular, another incident they encountered made Murong Lian and Yu Chi Sheng even more connected and hit it off, prompting the relationship between them to heat up rapidly.

One day, Murong Lian, her husband Cao Pu, and Yu Chi Sheng went for a walk in a nearby park.From a distance, I saw a stray cat squatting pitifully in the grass in front of me.

As they approached, the cat suddenly stood up and limped away...

"Oh my god, this cat may be injured. Look at its legs..." Murong Lian pointed at the cat's legs and screamed.

The three of them looked in the direction of her finger, and sure enough they saw a scar on the cat's left foot, as if it had been scratched by a sharp blade, and it seemed to be bleeding...

This tragic scene only made Cao Pu laugh, but Murong Lian accidentally saw Yu Chisheng's sword-like eyebrows tightening in sympathy.

"Maybe its owner deliberately abandoned it here after seeing it injured. This cat is really pitiful! I picked it up and sent it to the animal hospital for treatment..."

As Yu Chisheng spoke, he took off his clothes, wrapped up the cat, and quickly sent it away...

Compared with her husband Cao Pu's indifferent and ferocious smile, Yuchi Sheng's move was obviously benevolent and kind-suddenly winning Murong Lian's favor a thousand times more.

She discovered more and more that only in Yu Chisheng could there be upright nobility, affectionate love and gentle kindness.These noble virtues gave her a heartfelt admiration for Yu Chisheng, but she had never had such admiration for her husband Cao Pu.

In Murong Lian's eyes, her husband Cao Pu has achieved great success in his career with the support and help of her parents. Although he is not annoying, she does not love him from the bottom of her heart.

Normally, she would not have expected to be more intimate and caressed with him.But only when Cao Pu talked to her about the future of her son Cao Jing, did she feel that she loved her husband and wanted to be close to her husband - he wanted his son to grow up to be a judge under their training...

All in all, before Murong Lian met Yu Chisheng, compared with many other ugly or handsome, rich or poor men she came into contact with, Cao Pu was the most pleasing to the eye, the most loyal, and the She can appreciate it.


Sometimes, Murong Lian only thinks about how poor Yu Chisheng is while working in her house. He is nearly 30 years old and is still living alone——

He can't afford a house worth tens of thousands of yuan per square meter, nor can he afford a luxury car worth tens of thousands of yuan per square meter. He can't marry a wife without the gift. He can't even afford or is reluctant to buy clothes worth several thousand yuan. …

Thinking of this, Murong Lian couldn't help but shed tears of sympathy.

One day, Yu Chisheng drove Cao Pu out.

Murong Lian sat alone on the swing bench in the garden and cried like pear blossoms with rain - strings of tears flowed from her sad eyes and silently flowed down her beautiful cheeks.

When she wiped away her tears, Yuchi Sheng sent Cao Pu away and came back alone, where he bumped into Murong Lian crying sadly.

"Ah... landlady, what's wrong with you?" Yu Chisheng asked hurriedly.

"It's okay! It's okay! It's really okay!" Murong Lian replied in a panic while gently wiping her tears with a tissue, "Let's go out and take a walk in the park outside."

She stood up lightly, took one of his arms very naturally, and clung to his chest - this overly intimate action made Yu Chisheng panic.

When the walk was about to end and she returned home, Yu Chisheng noticed that her pace had slowed down and her face was as red as a cloud of red clouds.

"You should have heard others talk about it..." Murong Lian said, but she did not dare to look directly at Yu Chisheng, and added: "After my parents passed away, I inherited a large amount of their inheritance..."

"Yeah, I've heard of it." Yu Chisheng nodded.

"My son has made such amazing and rapid progress, and this is all due to your efforts and efforts. To express my gratitude again, I would like to send you 5 yuan privately for your daily expenses. But..."

Murong Lian was almost too excited to speak anymore, her voice became trembling, and her face turned redder.

"But...what?" Yu Chisheng asked.

"However, don't tell my husband that I took the initiative to give you 5 yuan. It would be bad for him to know." She lowered her head and whispered.

"Lady Boss, I can't ask for your money anymore... I know that although my status is humble, it is not humble."

I hope you like my new book——

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