Chapter 7 A chance encounter
Early the next morning, Zhao Ji drove to the B&B where Li Heng lived.

Zhao Ji made excuses to himself and said that he wanted to see Li Heng.In fact, in my heart, I always wanted to see Li Shi and see what she was doing.

Will she be as weird as she was in the past two days?

Zhao Ji originally wanted to call Li Heng to notify him that he was coming.But then I thought about it, I might as well go see them suddenly, so I gave up the idea of ​​calling in advance.

After parking the car, I pushed open the door of the small courtyard. When I walked in, I happened to meet Li Heng and Li Shi, both of whom were sitting in the small courtyard and basking in the sun.

"Hey! - Why don't you go out to play today?"

"I'm a little tired. It's good to just sit in this small courtyard!"

When Li Heng saw Zhao Ji coming in, he rushed to greet him and asked him to sit down.

The landlady brought a cup of tea.

Zhao Ji sat down and saw that Li Shi was different from yesterday. He was completely different.

Li Shi looks like an ordinary girl, extremely ordinary, almost the same as a simple and honest country girl.

She had her hair combed behind her ears and was wearing an old, outdated dress.

Sitting motionless on a small chair against the west wall, she was knitting a sweater honestly and quietly, as if she had never done any other work except knitting sweaters in her life.

She said almost nothing to Zhao Ji, and calmly looked at her work from time to time.

Her heart was still, but the expression on her face was so calm.

How strange!
Looking at her slightly yellow, dull face, and thinking of all the thoughts he had yesterday, Zhao Ji felt a pity for him for some reason.
Zhao Ji didn't know what the reason was that caused Li Shi to change rapidly and make today different from yesterday.

No matter how hard he tried to look at her carefully, Zhao Ji could no longer see the slightest trace of coquettishness or any pretentiousness in her like yesterday.

This time Zhao Ji could not blame her for any naughty or unnatural words.

"Aha!" Seeing that Zhao Ji was a little surprised, Li Heng said lightly, "She is regretting it! She was so naughty the past few days, making you depressed and unhappy."

"It's okay, it's really okay!"

Zhao Ji didn't know what to say.

Li Heng asked Zhao Ji to visit the town, leaving Li Shi alone in the B&B.

The two didn't come back until night.Seeing Li Shi yawning several times without any pretense, she went back to her room very early.

Zhao Ji said goodbye to Li Heng and thought about nothing after returning to his residence.

This day passed by Zhao Ji in a calm mood.

However, when Zhao Ji lay down to sleep, he couldn't help but whisper to himself.

"What a chameleon this girl is!" After thinking for a while, he added: "Li Shi is definitely not Li Heng's sister."

In the next two days, Zhao Ji visited Li Heng and the others almost every day.

Li Shi seemed to be avoiding Zhao Ji.Just like the playful actions that surprised Zhao Ji in the first two days when they met, she did not dare to do them again.

She seemed secretly troubled or embarrassed.

She also smiled less.

Zhao Ji was observing her with curiosity.

However, it can be seen from various aspects that she may have grown up in the countryside, and the education she received was the same old-fashioned rural education.

For example, things like wearing sweaters and packing shoe soles are exactly what rural girls like to do, but girls in the city never do this.

Although Li Shi did not grow up in the city, every move in her bones revealed an aura and element of instability.

She is like a wild sapling that has recently been grafted and is ready to flourish, or like a jar of wine that is fermenting and is turning into a pure tasting wine.

Being naturally shy and timid, she resented her shyness.Because of her distress, she forced herself to be bold and bold, but she was not always able to do so.

Zhao Ji asked her several times about her past experiences.

She was not willing to answer Zhao Ji's detailed questions, or she avoided talking about it and talked about other things.

However, Zhao Ji heard from Li Heng that she had lived in the countryside for a long time.

Once, Zhao Ji met her reading a book alone.

She was sitting on the small chair with a book in her hand, her head propped up on her hands, her fingers deeply embedded in her hair, and her eyes greedily looking at the lines.

"That's great!" Zhao Ji said, walking in front of her, "You love reading so much!"

She raised her head slightly, smiled at the corner of her mouth, as if she was sneering, and looked at Zhao Ji arrogantly and sternly.

"In your eyes, do I just laugh and play?" She whispered and wanted to walk away...

Zhao Ji glanced at the book - it was a long novel about love.

"However, I can't praise you. The book you chose is not very good!" Zhao Ji said jokingly, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"Then what should I read!" She suddenly raised her voice and said, then threw the book on the table, seeming a little angry, and added: "You say this to me, I might as well go out to play." After that, Run to the garden.

That evening, Zhao Ji read several essays aloud.

At first, Li Shi just kept walking back and forth beside them, but then he suddenly stopped, paid attention to his voice, quietly sat down next to Zhao Ji, and listened to his reading.

Two days later, when Zhao Ji hadn't really woken up, Li Shi suddenly looked like she had just known them for two days, and Zhao Ji didn't understand her at all.

In short, Zhao Ji felt that she was almost an incomprehensible monster.

Compared with Li Shi, his brother Li Heng has a very different temperament.

In the past few days, Li Heng has been wearing ordinary clothes and simple attire, but he always exudes a distinctive aura of a wealthy family.

Li Heng and Li Shi seemed to be two different people, and they didn't grow up together at all.

Li Shi's self-esteem was extremely strong. Even when Zhao Ji was angry with her, Li Shi still looked unconvinced.

However, there is one thing that Zhao Ji is increasingly convinced of: Li Shi is not Li Heng's sister.

Li Heng didn't treat her like his brother treated his sister.

He was overly doting on her, overly accommodating, and at the same time seemed a little unnatural.

An accidental encounter clearly confirmed Zhao Ji's bold guess.

Zhao Ji went to visit Li Heng at the B&B without calling in advance.

Of course Li Heng didn't know Zhao Ji was coming.

Zhao Ji walked into the small courtyard and asked the proprietress, where is Li Heng?

The landlady nodded toward the roof, meaning they were on top.

Zhao Ji climbed up the stairs. When he was halfway up, he suddenly heard the sweet voice of Li Shi. She was crying and talking to Li Heng.

The content of the conversation surprised Zhao Ji.


"Do you like Zhao Ji?"

"I..." Li Shi stopped talking.

"I can see that you are in love with him."

"No, I don't love anyone except you, no one. No, no, I only want to love you - love you forever."

"Okay! Ashi, you have to calm down and don't pretend to be yourself. Do you know? You have changed a lot since you met him." Li Heng said, "But I believe you."


Their voices came down from the rooftop platform, and Zhao Ji could hear them clearly.

However, they did not realize that Zhao Ji was eavesdropping below.

Zhao Ji went up a few more stairs and secretly took a look at it.

"I love you, I only love you." Li Shi murmured and repeated, hugging Li Heng's neck, crying with convulsions, and began to kiss his neck with her lips, burying her head in his On the broad chest.

"Okay, okay, Ashi, stop doing this!" Li Heng repeated over and over again.While gently stroking her hair with one hand.

"I'm your biological brother! You can't be like this, understand, this will harm us for the rest of our lives."

Li Heng suddenly pushed Li Shi away rationally.


Zhao Ji stayed motionless for a while... Suddenly his heart was shaken.

"What should we do now? Go to them? No... never! What an embarrassing scene it would be if we appeared in front of them now..."

Such thoughts flashed through Zhao Ji's mind quickly.

"Run away, the sooner the better! Otherwise, they will be discovered."

So, I quickly went downstairs, ran to his car, hurriedly opened the door, got in and drove the car, and quickly ran back to the inn where he was staying.

Back in the room, Zhao Ji rubbed his hands back and forth.

Encountering such an unexpected conversation scene by chance fully confirmed that his sixth sense was not just a random guess. He never doubted for a moment that his guess would be wrong.

However, the fact that he didn't want to happen actually happened.This blow made him feel very painful.

That feeling was like a fire that was just about to burn, but was extinguished by others with water.

 I hope you enjoy my new book.

(End of this chapter)

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