Wei Chisheng saw her expression changing endlessly... He didn't know what she was thinking - he immediately felt disgusted and disgusted with the beautiful woman in front of him. He just coldly and perfunctoryly said a few false and polite words and then left without mercy. He turned around and left without saying a word about her affectionate words that he would be away for seven days without seeing her.

Murong Lian stared blankly at Yu Chisheng's retreating generous figure. She was in great pain and dejected.

At this time, Cao Jing had already gone on winter vacation, and Yuchi Sheng had to help him study every day. Now seeing that Yuchi Sheng was going away for seven days, he happily ran over to tell her: "Mom, Teacher Yuchi is gone, and I can have a vacation."

Hearing these words, Murong Lian felt as if she had fallen into a bottomless abyss——

What she never expected was that the thoughts and ideas of protecting her chastity and integrity that she came up with after a sleepless night would actually bring her the misfortune of this man leaving ruthlessly, and she would even have to suffer the heartbreak of losing him. The painful result...unconsciously sadness comes from the heart.


When having dinner, Cao Pu did not socialize and ate at home.At the dinner table, Cao Pu and Kan Ying were talking about Yu Chisheng's request for leave, which made her even more painful.

When Cao Pu thought of Yu Chisheng's unquestionable tone when he asked him for leave, he couldn't bear it——

Of course, this kind of discomfort was not excessive pain for Cao Pu, a big businessman who had seen the world and experienced many storms. It was just like a sharp needle accidentally piercing his finger, making him slightly agitated. The feeling of pain...

So, Cao Pu asked Murong Lian and Kan Ying, but also seemed to be asking himself.

"How come this guy is so domineering and domineering now? He was not like this before - he used to be polite and respectful in front of me. What is going on? Where did he come from? The confidence?"

"..." Murong Lian and Kan Ying looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

But Murong Lian knew in her heart that this situation occurred because she revealed her trump card to Yu Chisheng, which made him behave like this.

However, Murong Lian did not dare to say this to her husband. If she did, she would definitely be reprimanded by her husband... He would scold her for eating things inside and outside... and even suspect her of committing adultery with Yuchi Sheng.

When Murong Lian was eating and thinking, she heard her husband say again:
"Maybe Cheng Gong really called him and hired him as an image spokesperson... However, I have increased his monthly salary to 2000 yuan. Even Cheng Gong has some considerations about this amount. of."

"Cheng Gong wants to poach someone, he's too unreasonable!" Kan Ying took a small shrimp into her mouth and muttered this sentence.

"Isn't it! Maybe someone gave him a higher salary and gave him seven days to consider the matter. So he came here early this morning to ask for leave. He said he was going to visit his classmates, and he spoke loudly. It's terrible, I think he was avoiding me and escaped temporarily..." Cao Pu said angrily.

"Husband, don't worry, he will be back soon." Murong Lian said comfortingly.

"He will come back? How do you know?... You found this person, but he is so unreliable - I have spent so much energy on this rude and rude guy who has changed his mind."

Cao Pu had nowhere to vent the anger that was pent up in his heart. Seeing his wife say this nonsense words of comfort, he actually said it to Murong Lian in a reproachful tone.

"Well, my husband...he doesn't understand at all how deeply he hurt Yu Chisheng!"

Murong Lian screamed in her heart, and she thought to herself:
"Since even he is aware that Yu Chisheng is going to resign and leave here... then what else do I hope and ask for from this man Yu Chisheng?" "Hey... why is my fate so bitter? No one loves me, only me. I love someone else, but when I have a little love for him, he leaves... Everything is washed away like the water of the Yangtze River and cannot be restored."

"As my husband said, he is an unreliable man..."


She had a lot of thoughts, and her heart was so confused that it was useless. She sighed longly in her heart... She excused herself from the severe headache and went back to the bedroom to rest.In this way, she could at least be alone and cry as she pleased without being bothered by Kan Ying.

"Xiaoying, look at it, women have so many problems." Cao Pu repeated the same old tune and said jokingly to Kan Ying, "Your women's body resistance is far worse than that of men. Either there is something wrong here, or something is wrong." Something went wrong there.”

When Murong Lian was suffering from the pain of losing Yu Chisheng, Yu Chisheng happily took the train to H City.

Yu Chisheng got off the car and was not in a hurry to go to Sun Zhuan's place. Instead, he went to a park next to the station for a walk. He wanted to enjoy being alone.

He walked around the park and saw the most beautiful scenery possible - the lawn was as green as fine yarn... verdant; the lake was like a mirror, reflecting the surrounding trees and sky.

"No one can hurt me here. At least I can be free. I can do whatever I want...I don't have to deal with anyone."

His eyes sparkled with tears of happiness, and he wanted to record his feelings at this time.

He turned on his mobile phone and started taking photos or photography... The surrounding scenery flashed before his eyes - only his free mind was left in the world.

Finally, he looked at the sun that had sunk behind the mountains, and the afterglow in the distance disappeared one after another... He finally realized that it was getting dark.

His heart has never been so free as it is now... He feels that his dream is flying, soaring in the sky like an eagle; his freedom is flying, spreading his wings and dancing gracefully, just like a phoenix reborn from the ashes. That way; his soul is also flying, making his soul, which was pure at first and then dirty, soar in the boundless sky.

A person's free and happy time is always short and urgent... He didn't feel how long it took, and the darkness covered the entire park, and the colorful street lights began to light up... He had to leave to find Sun Zhuan.

Sun Zhuan was his best classmate at the Normal College - when they were studying, they lived in the same dormitory and slept on bunk beds. They had similar personalities and interests, and they became close friends who talked about everything.After graduating from college, Sun Zhuan taught in a private school, and later resigned to start an off-campus training institution, becoming the founder himself.

Before going, Yu Chisheng did not contact Sun Zhuan in advance. He wanted to give Sun Zhuan a surprise.

When he took the subway from the station and walked for ten minutes, he came to the second floor of the training school and knocked on the door of Sun Zhuan's office.

Fortunately, Sun Zhuan hadn't gotten off work yet... He opened the door and looked surprised when he saw it was Yu Chisheng.

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