When Yuchi Sheng was leisurely and leisurely returning from H City on the train, he discovered with a roughness and care that during the seven days he was away, he did not miss Murong Lian that much.

He couldn't help but mutter to himself——

"Hmph! This shows that my feelings for Murong Lian are not as deep as I thought. On the day of departure, this rich woman hinted to me with her face that I was a poor person with a humble status, so I should not treat her This rich woman has some evil ideas."

"I saw her expression that was neither yin nor yang, and it was clear that she was expressing one meaning. She regretted letting me hold her hand and put my arm around her shoulders. However, her hand is so beautiful. , so fair, her slender shoulders are so comfortable, and so soft, I just can’t put it down and can’t help myself.”

Although he did not gain materially this time, he did gain ideologically - after he had a discussion with Sun Zhuan about running a school to get rich, Yuchi Sheng's mind became easier to reason, as long as it was By seizing market opportunities, one can turn from poor to rich - he will no longer fall into the inferiority complex caused by poverty all the time.

In the past, this kind of inferiority made him unable to think normally and made him cautious, timid, and weak... But now, he felt that he could fly high in the sky like an eagle to overlook poverty, and even It overlooks what he calls the wealthy poor.

This change of thought made his heart feel relaxed and he no longer felt heavy.Even he himself was surprised to find that his thinking was completely different from before.

During the seven days that Yu Chisheng was away, Murong Lian was bored. Time seemed to be stretched out, every second seemed extra long, and everything was a kind of suffering for her.

Finally, she fell ill - like ashes blown away by the wind, the feeling of disappearance followed her.

Cao Pu was still very busy in business, how could he care about Murong Lian?Moreover, they have been married for more than nine years and their children are eight years old. The relationship between the couple has long turned into a family relationship.Marriage was as plain as water. Cao Pu held Murong Lian's hand, just like his left hand holding his right hand. There was no feeling... This made Murong Lian even more disappointed and made her lonely heart nowhere to rest.

However, when she saw that Yuchisheng was back, her condition seemed to be more than half better, and she was ready to have a long talk with Yuchisheng that night.

Kan Ying saw it and said to Murong Lian: "Don't sit in the garden tonight and chat. The humid air at night will make your condition worse. If you want to chat, you can go to the tea room on the third floor and sit casually. Let’s talk, drink tea and chat at the same time, isn’t it good?”

Unexpectedly, Murong Lian not only did not agree, but also dressed up carefully.

Murong Lian thought this way:

"If we were sitting in the tea room and playing, the lights in the room would be bright, and Yu Chisheng would not dare to touch my hand, let alone hug me."

"But it's different under the yellow oak tree in the garden. The lights there are dim at night, so others can't see his small gestures such as touching hands and hugging. Even Kan Ying is sitting next to him."

"Now that Yu Chisheng is back, I can't be passive and sad, but I have to take the initiative..."

She thought of this, so she put on a set of extremely sexy and fashionable clothes that she had just bought online - a flesh-colored tight-fitting dress underneath and a top showing off her breasts.

From the outside, the topless dress naturally exposes the firm and round breasts, as if there is no clothes on the inside and is naked. This is so sexy that men will think about it after seeing it.

Kan Ying understood immediately - like a light bulb that turned on instantly, she understood the mystery.

"My best friend Xiaolian is so thoughtful. She wears so revealing yet so little clothes. She is really not afraid of catching a cold... Hey, it turns out she is in love with Yu Chisheng - is this appropriate?" She couldn't help but whisper in her heart. There was a murmur inside.

Kan Ying originally planned to persuade Murong Lian, but then she thought:
"If I go to persuade her, I will make her relationship with Yu Chisheng clear, which will make her feel uncomfortable in front of me - because she doesn't know that I have seen it and thinks that I don't know anything. …

"And... she may have misunderstood me and thought that I have that kind of interest in Yu Chisheng! She may even be jealous and fall out with me... Forget it, let's not try to persuade her!" "Besides... there are rich people now. Women, especially young women with some money, all want to find a lover other than their husband. This is just for fun and may not destroy the family..."

Therefore, Kan Ying did not try to persuade him, but just observed with cold eyes.

When Murong Lian saw Yu Chisheng again, she looked at him affectionately and stared into his eyes, which were full of tenderness and love. She couldn't help but become shy - looking forward to Yu Chisheng.

"Teacher Yuchi, are you planning to leave me when you go out this time?" Murong Lian asked.

"Who said that?" Yu Chisheng asked lightly.

Although he had considered the questions raised by Murong Lian, he had not yet made up his mind... Although before leaving, Sun Zhuan asked him to think again. If he decided to come after careful consideration, Sun Zhuan would always welcome him to cooperate in running a school.

"I guessed it!" Murong Lian said pretending to be relaxed.

"Well, you were half right."

Yu Chisheng neither affirmed nor denied, and gave a vague answer.Murong Lian was confused by his vague answer and completely confused.

At first, Murong Lian's shy face was so red, like the shy red leaves falling on the ground in the park.Later, it slowly turned pale, like a piece of white and yellowed paper, without any trace of blood.

She really couldn't stand Yu Chisheng's ambiguous attitude at last - she felt unable to control her emotions, as if tears would well up in her eyes at any time.

However, she had to control herself as much as possible and never shed tears casually, for fear that she would become annoying in front of him, so she had to bravely ask Yuchi Sheng again:
"Are you really going to leave me and go make a living somewhere else?"

Her expectant eyes and trembling voice resonated with Yu Chisheng... He felt the pain and intolerance in his heart, which proved his soft and compassionate heart.

"Perhaps this rich woman really loves me. She can't bear to let me leave, and I can't bear to leave her either! ... But, she is a married woman after all, so I do this, right?"

He was struggling in his heart, as if he was occupied by two completely different voices. One voice was telling him that he should do this, and the other voice was telling him that he couldn't do this.

He couldn't help but think wildly——

"No matter whether my feelings for her are right or not...however, if her tenderness towards me at this moment moved me so quickly, I would definitely be strongly condemned by my fragile self-esteem."

"If she no longer worries about whether I leave her, then as a rich person, she will reshape her arrogant and contemptuous mentality - I just want to whet her appetite so that she can't figure out my trump card. "

After a thorough analysis of their relationship, it was like seeing the moonlight through the clouds, Yu Chisheng said again:
"I will definitely be reluctant to leave you...but maybe this is the only way...but I haven't thought it through clearly and don't know what to do. I can only take it one step at a time!"

When Murong Lian heard these vague and specious words, her heart was broken - like a flooded river that could not find a proper end and could only let the free-flowing flood erode her. heart.

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