Love is like sugar and marriage is like water

Chapter 88 Suffering Divine Punishment

The rules or unspoken rules that emerged in modern civilized society without knowing when - that is, giving gifts to leaders has become a knowledge as deep and boundless as the ocean and full of unknown wonders and mysteries.

When a person asks for something from others, especially a leader, if he can give a gift to that leader, it is called skill, otherwise it is called incompetence. Not only did Yu Chisheng give away the 100 million yuan in cash, but he also made Deputy District Chief Liang Lu happy to accept it. This is called his skill.

This is entirely due to the fact that Yu Chisheng not only has a face that everyone likes, but he is also good at observing people's emotions and can say flattery that is filled with sweet powder and poison that no one likes to hear...

These skills are exactly what is needed in the workplace, in officialdom, or in any situation in society. This was greatly appreciated by Cao Pu, who has been struggling in the shopping mall and is well versed in it:

"Xiao Sheng, you are really capable...I haven't seen it yet, but you actually have this ability...You have solved the problems of District Chief Liang, our company has been audited...Don't worry...he can do it with just one sentence Let’s wipe these problems away…”

"Chairman, you are very grateful...I am always by your side. You taught me well. I deeply admire your abilities. I have learned them through my ears and eyes...I learned these skills from you..."

After Yuchi Sheng said these words modestly, he smiled self-righteously in his heart. He did not take the credit to himself, but pushed it to Cao Pu... This way, no matter who heard it, they felt comfortable, including of course Cao Pu, who had been in the mall for many years and was a cunning person.

In this way, Yuchi Sheng took root in Cao's business group... He still sent Cao Pu to work in the group as usual. It's just that Yu Chisheng can't go back to the villa after sending off as usual. Instead, he has to go to his office to work after sending off.

Yu Chisheng took over Wang Xu's position as department manager, and Cao Pu gave him an annual salary of 30 yuan. Of course, this is just the basic salary, or basic salary, and there will be dividends and commissions or bonuses at the end of the year. In this way, Yu Chisheng's annual income is about 50 yuan, which made him never expect to enter the wealthy class so quickly.

In private, when Cao Pu was not paying attention or was not at home to socialize, Yuchi Sheng still maintained this inappropriate relationship with Murong Lian.

Such self-righteous and happy days passed for a while. However, the couple's inadvertent adultery angered God, and misfortune finally befell them.

One day, Murong Lian's son Cao Jing had a high fever - she felt that his son was sick and extremely serious. So she sent her son to the best hospital for examination. Medical experts with not only rich clinical experience but also profound professional knowledge concluded that Cao Jing was diagnosed with leukemia.

This immediately plunged Murong Lian into overwhelming pain and navel-gnawing regret, and her heart felt as if it was being burned by a raging fire.

She stubbornly believed that the root cause of her son's illness was that she selfishly violated the principle of improper extramarital affairs between men and women outside of family marriage and was punished by heaven, and that she was punished for enjoying a love that she should not have. Divine punishment.

Although she had stubbornly believed for some time in the past that she was indeed guilty before God, she never imagined that in the eyes of God, her sins would be so damning that they could not be saved, and even picking melons from a vine was not enough. Avoid implicating his family innocently and put his own sins on his son.

This self-confessed mentality made her regret and grief-stricken pain more intense, and even caused her to toss and turn in bed at night and find it difficult to fall asleep, so much so that she could not even remember Yu Chisheng's various touches. Sexual interests.

She was like a frog that accidentally fell into a jar filled with fragrant milk. She fell into a sea of ​​smoke, confused and helpless, not knowing what to do. She keeps a straight face and frowns every day, just like a cold stone statue that has lost its enthusiasm; she is silent every day, just like a frozen drop of water that has stopped flowing.

She felt that if she were to open her mouth to speak, she would first have to confess to God and the world her sins that were too numerous to describe and impossible to redeem even if she died.

"My dear, you don't have to be sad, okay? It makes me very sad to see you sad. Now that the facts are like this, it's useless to be sad anymore. You will get sick if you continue like this... Medical technology is so bad now If you are developed, Cao Jing's illness will get better... You still have to take care of your health!"

When the two of them were alone together, Yuchi Sheng could only comfort him softly.

He was extremely surprised when he accidentally realized that Murong Lian was about to disclose her unbearable sins that were constantly eating away at her soul. He thought she was crazy and that she was saying stupid things because she was extremely anxious because her son was seriously ill.

When Yu Chisheng saw how painful and regretful she was, he didn't know how to share her feelings, so he could only comfort and persuade her like this:
"No, don't say it publicly... If you still love me, don't mention it to anyone. Keep your words of love deep in your heart. If you have any worries or worries, just treat me alone. Say, okay?"

"To take a step back, even if you tell us these things that are not conducive to our relationship, it will never make Cao Jing's illness get better immediately."

However, these persuasion did not have any effect, just like a little light in the dark and invisible night, no matter how kind words and words of comfort were, they could not light up the darkness in her heart.

Because Yu Chisheng couldn't figure it out at all and didn't know where the real source of her sorrow was - Murong Lian's logical thinking was as abstract and elusive as a towering lighthouse in the mist above the sea. indefinite.

Murong Lian always firmly believed in a decision that no one could question - in order to alleviate the guilt she was burdened with, she must ruthlessly leave Yu Chisheng, otherwise... she would have no choice but to watch her son being tortured and die of illness.

You must choose one of the two - this is a multiple-choice question she set herself: one is a choice between two, and the other is a no-brainer choice. In fact, it is just one kind, either Yu Chisheng or Cao Jing is chosen, and there is nothing else.

It was precisely because she didn't know which person she should choose that she felt so painful... The feeling was like ten thousand sharp knives piercing her heart, which made Murong Lian's heart twisting and unbearable.

"My dear, for the sake of God's punishment for me, please leave me. We'd better not meet each other." One day, she weighed the pros and cons, thought twice, and said to Yu Chisheng, "If you continue to stay at my house If so, my son will die soon, I can’t be such a cruel mother!”

"God has already begun to punish me." She added, "If I continue to be unrepentant, my son will never get better, and I will always live with guilt for him."

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