Seeing that she had aroused her husband's anger, Murong Lian felt that she was not far away from achieving her goal of winning her husband's trust, so she deliberately added words of jealousy again:

"Yu Chisheng, this guy, looks honest, but he is actually very thoughtful... We treat him politely and even arrange for him to work in the group. He earns such a high annual salary, but he has caused such a big problem for us. Trouble."

"You still have the nerve to say it, he... he wasn't introduced by you... Look, who are the people you introduced?"

"Well, it was me who introduced you. This is indeed true. However, if you don't think about it, if it hadn't been for him, if the company was audited this time, there might have been big problems. If not, the business would have been suspended for rectification, or even closed... …”

"Yes, he has made a little contribution..." Cao Pu said hesitantly without denying it.

"Maybe, maybe he is innocent, maybe Cheng Gong deliberately messed with him... But no matter what, after all, it was because of him that I suffered such a big insult... Husband! When I saw this video, I really Feeling sick, I made my own plan, if you don't tell him to leave, I will leave."

Murong Lian said tentatively.

She couldn't judge her husband's true inner thoughts. She could better understand Cao Pu's views and attitude by testing.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of this... If this is the case, then this matter will cause a big fuss. By then, both you and I will be notorious." Cao Pu indeed revealed his trump card and bottom line—— What he cares about most is reputation.

"I haven't thought about it. What you said is right...some people are jealous of your business ability. In this way, they will be even more jealous...This will have an impact on the company. Didn't you say that the company wants to go public? In this way, Come on, there is no hope of going public."

"Well..." This is what Cao Pu is worried about.

"How about this! Husband." Murong Lian hesitated for a moment and then said, "I'm going to persuade Yuchi Sheng to hide outside for a while. After Cheng Gong stops disturbing the situation and the limelight subsides, ask him to come back to work. You What do you think?"

"Don't do this, you are too stupid! You don't understand that boy very well..." Cao Pu looked at his wife and said calmly, "You will anger him. You know that this little driver has low self-esteem and is very sensitive."

"Why are you so sensitive?"

"Huh, maybe you don't know yet! If you tell him to go out and hide, he will think that you are firing him, and he will take revenge and talk nonsense, and even go to some media to appear in front of some media to give his own account - ruining the reputation of our group... …You just have to ignore him or keep your distance and wait and see what happens.”

"From my point of view, this Yu Chisheng is actually not smart or capable, and he is a loser... When he first came here, I thought he was very capable, but in fact he was just a loser... From the time he refused to marry Tao Ting Since then, I have no good impression of him."

"Why did he reject Tao Ting?"

"You don't know yet? I heard that Wang Hao acted as a matchmaker and proposed marriage to Yu Chisheng on Tao Ting's behalf, but Yu Chisheng rejected her. The reason for his rejection was that Tao Ting lived a disorderly life and secretly dated Cheng Gong from time to time. "

"Ah...what? This is a strange thing, I have never heard of it!" Cao Pu was surprised, and then he asked in disbelief and doubt, "Did Yuchi Sheng tell you this himself, or where did you hear it? Are you here? Tao Ting and Cheng Gong have an affair, but I am still kept in the dark."

"Alas...that was all a long time ago. That's what everyone in this villa said!" Murong Lian sighed, sneered, and guided her husband to continue, "You don't know Cheng Gong. , he chases every beautiful woman he sees... not to mention Tao Ting is quite pretty."

"You are so beautiful, so has he ever pursued you?"

Cao Pu's question was exactly what Murong Lian wanted to hear - she had buried a pit for him, and her husband was indeed fooled and jumped into it. Of course, as a beautiful woman's husband who is worried about his wife's beauty, he can't help but ask this question - Murong Lian captured this mentality. "Well... Cheng Gong is like this." Murong Lian nodded with tears in her eyes, "He is eager to let everyone in the city know about the ambiguous relationship between me and him. If that happens, his vanity will be greatly affected. Great satisfaction.”

"Cheng Gong is so presumptuous! He clearly knows that you are my wife, how dare he do this? How shameless! So...then...about what he said to How come you never mentioned it to me in the past?"

Cao Pu said to his wife angrily that his words were a bit unclear... Then he stared hard at Murong Lian's eyes with sharp and penetrating eyes, as if he wanted to discern her inner secrets from her eyes.

"Sigh... I don't want to hurt the feelings between you and Cheng Gong because of this! Although you are rivals now, you may be partners in the future - there are only permanent interests in the business world, and there are no permanent friends. with the enemy.”

Murong Lian sighed deliberately again and continued: "What's more, Cheng Gong thinks he is rich and handsome. Which beautiful woman hasn't sent those ambiguous messages to her?"

"Has he sent it to you too?" Cao Pu asked worriedly.

"Of course, he sent me many..."

"Show me your phone right away..." Cao Pu was furious and furious, stomping on the ground as if he was going to dig a deep hole into the ground.

"You broke my phone, how do you see it? Even if you didn't break it, I wouldn't let you see it."

Murong Lian answered unhurriedly and lightly... The reason for this was that she wanted to whet her husband's appetite, so that her purpose would be achieved.

So she added, "When you feel happy one day and stop scolding me, I will show it to you."

"No...I want to see it now. Ask someone to go to the street immediately and buy a new mobile phone and put your phone card in it, so that I can see..."

Although Cao Pu was roaring for a while, he had never been so happy since he received Cheng Gong's message.

"Then... you have to promise me..." Murong Lian said seriously and deliberately with a straight face, "You can't get jealous with Cheng Gong because of this information..."

"You and I have been an old couple for many years, why should I be jealous? He is already my competitor, as you know, I must make a fuss about this and defeat him..."

Cao Pu still looked angry and said, "I want to see the messages he sent you now. Go and ask someone to buy a mobile phone."

"I won't ask anyone to buy it..."

"Hmph... Then I'll call someone..." He yelled while asking someone to go to the street to buy a mobile phone.

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