Chapter 232 Chapter 232: Heroes in Troubled Times

In the past three years, Gui Shang has done a lot of things, such as developing his power, getting rid of the Tianmu Tower that once persecuted him, and creating a new church called the Red Lotus Sect. What about the Red Lotus Sect? In fact, it is a kind of church created by women to help each other and join hands to fight against the injustice of women. Among them, church marriage, there are only women in the church, no men, because this Red Lotus Sect, in fact, he still has There is another name called the Women's Cult. All members of the Red Lotus Church can receive education and receive various benefits. And then, there is one thing they don't have. There are not so many restrictions and regulations. He mostly wants women to help each other and do things that are beneficial and useful to women. In this society, or in this era, women are very harsh on women. For example, talking about husbands and raising children, and various other words, there is one that makes people sound very depressing, as if a woman can only be trapped in that small backyard, trapped in that square inch of land. Yes, but it is not necessary because there is a Red Lotus Festival. It should not be said exactly like this. Because of everyone, there is a Red Lotus. When the church has a Red Lotus, the church will develop better. An opportunity, among which most of the women in the church have a certain skill or are female workers, or other things. Some women like to be members of the Five Gangs. I help with guns just to make some things that are in the eyes of the world. In the eyes of people, things can only be done by men, but in fact, women can also do these things. There is no distinction between men and women. As long as they have the ability, they can do it. It is not a so-called thing. Men can only do what they want, and you, a woman, can do whatever you want. In fact, saying this is actually very thought-provoking. It feels like this person just doesn’t have his own ideas. Although for this society, To say that a woman is to become a religious person, or to become a certain official position, to become a certain kind of existence, to become a deviant existence in the eyes of the poet, but so what? We are just fighting for our own rights and interests. We are fighting for these things to gain our own rights and interests. We have not done anything wrong. We are only on the right path and the right direction. Everyone who moves forward is us. Everyone who stands in our way is a blocker. Those who oppose a blocker will be classified as a kind of existence like a pedal. For them, they do not mean that they are not. They said they had to do whatever they wanted. They just wanted fairness. They just wanted fairness. They couldn't understand why men could do many things but women couldn't. This made him feel very strange. Why? Well, why do men have to do this? Why can't girls do this? What's the difference between men? Why can women only stay in the backyard to look after their husbands and raise children? Why can't women go out and watch around? He thinks that this society is sick, and that society seems to be a huge pua scene. He thinks that this society is sick. For PUA women, what you can and cannot do is as if you were given a set of rules and regulations that make you do things that make them unhappy. Many people actually don't want to just stay in the backyard. Trapped in that square inch of land, I can only see the sky above, but not the more distant, more distant, open oceans, mountains, rivers, borders, and four seasons. Well, everyone actually has an ambition, an ambition, only However, being tamed by this society at a very young age and bound by various dogma and rules of society has made everyone forget what they originally thought about themselves. However, now, with the existence of his church Well, he actually said that he encourages women to do what they want to do, to do what they are willing to do. Although it is not allowed in the current society, he himself wants to do it and can make a career. Not everything will succeed. But, for themselves and their future, they will definitely make greater efforts. In this era, it has been said that because of this church and the people who have returned to business. Due to the reasons of various forces, there has been a so-called struggle for hegemony. In fact, now three years have passed, and various countries are like, well, there is no such thing as before, it seems that there is no such kind of peace. Everyone is talking about it. You want to go to war, or you want to expand your territory, or you want to grab some resources, grab some grain and oil, grab some food, etc. After all, this is what everyone doesn't want to say. Everyone has an ambition. If you want to become the strongest, there is no such thing as annexing other countries. If you want to create a new era, everyone wants to do that. Then you can only see who is stronger. In the era of hegemony, naturally the strong will win and the weak will take damage. Then that is This is what this era is like now, and then she returns to Shang, which means that she is already in the torrent of this era, and he can't get out of this place. So, if you go deep into the game, you will win the day. Going deep into the game, Shengtian Biao was injured and half-purple, and she was already in the game, Shengtian half a child. Anyway, it means that returning to Shang means becoming the strongest in the end. Anyway, she is very, very strong. After all, she has a lot of responsibilities. To be able to shoulder the responsibility of this era in the eyes of the world is to be called a heavenly figure. For Gui Shang, this is simply his work. His strength is the legendary golden finger. For ordinary things, his superpowers are very special. Well, after all, his superpower can transform into a variety of weapons. These weapons are very magical. They can even transform into various weapons from previous lives that are not suitable for this era. They are extremely lethal and powerful. He I like his superpower very much. After all, in his previous life, he relied on his superpower to kill people step by step. Step by step, he became the strongest person in the world and became the one in the infinite game. That’s what I call the top 1 player among all the players in the game. As for Gui Shang, she is very strong and puts in a lot of effort to become stronger. After all, she knows

(End of this chapter)

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