However, when he actually arrived at the door, Qian Lanlan was also shocked.

That person is really Ah Chao, the person behind Ah Chao... Qian Lanlan really doesn't want it to be Lao Shi4.

But, it really seems like it!

That man stuck out a long tongue, which was pale and white.

Also, his back was dripping with blood.

The bright white light shone on Old Fourteen's back, and the bloody surface reflected a bright red color, which looked very scary.

How much blood was shed?

According to her modern thinking, excessive blood loss would lead to death! To die is a serious matter.

No, she was so afraid that that person was Lao Shi4.

Qian Lanlan could no longer care about Sanqi, so she rushed over with all her strength.

If Ah Chao doesn't carry Lao Si4, who else will he carry?

Who else was injured other than Old Fourteen?

As Yinzhen was walking, he saw Qian Lanlan running in front of him, and thought to himself, this guy ran out after all, and still ignored him!

What a fire!

He called out: "Qian Lanlan—" his voice was cold and stern, as if his previous tolerance for her had turned into anger.

"Ah?" Qian Lanlan just turned around and said a word, then hurried away again.

Oh my God, when had Yinzhen ever experienced such neglect?

How dare this guy escape so openly? Are you so arrogant?

Yinzhen ran up quickly, grabbed Qian's rotten neck, and pulled her in front of him, staring with angry eyes, "What do you want to do? Are you so eager to run away?"

"I, no, please let me go first!" Qian Lanlan grabbed Yinzhen's thick palm around her neck. He really used a lot of strength, and Qian Lanlan's whole neck was red.

"No?" Yinzhen frowned and glanced at the open door, "It's so obvious, do you think I can't see it?"

"I'm not!" Actually it is, originally it really was.

Qian Lanlan said anxiously: "Look, that guy is about to die!"

Yinzhen looked indeed, it was dripping with blood, but he was always indifferent, even if a dead body was lying on the ground, he would be indifferent.

What's more, this guy bleeding out - means life is still flowing.

"You can't be indifferent and indifferent. You have to accumulate some virtue for your descendants!" Qian Lanlan said. She was eager to run over and see what was going on with that person.

What is this word?

"Are you talking about me being a sinister bird of prey?" Cold and biting words squeezed out from between Yinzhen's teeth. He wanted to go up and bite Qian's rotten neck in one bite.

Let her know that she can't help being sinister and bloodthirsty.

"How dare you!" Qian Lanlan shook his head fiercely, but he couldn't go crazy. If he offended this guy, he would not get any good results.

"I beg you to be merciful, you are going to break my neck!" Qian Lanlan suppressed his blush and reached out to hit Yinzhen's palm.

If he doesn't let go, Qianlanlan won't mind hitting the most vulnerable part of his manhood.

Fortunately, Yinzhen let go and successfully avoided unnecessary injuries.

However, the first thing this guy said was not what Qian Lanlan wanted to hear. He said coldly: "Go back."

"I'm going to take a look." Qian Lanlan said, and she walked straight ahead. No matter what, she had to see if that person was the stupid dog of Lao Shi4.

Yinzhen walked up and grabbed Qian Lanlan's neck again, where the red marks had not gone away. He said with a strong attitude: "No, go back."

"It's Old Fourteen!" Qian Lanlan had already seen it with sharp eyes. Yinzhen grabbed her neck. She couldn't breathe, but she still shouted in surprise.

When Yinzhen heard those three words, his displeasure quickly surged into his heart, and he was so irritated that he almost threw the money on the roof.

Qian Lanlan shouted: "Achao——"

Ah Chao heard the sound and looked towards the source of the sound. It was the woman that the Fourteenth Master had longed for.

"Let me go!" Qian Lanlan pushed Yinzhen, but the man stretched out his other hand to restrain her more tightly.

Ah Chao shouted to Yinzhen, "Master Fourteen is injured. He received many knives on his back."

"Fourth Master, please help my master."

"Save Old Fourteen quickly." Qian Lanlan said.

Yinzhen closed his eyes. After all, he was still a brother. It was unjustifiable to refuse to save him until he died. He said, "Bring him in."

Quan should be...accumulating negative virtue.

"Huh -" Qian Lanlan took a breath and said, "Thank you."

Thanks to the Great Demon King, humanity has not been lost.

Yinzhen asked: "In what capacity do you come to thank me?"

"What the hell?" Qian Lanlan frowned, not understanding what Yinzhen meant.

"Don't forget who you belong to!" Yinzhen warned Qian Lanlan sternly, "Stay away from Shi Shi."

Oh my god, great plague god, wouldn’t it be safer if I stayed away from you? Qian Lanlan whispered secretly in his heart.

"Let me go." Qian Lanlan pushed Yinzhen's hand that was holding on to her neck. The guy's hand was like an eagle's talons catching prey. Tie the knot.

With an indifferent look on his face, Yinzhen picked up the person by his feet, put him on his shoulders, and headed back the way he came.

"I will never allow you to have anything to do with Old Fourteen."

"Let me go!" Qian Lanlan shouted, kicking his feet on the solid muscles of Yinzhen's back. He wanted to hit him with both hands, but was tightly held.

From the door of the mansion to the bedroom where Qian Lanlan lived, Yinzhen said nothing and let Qian Lanlan beat him - it didn't hurt anyway.

If it really felt like anything, it would just be itchy.

Eventually the money was thrown into the room.

The closed door blocked her from contact with the outside world.


"Bang bang bang!"

Qian Lanlan banged his hands and feet on the door alternately, knocking loudly, but he still couldn't get out.

Suddenly, there was a bang from outside, and Qian Lanlan's hand that happened to knock on the door was shaken by the violent vibration of the door, causing her to step back, probably frightened by the sudden sound.

"Stop knocking!" Yinzhen's voice came through the door panel, filled with anger.

Although Qian Lanlan was frightened, he still straightened his back and shouted at the people outside: "Let me out!"

When she finished speaking, a deafening bang came from the contact surface between the soles of her feet and the door panel.

No matter it was Yinzhen outside the door, even Qian Lanlan herself was taken aback.

So much anger!

The door kept shaking, so she kicked it hard!

But no matter what happened, Yinzhen would not open the door for her. He had said that the fourteenth old man would never be allowed to take away his things, especially from such a crucial person as Qian Lanlan.

After the kick, Qian Lanlan stood there, breathing one after another, as if waiting for the judgment of the man outside.

However, she only heard the sound of the man's leaving footsteps slowly weakening.

Just left like this?

Qian Lanlan thought the guy would rush in angrily and slap her once or twice, but he didn't expect him to leave so neatly.

Just right!

This is exactly what Qian Lanlan expected. She jumped up on the window lattice like a monkey and was looking around.

There was no one, she sighed in her heart.

So she jumped off the window lattice.

The smell of blood on Old Fourteen's body was very strong, and Qian Lanlan could still smell the smell when he walked back to the corridor.

There were traces of blood drops on the ground. Qian Lanlang squatted down, reached out and twisted a bead, put it between his nose and took a deep breath.

Just the strong smell of blood, nothing else, nothing else.

That's best.

Qian Lanlan was afraid that the sword would be contaminated with poison and scratch him.

Then, she stood up and walked in the direction pointed by the blood drops on the ground.

After a while, she walked to the place where Old Fourteen was placed.

The smell of blood was very strong, like a heavy quilt being thrown into Qian's rotten nose. The pressure was so intense that her nose almost became stuffy.

At the door, maids kept running out carrying basin after basin of blood, their footsteps hurried.

With a "splash" sound, blood fell onto the vegetation beside the road.

Qian Lanlan was afraid of being recognized, so she quickly ran to the window.

Through that small gap, Qian Lanlan could see what was going on inside. Old Fourteen was lying on the bed, his head downward, his pale face, and bloodless lips, indicating that he had lost too much blood.

The breathing fluctuated very little, indicating that he was deprived of oxygen.

What's even more strange is that his limbs look very soft, slumped on the bed like straps.

Looking at his back again, it was a blurry area. It should have been sprinkled with a lot of hemostatic powder, but it didn't seem to be very effective - it seemed like blood was still coming from it.

At this time, the doctor was pulling out a white belt and trying to wrap it around the old man.

Qian Lanlan watched as the doctor held the tape and wrapped it around Old Fourteen. In the first round, the tape attached to the wound was wet and stained red, and in the second round it became wet and red again.

Okay, just like that, after many twists and turns, the blood stains on the white cloth gradually disappeared.

"Huh..." Qian Lanlan breathed out softly, but the heavy weight in his heart could not be relieved. The scene was too red, and the fourteenth man was too seriously injured.

Old Fourteen didn't know what was wrong, but he kept his eyes closed. Qian Lanlan stood by the window and didn't see the guy cry out in pain.

Does it mean that it doesn't hurt or that he is not conscious at all?

After the doctor wrapped the cloth around Old Fourteen, he raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and was about to cover Old Fourteen with the quilt.

However, at the scene before him, he almost fell to the ground and screamed.

On the surface of the snow-white gauze, little red dots were crawling all over Old Fourteen's back at a speed visible to the naked eye. From his injured shoulder to the criss-crossing knife wounds on his back, they gradually appeared among the dots of red beads.

Qian Lanlan stood by the window and couldn't help but cover his eyes.

What is this blood flow speed?

That guy is simply a volcano, a volcano spewing blood. The rapidly spreading red spots finally turned into a strip, and then the intersecting strips continued to spread, spreading to both sides. It's like a flood has broken out!

Oh my god, what can I do?

When the doctor saw it, he froze on the spot, watching the blood all over Old Fourteen's back, but he didn't know how to deal with it.

"This...this..." A trembling voice came out of the doctor's trembling lips. He was in a panic. He kept rubbing his hands, but he couldn't come up with any solution.

"Quickly stop the bleeding of Master Fourteenth!" Ah Chao shouted from the side.

"Ah..." The doctor's cloudy eyes looked at Ah Chao's angry eyes in confusion, "This..." He dropped his two clasped hands, "I can't do anything."

"How can you be helpless?" Ah Chao yelled, "Take out all the hemostatic medicine on your body."

"This is not a problem with hemostatic drugs." The doctor said, "This is a disease, a disease that keeps bleeding."

"What did you say?" Ah Chao asked angrily, his eyes darting around, trying to find a sword from around him.

Draw your sword and put it to the neck of this quack doctor to see if he still dares to talk nonsense.

But there was no sword at the moment, so Ah Chao gave up, stepped forward, grabbed the doctor's lapel, and pulled him over.

The two of them were very close, and Ah Chao's dangerous breath was right on the doctor's face. The doctor felt a chill and almost sneezed - in that case, Ah Chao might crush him to death.

"Is it this?" Ah Chao asked, pointing to the jar of medicine. The blood stains just now were still around the jar, so it was unmistakable.

"Yes, yes..." the doctor replied quickly.

The doctor said again: "But it's really useless!" Even if he dropped it all.

"Hmph -" Ah Chao pushed the doctor to the ground fiercely, grabbed the jar and ran up to him, pulled out the scissors on the side of the table and cut off the red belt on the fourteenth man.

There was no clicking sound, and it was difficult to cut the blood-soaked strips of cloth. It took Ah Chao a while to remove all the bandages on Old Fourteen's body.

He threw the blood-red scissors aside.

Qian Lanlan looked at it and saw that the back of the old fourteen was blood red, which had completely submerged the powder that had been sprinkled before.

From this point of view, if Ah Chao spreads his knowledge again, it will be of no use and will only be covered up again by blood.

Ah Chao trembled and poured down all the powder in his hand.

The bloody back was quickly covered and looked good. Ah Chao let out a heavy breath.

The doctor's expression was as calm as ever. He understood very well that this was just a flash in the pan.

Yes, Qian Lanlan saw it, and the blood was quickly swallowing up the fourteenth man's back.

"How could this happen?" Ah Chao yelled in shock, holding a new bandage in his hand, trying to wrap it around Lao Shi4 again.

How could this be?

Of course it’s because I’m sick! The doctor said in his heart.

"Sir, you should believe it now, right?" the doctor said, "I did not lie."

Ah Chao's stern eyes pierced the wrinkles on the doctor's face, and he said resolutely: "No, there must be something wrong with your medicine!"

"Impossible!" the doctor shouted in denial. He felt that he had received great slander and almost jumped up.

"I come from a medical family, please don't ruin my reputation."

"What a bullshit family!"


Ah Chao cursed loudly, and knives shot out from his eyes one after another, and each one was slashing at the doctor's body. He wished he could cut this "quack doctor" into pieces with a thousand knives!

"Brother Guard, Mr. Fourteen is suffering from a disease that prevents blood coagulation. Even if you search for famous doctors all over the world, you can't cure it." The doctor said very sincerely. He sighed, which was considered to be mourning the passing of Mr. Fourteen. life.

Ah Chao became furious, pointed at the doctor’s nose and cursed: “Impossible!”

Under Ah Chao's intimidating momentum, the doctor stepped back step by step, as if facing a demon.

Ah Chao's temper was developed from Old Fourteen. When he got angry, he went up and kicked the doctor's old bones to the ground.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..." The doctor held his belly and howled like a poor old dog on the ground.

The maid in the house saw this and ran out quickly to avoid following in the footsteps of the old dog.

When Qian Lanlan saw that there were fewer people in the house and only Achao, Lao Shisi, and the doctor were left, he felt that this was a great opportunity.

She moved like a cat and darted in through the window.

There was a clang, and the window she had opened came crashing down. Ah Chao heard the sound and quickly knocked down the doctor's kick and looked towards the shaking window.

"It's you!"

"Yes, it's me." Qian Lanlan responded to Ah Chao. Then, she walked towards the door and closed the door with a creak.

"Shhh-" Qian Lanlan raised his finger and shushed Ah Chao.

On the ground, the guy who had broken all his bones was holding his stomach and howling. Hearing the sound of the door closing, he stood up in shock.

He was actually afraid that this cruel guy, Ah Chao, would beat the dog behind closed doors. Stand up and he would be able to run away easily! Although, someone closed the door.

"What are you doing!" Ah Chao asked irritably. He couldn't find a place to breathe now. Qian Rui closed the door. He felt like he was going to get angry.

"Ah Chao, this guy probably didn't lie to you." Qian Lanlan told Ah Chao calmly.

The doctor was relieved to finally have someone to speak for him.

"What are you talking about?" Ah Chao's eyes widened, "The Fourteenth Master is lying there bleeding profusely, and you are still speaking for this guy?"

"Thankfully, Master Fourteen is completely satisfied with you!"

"Are you worthy?"

Ah Chao questioned Qian Lanlan. If he hadn't seen that she was a woman, he would have wanted to push her to the floor and punch her several times to relieve her anger.

Is she the one who is completely satisfied?

Oh my gosh, Qian Lanlan was so touched after hearing this!

However, now is not the time to dwell on this, Qianlanlan thought. Stopping the bleeding on Old Fourteen's back is now the top priority.

"Achao, listen to me..."

"I won't listen to you, get out of here!" Ah Chao said angrily, "I'll go find a famous doctor for Master Fourteenth."

"How long do you think Old Fourteen can last?"

"Do you know this city?"

"Do you know where the doctor is?"

"Is it your horse that runs faster, or Fourteenth's blood that flows faster?"

Ah Chao could answer all these questions, but he was speechless, as if he had been beaten down by Qian Lanlan's training.

"Besides, this is not a problem that the doctor can solve." Qian Lanlan said, and she walked straight towards Lao Si4.

This sentence makes sense. Indeed, there is nothing the doctor can do about this kind of disease. The old doctor standing aside nodded.

"What do you want to do?" Ah Chao couldn't help but ask.

"I'll do it." Qian Lanlan said, "There is only one way now."

Is there any way?

The old doctor said: "Girl, please don't say it's a joke. Even a famous doctor like me who comes from a medical family is helpless. You..." He narrowed his eyes and looked at the rotten money.

Said: "A yellow-haired girl..."

He pointed at Qian's rotten and pink cheeks with his hand and said, "Speak arrogantly!"

"Hmph -" Qian Lanlan snorted coldly, and she said to Ah Chao: "A Chao, if you want to save your Fourteenth Master, then follow my command."

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