The money was hanging on the tree. Yinreng smiled and waved and walked away with the two guards.

On the ground, there are three stories high from Qianlanlan.

This distance was enough for Qian Lanlan to give up breaking branches to escape.

She didn't dare to move at all. The branches above were very thin, and the wind was enough to scare her. Not to mention swaying slightly.

However, if you don't run, it will be difficult to escape the coming of death - what if the wind blows stronger?

Think about it, while swaying, there was a sudden crunch and it hit the ground nine meters away...

Ah~ her whole body was broken like this.

How to get there safely is the question.

Qian Lanlan looked around, trying to find a support point, a place where she could rest her feet.

She was hanging in the air and looking around, there were leaves and branches, one green and one yellow.

Occasionally, there will be one or two hemp ropes tied to the branches. These are probably traps left by hunters to catch animals.

However, when she took a closer look, she could see one or two knots in the gaps between the leaves of those big trees with lush foliage - knots where hemp ropes were wrapped around each other.

Then, those extra ropes hang like vines. As long as you are not paying attention, you will mistake them for vines on the tree.

With such dense hemp ropes, Qian Lanlan couldn't help but wonder how many traps were buried on the ground.

She looked down and saw a thick layer of withered yellow leaves covering the ground, making it impossible to tell what was going on underneath.

Perhaps, there are many holes dug under the leaves, as well as many traps and many iron nails.

Think about it this way, this forest is not simple.

No wonder, there are no wild beasts around - maybe it's the beast's intuition and experience.

However, she had no choice but to keep losing money.

Even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire below, she still has to go down. Who knew that Yinreng would hang her on this tree?

Her eyes were aimed at a thinner branch nearby, and she yelled: "Yeah--"

She wanted to use all her strength to rush over and sit on the branch of the tree with her legs crossed.

It was very risky to do this. If you were not careful, the branch hanging her would be torn off, and then, like a missile, she would plunge straight into the ground.

However, other than that, she couldn't think of any better way, so she had to try her best.

She used all her strength to make the rope swing as much as possible.

The small tree just stood upright. Qian Lanlan looked at it and saw that the distance was getting closer and closer.

"Yeah -" she shouted with all her strength.

We're getting closer, we're about to reach our destination.

Accidents always give you a stumbling block when you are about to succeed.

Qian Lanlan stretched out his long legs and was about to sit on him.

Suddenly, there was a "click" sound.

No... this is... the sound of branches breaking, a bit like the sound of French fries breaking.

Qianlanlan's expression turned pale, and she was about to rush forward when a branch dragged her behind her. She slowly moved away from her target, and then quickly rushed towards the ground.

Isn't it? Qian Lanlan wailed in his heart. She saw the ground rushing toward her... What should she do?

Reduce the damage...

She curled up, trying to minimize the contact between her vitals and the ground.

Reluctantly, she curled herself into a ball.

The injury was about to come, Qian Lanlan screamed loudly: "Ahhhhh..."

"Bang -" She hit the ground hard, and the bruises from Yin Reng's previous roll rolled around on the ground. She almost laughed out loud because of the sore feeling.

The feeling of falling to the ground was not as terrifying as she thought, at least it didn't feel like it was cracked.

The ground is extremely soft, and the dead branches and fallen leaves are at least three meters high, right?

She fell down and felt she landed on a soft cotton quilt.

It's so silky smooth when rolled over.

Fortunately, there was a branch dragged behind her, and she didn't roll far forward before she slowly stopped.

"Well~" Qian Lanlan said softly, "It's really dangerous."

She sat up. The wrist was red and swollen, and the rope was slightly loose.

Qian Shanlan twitched her hands and pulled hard, trying to get more space so that she could take her hands out of the rope.

However, the rope was a tight knot, and the money was so rotten that it bleeded from the wrist, and the blood stained the rope red, but there was still not much of a gap to come out.

no solution anymore? Do you have to drag that branch away?

oh. not good.

If you have bad money, you don’t want to be a burden.

However, there are no tools at the moment, knives, swords, anything sharp.

She sighed: "It's harmful..."

Then, she stood up helplessly and dragged the branch forward.

This hurt too much. Qian Lanlan hissed, staring at her bleeding wrist.

She said: "Forget it..."

Then, she pulled the rope and pulled the branch behind her, grabbing it with her two paws.

With a snap, the branches hit the ground.

Then, a "crackling" sound came from the front.

"What's going on?" Qian Lanlan asked in surprise. Now, even the branches in her hands were shaking, as if she had been electrocuted.

"Afraid, bang bang..."

What is this sound?

Qian Lanlan stretched out his head suspiciously and looked towards the end of the branch. The large leaves jumped up - including the green leaves on the branches and the dead leaves on the ground.

When she looked carefully, there seemed to be some shiny metal on the ground.

Strange, there are shiny metals in a place like this? Qian Lanlan couldn't help but wonder about the origin of the metal on the ground.

Moreover, the metal also makes a snapping sound, so it should not be a simple piece of iron.

Is it some kind of mousetrap?

Is it a trap set by a hunter? she thought suspiciously.

If this was the case, she couldn't move forward in a daze.

Thinking of this, Qian Lanlan grabbed the branch in his hand and swept it towards the ground in front of him like a broom.

At this time, as she waved the "broom", the "cracking" sound became louder, like setting off firecrackers.

When she stopped sweeping the floor, she looked at the branches in front of her and saw many clamps hanging on the thin branches, all of which were used to trap animals.

The ground she swept was even more "silver" and covered with closed clips.

She understood that there was a trap ahead.

However, will hunters use such a brand-new clip?

It stands to reason that most of the hunting tools used in such barren mountains and wilderness should be rusty.

Such a brand-new tool... Could it be that these traps were not set by hunters for hunting?

Who could that be?

Qian Lanlan walked cautiously towards the path she had swept away.

She squatted down and held a closed clip in her hand. It was made of cold and solid black iron, which was very heavy. This was not a material that ordinary people could afford.

Besides dignitaries, who else, who else! ! !

So, these things are...Yin-Reng! He set it up!

why? Qian Lanlan looked at the sharp clip in his hand and fell into deep thought... Could it be to kill her?

is this necessary?

Can't we just ask the two guards to take action directly? It took so much effort, but she wasn't hurt.

Moreover, it was arranged so far away from where she hung it. Qian Lanlan turned around and looked at the original location of the branch she had torn off. There was only a white peeling branch there.

She looked along the vertical projection of the branch... If he wanted to kill her, Yinreng should insert a big knife at that place.

In this way, if the branch breaks, she will fall straight down and be penetrated by the knife.

Hmm...will there be any other traps? Money sucks and I think about it again.

No, definitely not! Qian Lanlan shook his head firmly. Even if she hadn't stepped on it, she knew there was no trap.

Because, at that time, Yinreng and the others walked over from above and left.

Therefore, Yinreng's target is not her at all.

Who could that be?

Also, why did he hang her on the tree?

Qian Lanlan still can't figure out these problems, so there's no need to worry about it. For her, untying the restraints on her hands is the first priority.

These traps may be good news for her.

It was so new and sharp, and she was worried that she couldn't find a sharp blade that could cut the rope.

She dropped the clip from her hand.

There should be other traps and other knives ahead, that is what she is looking for.

However, she had to be careful where she stepped. She grabbed the branches on the ground and swept them towards the ground, creating a path large enough for her to pass.

However, she didn't dare to go forward yet. The trail was not meant to be a safe passage.

As long as you look carefully, you will find that there are many circular outlines on the ground.

this is……

She lifted the branch and stabbed it toward the ground.

With a bang, the circular outline that had been stabbed by money collapsed, and the dead branches and leaves on the ground fell into it.

That's a pit!

Qian Lanlan walked over, squatted on top, stretched out his head and looked down.

An iron nail lay like a round cake in the center of the pit, and a bright silver light shone on the tip of the nail, which made Qian Lulan's eyes hurt from the sting.

If this man fell, how many holes would he have to go through?

It’s unimaginable!

Looking further ahead, on the path she created, there were circular outlines one after another.

This does not include those places covered by dead branches and leaves. There are countless such traps hidden in those places.

This is a trap on the ground, but... what about the tree?

Qian Lanlan raised his head and looked at the gaps in the leaves.

There, the hemp rope hung down.

So, how many knives are involved in these hemp ropes?

Qian Lanlan looked along the direction of the hemp rope, passing through one knot after another, and finally saw the knife hidden in the leaves.

They were shining silver, and they stabbed the money rotten with their sharp points through the gaps in the branches.

This is what Qian Lanlan wants - she glanced at the bloody knot in her hand.

She had to get a knife and use it to cut the rope on her hand.

Now, what to do?

Qian Lanlan thought that it was impossible to climb up. She still had a branch to drag on!

Therefore, the best way is to trigger the mechanism to make the knife above fly down.

However, this is so dangerous!

Qian Lanlan shrank her neck, as if the knife had cut her throat.

Dangerous, bad money still wants to untie the rope from his hands.

Just take risks, she likes excitement!

After deciding, Qian Lanlan raised her head and followed the ropes with her eyes. She wanted to find where the rope finally fell - that is, to find the trigger mechanism.

The trigger mechanism is usually on the ground. However, Qian Lanlan's search was not random. She wanted to find the mechanism of the knives she was interested in, because there were more than just such a pile of knives.

It must be precise, otherwise it will easily trigger other mechanisms.

By then, she won't be able to run away even if she grows three legs.

Suddenly, money was found.

She waved the branch in her hand towards the ground, sweeping away the leaves covering the ground, and triggered all the clamps on it.

As a result, the branch became extremely heavy, with many clamps hanging on it.

Blood from Qian's rotten wrist kept seeping into the rope.

It didn't matter, she had to clean the ground as soon as possible, find the traps on the ground, and then avoid them.

So, she gritted her teeth, raised the branch in her hand, and poked it toward the ground. She poked away the circular outlines on the ground one by one, exposing each trap.

She walked carefully along the path that had been taken care of. As she walked, she cleared the clamps on the ground and opened the traps on the ground.

After a while, she cleared the path leading to the triggering mechanism and walked to the mechanism.

It was a little trap. It is estimated that the purpose is to allow people to step in, and then restrain the person's feet. When the person moves or struggles, the mechanism will be dragged, causing flying knives to shoot.

Qian Lanlan held the trap on the ground in her hand, and she turned to look at the knives hanging on the tree.

As long as she pulls lightly, those involved knives will fly towards her position like arrows.

Even if she was lying down, her body would be covered with knives. She had to admire the wisdom of ancient people.

Therefore, be careful not to move around casually.

So, how to trigger this mechanism and completely avoid the attack?

In fact, as long as she leaves her current position, it will be fine.

Because, if it had been triggered normally, the victim would have been killed where she was standing now.

In other words, the attack range of the knife is near this trap.

Therefore, as long as she can stay a certain distance away from this range, she will be unscathed!

So, now the question is, if a person leaves this place, how can he activate the mechanism?

Qian Lanlan put down the trap in her hand and looked away. She looked at the vines on a big tree nearby.

Hehe... "I can tie the trap with vines, and when I get to a safe area, wouldn't it be nice to pull the trap again?"

So smart!

Qian Lanlan couldn't help but jump up.


Qian Lanlan raised the branch and continued to clear obstacles on the ground until she reached the tree with vines hanging on it.

The tree was covered with vines. Qian Lanlan jumped and caught one. She pulled down hard to pull out the vine.

Unexpectedly, this pull brought out...

The vine she caught turned out to be attached to a hemp rope.

A piece of hemp rope leaked out. Qian Lanlan raised his head and looked up, thinking: What is going on?

She pulled hard and found that the bolt was quite tight.

"Come down!" she shouted, and gave another strong tug on her hand.

The top is still very tight, as if it has been tied with several knots.


Qian Lanlan was suspicious.

So curious! You have to see what kind of big treasure is up there!

So, Qian Lanlan jumped up with all her strength, grabbed the hemp rope, and hoisted herself up.

"I'm kicking!" she said, rushing down with her feet.

The hemp rope on her hand suddenly shook, and Qian Lanlan felt as if she had released something... The movement came from above.

Did you get into some big trouble? Qian Lanlan looked up in horror. At this time, she was still hanging in the air by the rope.

Are you okay?

The rope only shook and she didn't pull it off. It's probably nothing, Qian Lanlan comforted himself.

But when she looked up through the leaves, she saw a big knot.

What the hell is this?

The knot was a tangled mess of ropes coming from all directions.

As for what the ropes in all directions are for...

Qian Lanlan opened the branches and leaves that blocked her sight and took a look. She walked through the gaps in the leaves and traced the direction of one of the ropes.

I saw that the end of the rope stopped at another tree.

Look again, what is tied to the end of the rope?

Seeing rows of silver arrows, Qian Lanlan was so shocked that he had a myocardial infarction.

This, this, this...are these ropes used to tie concealed weapons?

Qian Lanlan looked at the ends of the other ropes. They... were all tied to shiny silver steel equipment.

Uh-huh, Qianlanlan's head suddenly glowed with golden light, as if she had grasped the ultimate switch.

This switch controls all mechanisms.

And now, she is still hanging on the rope.

Why does this rope feel so hot?

Run, Qian Lanlan screamed in her heart, and she moved her body carefully to get to the ground.

However, suddenly, there was another shock above. Qian Lanlan looked around and found that the big knot was broken up! ! !

Why do you feel like the world is about to collapse?

Qian Rolan's scalp was numb at this time.

With a whoosh, the hemp rope she was holding fell straight to the ground under her influence, and she fell to the ground with it.

"It hurts—" Qian Lanlan shouted, covering his head that hurt from the fall, "Is it possible to have a concussion?"

She looked dizzily at the world in front of her, "What's the sound?"

She seemed to hear a whooshing sound, but she couldn't tell what it was.

"Wait..." Qian Lanlan covered her temples. The world in front of her eyes began to become clearer, and then she remembered what she had just done!

She triggered the mechanism!

"Ah——" Qian Lanlan suddenly jumped up, as if his tail was caught.

what to do? Qian Lanlan was completely panicked. If she guessed correctly, the swishing sound just now...

She glanced in all directions, and the dazzling knives were already coming from all around.


"Barbie Q!"

As if a bomb had exploded, Qian threw herself to the ground, then dragged the branch over and covered her head with the leaves at the end.

Why was it that after such a big thing happened, Qian Lanlan's action was not the last of the thirty-six strategies, but instead just let nature take its course and lie down on the spot.

Could it be that he has accepted his fate?

If you know you can't run away, don't bother and just lie down and get stabbed, okay?

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