Rogue tactics?

"What gangster tactics?" Yinzhen asked.

"Hehe, you can put the knife on his neck!" Qian Lanlan narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Or, show the glory of your minister of household affairs."

Watch your wording!

Yinzhen: "Why are you so barbaric?"

Qian Lanlan chuckled: "Those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. The process is brutal and the result is what you want, right?"

Yinzhen's cold eyebrows were as cold as frost, and his tone was smooth: "I don't want to use this method, it is inconsistent with my identity."

Come on, you royal family are obviously unreasonable!

"Then there's nothing I can do." Qian Lanlan waved his hand with a tough attitude: "The jewelry here can only give you five hundred taels at most. I don't have to make a profit, but I can't do a loss-making business."

"Do you know how much you sold? How much is each piece really worth?" As he spoke, he suddenly opened his mouth, "Even if you give me this box of notes, you can't fill this hole."

"Absolutely not!" Qian Lanlan was frightened by his unreasonable tone and closed the box with a lightning-fast bang.

Yinzhen still hung his eyes on her money box, his eyes burning, as if he wanted to burn the lock open and snatch away her hard-won victory.

Staring at Yinzhen, Qian Lanlan was very unhappy. He stepped on the stool and jumped on the table, condescending like a king, and said in a cold tone: "You are not allowed to covet it!"

Under the man's gaze, she sat down like a protector and pressed the box heavily. No one could take away her original capital!

She seems to like this superior posture very much!
  Yinzhen couldn't stand the condescending look of a woman and roared:
  "Come down for me!"

"I don't!" Qian Lanlan crossed his arms, his eyes full of momentum, not afraid of the wolf below.

"Can't you be more generous?"

"Isn't it just a few pieces of jewelry?"

"Didn't you give me a gift? Why do you still have a reason to go back?"

"You didn't tell me you were borrowing it when you gave it to me. Isn't it too sudden to want to take it back now?"


This guy is simply a petty woman. How can she be so fussy about such a big deal?
  The woman in front of him was sitting high in front of him, with curses and curses coming from above, but Yinzhen still sat very calmly.

In his lofty vision, this is not a problem of a few pieces of jewelry, but a problem of brain drain.

A little trick can easily send the prince to the clan's mansion, and a bottle of aphrodisiac incense can make the eighth master follow in the footsteps of the prince.

Whether she meant it or not.

If the situation in Kyoto and the power struggle were a chess game, then she must be the most critical chess piece.

How could Yinzhen let go of such an important chess piece!
  If it is used by him, it is a sharp blade that goes straight to the imperial power; if it is used by others, it is a sharp blade that goes straight into his heart!

They are friends, they are enemies, which one is more important!

Therefore, she is a sharp blade that he is determined to win!
  After chatting for a long time, his mouth was dry, and Qian Lanlan said solemnly: "Those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. Can't you just hold on to this little profit?"

She stared at Yinzhen's face, hoping that this guy would be wise and not waste her efforts in vain.

But Yinzhen had already planned to take possession of her box of tickets, and also of her as a person.

He didn't respond to Qian Shanlan's deliberate provocation. He slowly poured a cup of tea and held it in his hand, his expression as calm as tea.

But Qian Langlan couldn't stand this guy's neglect, so he leaned down, took the tea out of his hand, and drank it in one gulp.

Then, he threw the cup.

In an instant, the two people looked at each other and their eyes reached freezing point.

Yinzhen took the lead to break the deadlock: "Am I too indulgent to you?"

Then, he stood up and knocked his chin on the top of Qian's rotten head. His words fell like ice: "Sit on top of me and throw a cup at me. How many heads can you throw off?"


Who are you scaring?
  Staring at a chin and a triangular dumpling, Qian Lanlan's heart was racing, he raised his head and pushed forward, knocking the person out.

"You bitch!"

Yinzhen was caught off guard by such a plot. He lost his balance, buckled the chair under his feet, and stepped back with all his strength.

The stool on his feet dragged his boots, and his feet swayed. As expected, he fell onto his butt without saying a word.

Looking at the people on the ground, the dignified fourth prince actually dropped his butt, and Qian's rotten smile spread from the corners of his eyes to the corners of his mouth.


Holding her stomach, she also sat down on the money box, laughing heartily from ear to ear.

"Haha, where is the hero's halo?" She was confused, why could the hero be so embarrassed!
  "Hmph, let you pretend to be cool and threaten me!"

With a stiff look on his face, Yinzhen put his hands on the ground and helped himself up.

So strong, it seems like I don’t know any embarrassment at all!
  Tears filled her eyes, and her stomach ached from laughing. She could only curl up and put her stomach in, still smiling uncontrollably.


Originally, Yinzhen was very calm, as if nothing had happened, but then, he received a round of applause.


What does she mean?
  Yinzhen's face was indescribably dark. It was no exaggeration to say that no light could escape from his dark face.

"Would you like to pat the sand on the back of your butt?" Qian Lanlan reminded kindly, seemingly caring, but in a mocking way, trying to embarrass the other person.

Yinzhen subconsciously put his hand behind his butt, and when he realized what he was doing, he paused.

The reality on his face turned slightly red, and in an instant it turned purple, as if he had been beaten by Qian Shanlan's words.

Seeing the culprit above smiling proudly, he suddenly felt smoke coming from his head, fire coming from his chest, and he was very angry!
  Two words popped out of his mouth:

"Qian Lan!" It's like the thousand-year-old ice cannot be melted.

"I'm here!" Qian Lanlan shouted loudly, just like Lao Shisan's stupid look.

After saying that, she showed her true self again, laughing so hard that she seemed to be seriously ill from laughing!
  Mess up your dog's blanket and he'll jump up!

Yinzhen never wanted to play Tai Chi with her again. Chatting slowly would only make him endure the embarrassment that was extremely insulting but not very harmful!

He stepped forward and pulled up the box where Qian Shanlan was sitting.

Qian Lanlan didn't expect that the dog would act like this when he was in a hurry, and felt disgusted.

Therefore, she didn't want to give in at all. She just sat there, like a hen protecting the eggs in its nest. There was no fear on her face, but a fierce look on her face.

"Get out of my way!" Yinzhen said, the anger in his eyes was gone and his tone was calm.

She said: "I won't!" Her tone was very stubborn!

"I'll say it again, get out of the way, or you won't regret it!" Yinzhen knocked, all he wanted to do was take away what Qian Shanlan cared about and make her submit!

"Get out of the way!" he yelled again.

When Qian Lanlan received this roar, his heart suddenly jolted. Is this person already extremely angry?
  The voice is loud and the momentum is like a rainbow!

She is not a coward, no one is afraid of anyone, Qian Lanlan yelled: "No!"

Yinzhen smiled treacherously: Very good.

Qian Lanlan smiled a little: Humph!

The two of them refused to give in, and Yinzhen felt that as long as he gave it a hard tug, Qian Rulan would fall into his trap. Let her hit her hard and frustrate her arrogant spirit!
  He kicked her nose and face again and again, which was enough to give her a lot of face!

His face tightened, he calmed down, tightened his grip on the cash box, and pulled hard...

Qian Lanlan took aim at the movements of the man's hands, and when he saw the muscles and bones on his wrists changing, he knew it was time to punish him!

With a smile on her lips and breath coming out of her nose, she picked the right moment and jumped up, and the money box under her butt flew out with the powerful force.

The moment he saw Qian Lanlan stand up, Yinzhen realized what had happened, but it was already too late!

The money box rushed straight towards his chest like an angry sword, unable to stop the car at all, and hit his chest like a violent punch.

With a groan, the cash box slapped him against the wall.

Seeing that the man was defeated, Qian Lanlan curled his lips in triumph and snorted air from his nose.

With Yinzhen still in the buffer, she jumped off the table and ran towards him.

He picked up the cash box and ran out the door.

Definitely protect her private property!

The people on the wall looked at the rabbit that ran away and were not in a hurry to catch him.

He stretched his hand to the back of his butt and lightly patted the mark left by the previous fall.

A tasteless struggle!
  He laughed inwardly.

She opened the door and when Qian Lanlan was about to escape, a shining silver sword was drawn out with a swipe, and it was so dazzling that it blinded her eyes.

Her heart trembled, she swallowed and took several steps back in fear.


Staring at the man holding the sword, Qian Lanlan shouted loudly: "Get out of my way!"

Fuchaxi didn't look at her, but looked at the man behind her. After understanding the man's meaning, he pulled out his sword, about one meter away from the threshold, and pointed at the money.

"Master Beile said, go back."

"My sister!" Qian Lanlan scolded Fuchaxi angrily, turned around and saw that the man was already sitting on the stool calmly, looking at her with an oppressive look.

"Please go back." Fuchaxi held the sword and did not attack, but his intention to intimidate was obvious.

"I'll fuck you, sir!" Those words were directed at his master.

Even when faced with a language he didn't understand, Fuchaxi still maintained his majesty, holding a sword and standing there like a sculpture.

With such a long sword, as long as it is inserted into her body, it only takes a quarter of the length to pierce her!
  Qian Lanlan knew that he couldn't get out, so he had to vent his anger no matter what.


Hearing that heartfelt roar, Fuchaxi saw the woman dressed as a man rushing toward her with murderous intent.

Yinzhen looked behind and was startled. He stood up and shouted to Fuchaxi who was still looking at him in confusion: "Fuchaxi, get out of the way!"

But, it's too late...

With anger, Qian Lanlan slammed the door, and the sword that could thrust her up like a piece of meat was stuck firmly on the door.


No response!
  Looking at the half of the silver sword on the door, Yinzhen slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

At that moment, I really thought she was going to die.

"Qian Lan!"

"Are you crazy!"

The roar behind him became angry, Qian Lanlan turned around and grinned: "Exciting!"

Yinzhen: "I'm sick!"

"You are the only one who is sick, your whole family is sick!" Qian Lanlan's knife flew out of his eyes and circled around the neck of the guy who scolded her.

"Qian Lan!" Yinzhen was furious and slapped the table, "You want to kill the nine tribes?"

"I suggest you, when you call my name, pronounce the last two words a fourth time, Qian Lanlan." Qian Lanlan walked over with the box in his arms.

She slapped the box on the table and said with an imposing manner: "When you don't like me and are unwilling to kill me, you can call me, money sucks!"

Yinzhen looked at her blankly and said nothing, and wanted to ask, why?
  She is so abrupt!
  "Do you think it's weird?" Qian Lanlan asked following the man's voice.

Yinzhen: Yes.

Seeing that he was silent, Qian Lanlan said to himself: "Because when you say the fourth tone, you will..."

She looked into the man's cold eyes and her voice paused.

"All the dissatisfaction with me is like fart, bu——"

“Very comfortable!”

she laughed.


"Vulgar!" he shouted.

Qian Lanlan glanced at him and thought: I just want to be myself.

"You are cruel!" She bounced it back like a rubber ball, "Just for those five hundred taels of jewelry, are you okay?"

Money is rotten and I really can’t understand it. Logically speaking, this guy’s family has a big business, so the money in the box in her hand should be a drop in the bucket for him, so he should be dismissive of it.

Why did you get into trouble with her?

"Is that five hundred taels of jewelry?" Yinzhen said angrily, accusing her in his heart: Pearls are used as fish eyes!

"The invoice was written in black and white!" Qian Lanlan looked even more unhappy when he saw Yinzhen. He must not be asked to blackmail her starting capital!
  He sat calmly on the stool, his eyes flashed with extreme displeasure, and said, "That's why you are stupid! You have been deceived and you still speak for the liar!"

"You are stupid, your whole family is stupid!"

I don’t know how smart I am!

As long as she can protect the money in this box, she feels that all her wisdom will explode, and then all the wealth in the world will be gathered into her bowl!
  After hearing the same words twice, Yinzhen became angry and knocked on the table to squeeze out a sentence through his teeth: "I'm tired of living!"

The back door moved. Qian Lanlan looked back and saw that the sword had been pulled out, leaving only a big hole.

Passing through the hole, the light from the sword in Fuchaxi's hand flashed and pierced Qian's rotten eyes.

That sword must be extremely sharp. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the man who was sitting upright.

After calming down, he asked:
  "What are your intentions? Is my little money really worth it to you?"

"Can't get in." Yinzhen said calmly.

Qian Lanlan puffed and said, "I knew it wasn't as important as your eye guano."

There was no change in the man's face, he must be used to her vulgarity.

Tolerance is something you have learned through practice.

So, she asked: "Why are you holding on to this money?"

Because I don't want you to go to any camp that is not mine.

"What do you think?" He raised his eyebrows and lightly opened his thin lips.

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