i can see monster rules

Chapter 69 An Chen’s childhood extra

I pretended to be as happy as he imagined, enjoying the sudden power and dominating others.

But I didn't do anything to other children at all, I was just showing off in front of Brother Fei.

Until one night, I knew my chance had come.

Brother Fei and Sister Hong have left for something. I heard that the police station in the city wants to investigate this and find out the news. They will move us away first.

I recharged my batteries and always cooperated with Brother Fei and the others.

Organize the children and follow the leader around the mountain road first.

There is their stronghold in the mountains on the other side, and several of Fei Ge's men want to take us there.

The mountain road is so difficult to walk. I looked at the endless mountains and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

If I ran away, would I really make it out here?

Can you really...run away?
But I have to run even if I can't. I can never really be with these people in my life.

There are several small houses at the stronghold. They are very small and inconspicuous, but they are enough to accommodate children like us.

I was locked in a room with two boys. He had uneasiness on his face and asked me quietly:

"Xiao Liu, do you know what's going on? Are we going to be sold? Brother Fei doesn't like you the most, why would he sell you?"

I didn't say anything, just glanced at them lightly.

He shut up in an instant and dared not speak.

When it got dark, it was extremely dark in the mountains.

Only a few leaves on the top of the tree could see the moonlight.

The few people guarding the door kept playing leaf cards out of boredom, and finally fell asleep and snored.

Both boys were asleep too, lying together with their mouths open.

I know the time has come.

And it’s my only chance!

There is no leader here, and there is no one specifically watching me!

There are no informants nearby.

Taking out the brooch, I straightened the needle.

I have practiced it hundreds of times, but I still couldn't help but tremble, and my heart seemed to jump into my throat.

"little six…?"

There was a faint shout from behind, and I turned around in surprise.

They wake up.

It’s over.

I didn't expect them to sleep so lightly, and I couldn't help but feel annoyed, but I still calmly replied:

"what happened?"

In the darkness, my hand was held by another pair of thin hands.

"Take us with you, okay?"

When I heard this, my eyes widened and the hand that was held couldn't help but tremble.


Suppressing my erratic breathing, I nodded slightly and turned around to continue picking the lock.

I moved very lightly and slowly.

Finally, there was a faint "click."

The lock was opened, and at this moment, a bird chirped from the forest, covering up the sound.

Carefully pushing open the wooden door, I stepped out gently.

Several of the guards were sleeping less than ten meters away from me, and I immediately started trotting in the opposite direction.

The two boys also hurriedly followed.

After running dozens of meters away, I started running wildly, running desperately.

I don't care what happens ahead or what it is.

I just know that I have to run, keep running.

As long as I stop, I will be beyond redemption.

"Hurry! Hurry! Some bastards have escaped!"

"Come on!"

Several loud roars sounded from behind, and the night watchman noticed.

"There's a noise over there! Run over there!"


"Damn, these bastards."

The two boys who were following closely behind me heard this and became jealous instantly. They said to me in a broken voice:

"What should we do, Xiaoliu, we've been discovered!"

"Run! Run for your life! Don't worry about anything!" I could only tell them because I didn't know what to do.

In these mountains one after another, I don’t know where I want to run or where I can run.

But I know that the farther away from there the better, the farther away the better.

The mountain road is very rough and not easy to run at all.

The people watching the night were basically local men who were much more familiar with the mountain roads than we were, and they were not far away in a short while.

And the two of them ran slower and slower because their physical strength could not support them.

"Run! Do you want to go back?! You will definitely die if you go back. Do you want to die!"

I don't want them to be caught back. Once they have escaped, there is no way back.

"I can't run anymore, I feel like I'm going to die, woohoo!"

One of the boys couldn't help crying. He was right, he really felt like he was going to die.

He didn't have much physical strength due to long-term malnutrition, and he was already trying to hold on.

"You have to run even if you can't!"

Another boy took his hand and pulled him forward.

"You little bastards! You really thought you could run away! There are mountains everywhere. If you can't run out, you will all have to go into the bear's belly!"

I didn't care what the people behind me said.

They had been waiting for this moment for many years, and they just said what they wanted in just a few words.

The mountain road started to go down, and my feet hurt.

Wearing ill-fitting shoes would only hinder my escape, so I simply gave up and ran barefoot.

I knew without looking that my feet were dripping with blood.

But after running for so long, I'm used to it.

This pain is nothing compared to freedom.

The road became narrower and narrower, and the vegetation began to grow denser.

My view was limited and I had to slow down.

Continuing to run, I found that there was no way.

There is a cliff ahead. There is a road on the cliff, but it is very steep.

As long as one of them fails to stand firm, he will fall into the abyss and be doomed.

But I didn't hesitate and walked slowly along the cliff.

When the two boys met, they were a little hesitant.But the footsteps getting closer and closer behind them forced them to follow them as a last resort.

"They climbed up. Do you want to follow them?"

"What are you talking about? How are you going to catch this? You accidentally fell to death if you went up there. Let's just say that these children will fall to death."

"Go back, go back."

In the minds of these people, the fate of the three children who escaped was no different from death.

Deep mountains, steep cliffs, no water or food.

Want to live?Totally impossible.

As they expected, the boy with the weakest physical strength lost his grip and fell off the cliff.

He didn't scream, he just closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep.

It was so tiring to live, and he didn't want to come back again.

Don't come again.

I stared into the abyss for a long time, and the boy who survived cried uncontrollably.

"Let's go, no matter what, we have to live."

No one was chasing us anymore, so we slowed down our pace and started running carefully.

When you are hungry, you pick some fruits; when you are thirsty, you find a stream to drink from.

I was sleeping in the open air, but I only had one thought in my mind.

keep going.

We still have to go, it’s not enough to get here.

The boy's heart was full of hope. When the time came and he ran out, he would go to the police and ask the police to help him find his mother.

But before the police arrived, he was dead.

He was picked up by a wild beast. An Chen didn't know what picked him up.

When I came back from searching for fruit, I could only hear his echo.

Xiaoliu, save me.

help me.

But I know very well that I can't save him.

One of the beast's footprints was bigger than my two hands.

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