i can see monster rules

Chapter 9 22 residential buildings

Chapter 9 22 Residential Buildings (9)

After all, she had already tried to take the exam for other positions but failed.

Uncle Chen said that to find a stable job in this life, it is best to work in the establishment.

She always listens to Uncle Chen's words the most.

Moreover, Uncle Chen often said that he should be a kind and upright person.

Everyone has to keep the kindness in their heart, only in this way can they be called human beings.The greater a person's ability, the heavier the responsibility on his shoulders.

Being able to see the rules of monsters is why she thinks she can become an agent.

"Okay, then I will give you an entry test. Find the point where this strange news is generated and destroy it."

Kuya said in a calm tone, and the people in Chunge almost jumped out of fright.

"Deputy, deputy director...this is..."

This is a C-level and above rule anomaly!
"I know, this also means that I value her very much."

Withered Crow waved his hand.

"no problem!"

An Chen nodded fiercely and took the big kitchen knife.

Nanny No. [-] was not so resistant to An Chen and stood beside her quietly.

Just then, the dark fog became a little brighter.

Its daybreak.

Nanny No. [-] could not maintain the appearance of an elite man and turned into a black mist again.

Chun Ge went to pick up Fei Hu's badge, her eyes were red, and she said sadly:

"That's all he has left."

The agent's badge was specially made and could not be digested by monsters, so it was left behind.

"He's a hero."

Taking the badge, Kuya pressed the small switch inside.

The badge began to make a hissing sound, and a second later, Feihu's voice came.

"Great, there's a message."

Chunge wiped her tears.

Fortunately among misfortunes, many agents did not have time to leave any last words when they died.

Just disappeared from this world.

"I am Feihu, and now... I am being chased by a rule monster. The field tearer has failed and I cannot leave the rule field. My left arm has been torn off and my right eyeball has been ruptured. The monster is an unknown creature in the shape of a flesh ball. , I am no match for it. I hope... I hope the bureau can take good care of my mother and my fiancée, and tell them that I am going on a secret mission. The return date of the mission has not yet been determined... I"

Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of fighting and the roar of monsters.

Sister Qin's eyes turned red and she sniffed.

An Chen didn't know what he was thinking.

Chun Ge covered her mouth and couldn't help crying, while Dry Crow put away her breastplate.

"The bureau promises you."

After speaking, he continued to say to several people:
"Tearing apart the rule field is very laborious, and I won't be able to use it a second time for the time being. So the rescue operation has been stopped, and there is no way to take people out in a short time. Letting them come out is not as safe as staying in the house."

Ku Ya thought for a while and calculated the next step. When he saw Sister Qin, he said to her:

"This survivor should go back to the room on the tenth floor first. Our actions are too dangerous."

"No, I am always frightened in the house. I would rather follow you. Don't worry, I won't hold you back! I will try my best to help."

Sister Qin shook her head, she didn't want to stay at home alone.

"Well, we very much welcome volunteers like you."

Chun Ge held Sister Qin's hand.

In violation of the rules, the few people who escaped were taken to the shed for inspection.

"Eight people escaped? And a baby? The crack opened by the deputy director can usually pass through a dozen people."

White was stunned.

"Something must have happened."

Long Liu had already guessed it.

Five days have passed since the rules were generated. Only these few people were rescued, and the family members were in a bit of a commotion.

Fortunately, two B-level agents have arrived and entered the rules field two days ago.

Now we have lost contact with the agents in the rules field. White has lost contact with three D-level agents and one C-level agent, which means that four of the ten agents who entered have died.

"If this rule scandal is solved, Dry Crow should be upgraded to A level."

In the rules field, new rules are generated again.

[6. Every time it gets dark after that, a floor of monsters will be released.Residents on the same floor will lose protection.The current released floor is the 1st floor. 】This is what An Chen saw when he ran to the toilet in an empty room.

The monster inside has escaped, and I don’t know which one it is.

It is very difficult for monsters to eat people at first, such as Nanny One.

Others need to enter the room without consent to achieve the conditions of cannibalism.

But after eating people, he became stronger, the rules changed, and there were no longer so many obstacles to eating people.

When he saw the new rules, An Chen immediately went to tell Ku Ya.

"It's very detrimental to us."

Ku Ya only felt that the remaining survivors might not be able to survive the rescue.

An Chen was thinking.

Why are the rules fair at first, but later favor monsters?

"Go to the first floor."

Dry Crow issued an order. No matter what, saving people was the most important thing.

An Chen was about to join us when Ku Ya said.

"You go and complete your test."

Nanny No. [-]’s eyes widened.

You let her act alone as a little girl?


An Chen's eyes lit up and he watched the others go downstairs.

Sister Qin was very worried, but she was also afraid that she would hold An Chen back.

"Be careful, Xiaochen."

"You go ahead, go ahead!"

After everyone left, Nanny No. [-] stretched out two pieces of black mist and patted An Chen on the head.

"If he asks you to act alone, then act alone!"

An Chen waved it and said nonchalantly:

"I just want to act alone and feel more comfortable."

"If you feel a little more comfortable, it's better to die a little more freely! You're so stupid."

Nanny No. [-] stretched out two more pieces of black mist to hit An Chen on the back.

"Why are you really acting like a nanny?"

An Chen's sudden words stunned Nanny No. [-].

Yes, it's not a nanny.

It is a monster, a monster that makes humans afraid! !

Feeling ashamed, Nanny No. [-] turned away and sulked.

"Could it be that the knife I struck struck you in the heart? Were you moved?"

An Chen touched his chin and brought it to Nanny No. [-]'s face.

Nanny No. [-]: "..."

you are annoying!

In the end, he climbed up with An Chen with a resentful look on his face.

The reason why Ku Ya allowed An Chen to act alone was simple.

She should have the ability to see the weaknesses of monsters.

The agents have various abilities, some have full attack power, some have full defense power, and some are like white chess, able to establish contact with everyone and sense each other's situation.

An Chen's ability can be said to be a big killer. Even if An Chen doesn't want to be an agent, Ku Ya will ask other departments to poach her away.

But it's obvious that An Chen doesn't want to be exposed now.If we act together, she will definitely be secretive.

On the contrary, it restricted her performance.

Monsters are also closely related to rules and regulations.

Maybe she'll find more clues when she faces the monster.

Monsters in this rule field will evolve, and new rules are also beneficial to monsters.

Not only did he try his best to save the survivors, but he also had to take out the still-alive agents.

We can only place our hopes on An Chen first.

Try to pass the test.

(End of this chapter)

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