Douluo: My ancestors became gods in Dou Er Gang.

Chapter 201 Zhong Liwu’s unwillingness

Chapter 201 Zhong Liwu’s unwillingness

"The poison won't kill you. If you really want to die, I will definitely leave your bones in our Shrek Academy!"

During the fierce exchange between Mr. Xuan and Du Busui, a loud shout suddenly came from his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, waves of Super Douluo auras rose up from Poseidon Island and descended around the battlefield.

"Xuanzi, it seems that not only are you inferior to Mu En in cultivation, but you are also far inferior to him in terms of personality."

Poison is not dead, looking at the figures appearing from Zhou Chao, a look of disdain immediately appeared on his face.

"So what, if you hadn't deliberately slandered my Shrek Academy ancestors, why would our Shrek City be in the situation we are in today!"

While Elder Xuan was speaking, the martial soul's true form was activated, and the hundred-foot-long Taotie Divine Bull rushed straight towards Du Bushui.

Seeing this, the corners of Du Bu Sita's mouth suddenly curved in a strange way. When the Taotie Divine Bull was less than two hundred feet away from him, Du Bu Sita suddenly transformed into a line of light and shadow and disappeared from the place!

Elder Xuan was shocked, and he quickly looked in the direction where the light and shadow were scattered, and saw the poisonous immortal appearing above the statue of Tang San.


In an instant, Shrek Academy heard a loud noise in mid-air, and the hundred-foot-high Tang San statue was immediately smashed into powder by a poisonous palm.

"Poison will not kill you, be brave!"

For a moment, veins popped up on the foreheads of Mr. Xuan and all the members of the Poseidon Pavilion, and their faces showed signs of anger.

However, when Mr. Xuan and others planned to jointly attack Du BuSai, they saw Du BuSai grinning in mid-air.

"Xuanzi, my purpose of coming here has been achieved. I will play with you next time!"

After Du Bushu finished speaking, he immediately exploded with his Ultimate Douluo cultivation, turning into a green rainbow and streaking towards the distant sky.

Obviously, as they were both Extreme Douluo, even if Elder Xuan started to chase him personally at this moment, he would not be able to catch up to Du Bushit.

"Damn it, don't let me catch you if you dare!"

A group of powerful people from Shrek Academy were suspended in the sky. They could only stare at the direction where the poisonous immortals were escaping and gritted their teeth secretly.


Shui family, the chief hall of the clan.

Since the Shui family officially announced its birth, the entire family has now entered a period of rapid development.

The primary goal of the family as a whole is to unify the entire Far North, and those who carry out this task are a group of powerful titled Douluo men led by Supreme Elder Shui Zongnan.

Today, Shui Zongnan's cultivation has reached the ninety-eighth level of Super Douluo, and he is only one step away from the ninety-ninth level of Ultimate Douluo.

Looking at the entire continent, unless a soul beast of Di Tian's level appears, even ordinary ferocious beasts cannot be Shui Zongnan's opponent.

"Binger, let me take you back."

In the main hall of the Shui family, Shui Wuya hugged Shui Bing'er's thin waist with an affectionate look on his face.

After all, Shui Bing'er came from ten thousand years ago. She still has her own mission and training tasks, and is not suitable for long-term waiting in the world ten thousand years later.

The storage soul guide has been filled with the elixirs that should be given to her, so she is not afraid of running out of resources.

At the same time, Shui Wuya had a more important task before he left thousands of years ago, which was to create an opportunity to regain many forces in the world thousands of years ago.

Therefore, the Shui family has given all forces a month to consider the ultimatum, but it may still be a bit difficult to implement it.

"it is good."

Shui Bing'er snuggled into Shui Wuya's arms tenderly. She had already seen how powerful the Shui family would become thousands of years later, and her wish was fulfilled.

A moment later, a water-blue space vortex appeared in the patriarch's hall. Shui Wuya led Shui Bing'er into it, and his figure immediately disappeared.


Within the Sun and Moon Empire, in an extremely remote primeval forest, an ancient castle was leisurely hidden under countless towering giant trees.

Two figures, a man and a woman, sat leaning against each other, seemingly enjoying this rare moment of peace.

However, if there are others here, they will definitely recognize at a glance that this seemingly ordinary man and woman are actually two extreme Douluo who are famous in the mainland.

They are Dragon King Douluo Long Xiaoyao and Death God Douluo Ye Xishui! Ever since Ye Xishui was defeated by Shui Yuanchen while holding a level 10 soul guide that day, the two of them had left the turmoil of the world and lived in seclusion here.

During this period, even though the Holy Spirit Cult searched for the two in many ways, they could not find any clues about them. This even made the Holy Spirit Cult think that something had happened to the two.

"With the rebirth of the Shui Family this time, the landscape of the mainland will definitely change, and I'm afraid the Holy Spirit Sect will also find it difficult to stay out of it."

At this moment, Ye Xishui had a worried look on her face. As the Supreme Elder of the Holy Spirit Sect, she still cared about the Holy Spirit Sect in her heart.

"We shouldn't have taken action against the Shui Family's Ultimate Douluo in the first place, but it doesn't matter. You and I have already stayed out of the matter. Even if the Shui Family found this place, it would be impossible for us to take action against you and me."

Long Xiaoyao took Ye Xishui into his arms, his gentle look revealing a sense of happiness.

For him, the time spent alone with the woman he loved far outweighed all the worldly struggles.

Hearing this, a rare feminine tenderness appeared on the face of the Death God Douluo.

However, this rare peace did not last long, as a thunderous explosion suddenly resounded over the primeval forest.


Immediately afterwards, a figure shrouded in black mist suddenly arrived in front of the castle.

When Long Xiaoyao and Ye Xishui saw the person coming, a look of helplessness appeared between their brows.

Because the person who came was none other than Zhong Liwu, the son of Death God Douluo Ye Xishui, the current leader of the Holy Spirit Sect.


Zhong Liwu fell from the sky and quickly came to Ye Xishui. He called out his mother and looked very excited.

"There has been no news for so long. I thought something happened to you and the great minister. It was not until news came back recently that I learned that you two are living in seclusion here."

Zhong Liwu then continued to speak.

"We have lived in seclusion here and no longer want to pay attention to the disturbances from the outside world."

Ye Xishui looked at Zhong Liwu and already guessed the other party's intention, so she expressed her attitude before the other party spoke.

Sure enough, the moment Zhong Liwu heard the words, the excited expression on his face suddenly stopped.

"Mother, do you know that the Shui family is about to be born and will rule the entire continent?"

Seemingly unwilling, Zhong Liwu lowered his head slightly and said.

"I know that the power of the Shui Family is far beyond what our Holy Spirit Religion can compete with. If the Shui Family forces the Holy Spirit Religion to surrender, you can follow the trend."

Ye Xishui responded calmly.

In her opinion, she and Long Xiaoyao would not be like Shui Yuanchen when they joined forces. In addition, there must be more than one Ultimate Douluo in the Shui family, even if the Shui family really wants to surrender to the Holy Spirit Sect.

The Holy Spirit Church has no other choice.

"No, I, the Holy Spirit Sect, have thousands of years of inheritance, how can I give it away so easily!"

Suddenly, Zhong Liwu looked excited, clenched his fists with both hands unconsciously, and said with a strong attitude.

"Xishui and I... are no match for the Shui family."

At this time, Long Xiaoyao, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke.

He knew Zhong Liwu's purpose of coming, and naturally wanted to use his and Ye Xishui's power to compete with the Shui family, but their previous fighting experience had proved that they were no match for Shui Yuanchen.

As Long Xiaoyao's words fell, the place fell into an atmosphere of silence for a moment, so quiet that the breathing of the three people could be clearly heard.

"That's all, even if you two don't want to participate, I, the Holy Spirit Sect, will never bow down easily."

Not long after, a sigh came from Zhong Liwu's mouth, and he saw the intention of Long Xiaoyao and his mother to retreat.

In the end, Zhong Liwu had no choice but to leave alone, leaving Long Xiaoyao and Ye Xishui clinging to each other again.

(End of this chapter)

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