Chapter 138 The first conversation with Qian Renxue
Tiandou Royal Academy is managed by Prince Xuexing and Fourth Prince Xue Beng, so Xue Beng has the right to say in this matter.

Two years ago, the Tiandou Royal Academy team led by Yu Tianheng was eliminated in the finals of the Soul Master Competition by the New Kamikaze team led by Feng Xiaotian.

In that match, Feng Xiaotian showed mercy to Ye Lingling and just sent her out of the arena with a wind cage.

After the Soul Master Competition, the original team was disbanded, and Tiandou Royal Academy formed a new team to cope with the next Soul Master Competition.

The Senior Academy Soul Master Competition is held every five years.

Ye Lingling is relatively young. She was 17 years old when she participated in the last Soul Master Competition. She is only 19 years old this year and will turn 22 three years later.

Therefore, she is still qualified to participate in the next Soul Master Competition.

Because of her special abilities, she continued to stay in the Royal Academy, but she faced all new teammates.

It makes sense that Feng Xiaotian wants Ye Lingling.

After all, the wolf bandits are powerful, and injuries are inevitable when fighting with them.

Ye Lingling's area-wide overall treatment can play a huge supporting role and can even save the lives of teammates at critical moments.

Not surprisingly, the next Soul Master Competition will be in three years, so there is still enough time.

With Feng Lieyang, a level 87 attack-type soul fighting spirit, in the formation, Ye Lingling's personal safety is also guaranteed.

After much thought, Prince Xue Beng decided to agree to Feng Xiaotian's request. After all, this was a good opportunity to recruit Feng Xiaotian.

"Feng Xiaotian, I promise you. However, we still need to seek the opinions of Prince Xuexing and Ye Lingling on this matter. Otherwise, you can go to the Royal Academy with me now."

"it is good."

The Royal Academy is right next to the palace, not far away.

Feng Xiaotian and his grandfather followed Prince Xue Beng and Dugu Bo to the Royal Academy.

Before he even walked out of the palace gate, he saw a familiar figure, Prince Xue Qinghe.

Feng Xiaotian knew that it was not the real Xue Qinghe, but Qian Renxue.

Two years ago, Xue Qinghe led 15 participating teams from the Tiandou Empire to Wuhun City to participate in the finals. In the square in front of the Pope's Palace, he witnessed Feng Xiaotian's outstanding performance.

She had long wanted to contact Feng Xiaotian, but due to the relationship between Ning Fengzhi and Shrek Academy, she had never found a suitable opportunity.

After the competition, she also thought about finding Feng Xiaotian, but unexpectedly, Feng Xiaotian went out to practice in a hurry.

After two years, she was somewhat surprised to see Feng Xiaotian in the palace.

However, what she didn't expect was that Feng Xiaotian would actually walk with Prince Xue Beng.

Being beaten to the punch by a competitor is not a good sign.

Xue Qinghe did not avoid the avalanche, but walked straight this way.

"Brother Huang."

"Fourth brother."

Although the two brothers secretly compete with each other, Xue Qinghe is the prince after all and has great power.

In front of him, Xue Beng naturally had to be polite in order to save his life.

Xue Qinghe's eyes fell on Feng Xiaotian, and Feng Xiaotian inevitably met him.

"I have seen His Royal Highness."

"No need to be polite. I haven't seen you for two years. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Xue Qinghe acted as if he was familiar with Feng Xiaotian, which made Xue Beng a little embarrassed.

"Brother Imperial, let's talk first."

"Feng Xiaotian, I'm waiting for you at the Royal Academy."

After Xue Beng finished speaking, he left first.

Xue Qinghe asked with a smile:

"You are going to the Royal Academy?"

"Well, let's go meet someone."


"Ye Lingling."

"is her?"

Xue Qinghe was stunned. "I am a little curious. You came to the palace just to see her?"

Feng Xiaotian explained calmly:
"Your Highness, I have formed a small team to deal with the wolf bandits in the west and rescue the villagers there. The team lacks an auxiliary therapist, and Ye Lingling is suitable, so I thought of finding her."

"I see. You took such a risk to deal with the wolf thieves. You are doing your best for the empire and showing your sincerity."

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, you are very grateful. Punishing rape, eradicating evil, and upholding justice are the bounden responsibilities of soul masters like us."

Xue Qinghe nodded with satisfaction.

"The wolf bandits are powerful and this trip is dangerous. I hope you can return safely as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your concern."

"Then go ahead. I'll find you again when you come back."

After Xue Qinghe finished speaking, he left with a smile.

Feng Xiaotian sighed.

Qian Renxue's plan has been implemented for many years, and since then, there is one more person to deal with.

Feng Xiaotian rushed to the Royal Academy.

Prince Xuexing has agreed to let Ye Lingling go to the west with Feng Xiaotian and the others.

Later, Xue Beng called Ye Lingling.

At this time, Ye Lingling was standing in front of Feng Xiaotian.

Two years later, Ye Lingling is still the same as before, dressed in black, with long blue hair hanging down her back. There is no emotion in her eyes, and she still looks so lonely and lonely.

How could she not be lonely?
In the entire continent, there is only one soul master who has the same martial soul as her.

When she came to this world, her fate seemed to have been determined.

He was sent to the Tiandou Royal Academy at the age of 12, and participated in the Soul Master Competition with the team for the first time at the age of 17.

With the end of the Soul Master Competition, the former teammates went their separate ways, and the already weak friendship became even weaker.

Afterwards, meeting new teammates, the same experience seemed to happen all over again.

She had no idea what she was living for.

When Prince Xue Beng found her and told her that this trip was dangerous and someone needed her, she agreed without saying a word.

To her, it's the same everywhere.

Perhaps only by saving lives and healing the wounded can she feel the meaning of life.

When Ye Lingling learned that the person Prince Xuebeng was talking about was Feng Xiaotian, there was a slight fluctuation in his heart: How could it be him?
Prince Xuebeng smiled and said:
"Feng Xiaotian, I have almost made arrangements here. Ye Lingling is also willing to go with you. I only have one request for you, come back safely."

"Your Highness, please rest assured. Even if I risk my life, I will ensure Ye Lingling's safety."

Ye Lingling's heart felt hot. This was the first time she felt that someone valued her so much. Even she didn't know whether it was true or false.

"Then when are you planning to leave?"

"Just a few days."

Prince Xuebeng nodded, looked at Ye Lingling and said:
"Whenever you are ready, just tell me and we will send someone to take you there at any time."

"Thank you, Your Highness, I can do it now."



Ye Lingling's voice was low when he spoke, but his attitude was firm.

Prince Xue Beng said no more.

A guard brought over a jade plate, and Xue Beng opened the brocade cloth covering the jade plate.

"Feng Xiaotian, here are 1 gold soul coins for you to use on the road. Take them."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

This can be regarded as one of Xue Beng's methods to win people's hearts.

In this world, money is not very important to Feng Xiaotian.

But 1 gold soul coins are not a small amount. The royal money will not be taken in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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