Douluo: Son of Chenxin, kill the god with one sword!

Chapter 11 Visiting Shrek in person and meeting the six Shrek monsters for the first time!

Chapter 11 Visiting Shrek in person and meeting the Six Shrek Monsters for the first time!
Shrek Academy.

The black-haired old man was lying comfortably on the recliner, making tea.

Blow out the hot water in the tea cup and take a sip. The aroma of the tea leaves is brought out by the hot water.

The sunshine is very noisy today. In such a leisurely afternoon, it is simply enjoyable to bask in the sun.

If only Shrek Academy could be quieter.
"Flanders! Old man!"

The fence door flew open, and panicked shouts came from outside.

Flanders shook his hand, and the hot tea spilled out and landed on his clothes.

What are you doing!

Are you having a cup of tea and someone bothers you?

The sudden sound made Flanders agitated.

The open owl martial spirit stirred up quickly, and it took a while to stop.

The person who came was none other than a teacher.

Flanders glanced at his panicked look and asked casually: "Did those little monsters blow up the kitchen stove again?"

"No, no," he explained stammeringly, and finally choked out a sentence: "It's someone from the Qibao Glazed Sect, the sect leader! He's sitting in the admissions office."

As soon as he finished speaking, Flanders immediately spread out his huge wings and flew out.

On the way there, I felt dissatisfied.

The leader of Qibao Glazed Sect is here in person?What is the purpose of such a great visit?
Flanders didn't dare to think too much, but increased his power and flew towards the place.

Admissions Office.

Ning Fengzhi, Rongrong, Chenyuan and Chenxin.

Naturally, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Yuan came to give Rongrong an explanation.

And dusty heart.

There was already an unwritten rule when Chen Xin joined the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Chen Yuan and Gu Rong were alone in the sect, so the other person would be by Ning Fengzhi's side to ensure Ning Fengzhi's safety.

Gu Rong wanted to participate in this matter, but he couldn't resist Chen Xin's request.

This is about the little baby Ning Rongrong. The two old guys doted on Ning Rongrong very much.

When he found out about this, Gu Rong even planned to come down and demolish the Shrek Academy.

Flanders stood at the door and wiped the big beads of sweat on his forehead.

From time to time, his eyes looked at Chen Yuan, who seemed to be simple and unpretentious.

There is something wrong with this lineup. If Ning Rongrong is simply brought back, will this lineup be used?

The atmosphere was deadlocked for a moment, and Flanders asked tentatively: "Ahem. Sect Master Ning, what are you here for this time?"

Flanders muttered secretly in his heart.

The momentum is almost at its lowest.

Who is the person on the other side?

That was the Qibao Glazed Sect, one of the top bosses in the sect.

There was also a guy with the title of Douluo next to him.

Chenyuan tilted his head slightly and gave an order directly to Flanders in an indifferent voice: "Let your little monsters come over. They are called the Shrek Six Monsters, right?"

Hearing Chenyuan call him by name, Flanders also felt alarm bells ringing in his heart.

But seeing that Ning Fengzhi didn't refute Chen Yuan's words, he could only do it.

Aren't you just looking for a little monster? He'll bring it to you.

Soon, Flanders brought six people of different colors over.

The leading blue figure always stared at Chen Yuan with an unkind look, as if he would suddenly attack at the next moment.

Tang San.Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows, not afraid at all.

The group of people in front of them were just great soul masters, and only one of them, Dai Mubai, had reached the level of soul master.

The remaining Oscar, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun

Compared with Chenyuan, it is naturally inferior.

Tang San was the first to ask. After all, he was training well, but he was suddenly interrupted and forced to be brought here. Everyone was a little resentful: "Dean, why did you call us here?"

This statement was unanimously agreed by the other five people.

But when everyone saw Ning Rongrong opposite him, their eyes became hostile again.

Flender chuckled: "Who knows, look at the good things you guys have done!"

Immediately afterwards, Flanders smiled at Ning Fengzhi again. Even if it was useless, there was an old saying: Don't hit the smiling person.

When everyone gathered, Ning Fengzhi slowly said, "It seems you are all here too."

"Now, no more nonsense."

"I just want to ask, why do you want to bully my daughter Ning Rongrong?"

"Not only that, even if your classmates gang up to bully you, even your mentor, who is a preacher and teacher, actively bullies you."

"Do you really think my Qibao Glazed Sect is easy to bully?!"

Although Ning Fengzhi's own soul power is not strong, he has been in a high position all year round and his city is deep. Naturally, there is a questioning tone in Mu Yong's voice.

Flanders had 1 excuses in his mind, but when he saw
Tang San was dissatisfied and took a step forward to retort: ​​"Sect Master Ning!"

"The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is certainly powerful, but that doesn't mean what you do is right!"

"Ning Rongrong has a good background. It is true that we also know this, but her unchanging temper as a young lady has done nothing but make everyone feel uncomfortable."

Other people also echoed: "As long as she can lower her figure a little bit, it's okay. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Calling people is nothing."

"If you have the ability, change it yourself!"

Yu Xiaogang on the side also stood up and commented with the air of a master: "Sect Master Ning, this daughter is extremely stubborn, and she is even more proud and indulgent on weekdays. It's okay if you don't find problems in your daughter."

"Still blaming the problem on Shrek?"

The six monsters gathered together said something to each other.

Even Yu Xiaogang was trying to excuse himself. No matter what happened, it was Ning Rongrong who was wrong.

The repeated insulting words made Ning Rongrong on the side couldn't help sobbing, her voice was choppy, and she couldn't even refute.

Are these the Shrek Six Monsters?
Is this the teacher from Shrek Academy?

Chenyuan listened to the people's excuses, and he suddenly laughed out of anger.

It seemed as if there was someone who understood Ning Rongrong's temper better than himself.

Ning Rongrong, who had been doted on since childhood, certainly had some eldest lady temperament in the past.

But after he and Ning Rongrong stayed in the sect for a long time, he discovered that Ning Rongrong didn't have such a so-called temperament.

After spending time together day and night, Ning Rongrong's temperament, which had long been changed due to the fate of the world, made Ning Rongrong extremely gentle and gentle, which was totally not the character described by Shrek Academy.

It's just a prejudice against Ning Rongrong's good background!
Ning Fengzhi wanted to say something else.

Chenyuan protected Ning Rongrong behind him and took the lead in answering. His serious tone immediately shocked everyone in Shrek Academy: "According to what you said, this is all a matter of the temper of my eldest daughter Rongrong?"

Tang San saw the situation and followed the trend, and said confidently: "Yes! If it weren't for this temper, how could we exclude her?"

"But I have been with Rongrong for so long, and I have never seen her temper like a young lady, but..."

Chen Yuan smiled brightly, but there was no warmth at all.

Facing the Shrek Six Monsters, Chen Yuan stepped forward and said coldly: "So what if my Rongrong is the eldest lady?"

"You have to suffer when I bully you!"

(End of this chapter)

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