Douluo: Son of Chenxin, kill the god with one sword!

Chapter 99: Rectify the sect!Set up a hidden weapon hall and create hidden weapons!

Chapter 99: Rectify the sect!Set up a hidden weapon hall and create hidden weapons!
A large number of Wuhun Palace troops also retreated as Bibi Dong left.

Many disciples guarding the mountain gate began to cheer.

Even if it is as powerful as Wuhun Palace, it is still impossible to defeat the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect!

"Long live Sect Leader Ning!"

"The Qibao Glazed Sect should be the invincible one in the mainland!"

"The Son of Chenyuan is invincible!"

The ground was full of shouts.

The powerful strength displayed by the Qibao Glazed Sect made many sect disciples feel only deep pride.

This is the sect they stick to.

The tide of 10-year-old soul beasts cannot overwhelm it, and even the Pope’s troops leading the Wuhun Palace cannot conquer it.

Sitting on natural danger, there will be no more falling sun!

The six swords in the sky were put into the box. Chen Yuan stretched out his hand to pat them and put them away.

He landed in the square and gathered with Ning Fengzhi and others.

The disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect all around were cheering.Ning Fengzhi looked around, walked to Chen Yuan, grabbed his right hand and raised it.

He said loudly: "Today, our Qibao Glazed Sect retreats from the Wuhun Palace!"

“The merits of the Son of God can be seen in heaven and earth!”

"Its power is comparable to that of Peerless. He can fight Titled Douluo in the Soul Douluo realm and defeat them with a strike!"

The disciples and many elders of Qibao Glazed Sect gathered around and praised his name loudly.

Seeing that the time was almost ripe, Ning Fengzhi waved his hand to dismiss everyone.

Although the Wuhun Palace withdrew its troops, the damage to the Qibao Glazed Sect was not small.

The entire sect still needs to be reorganized.

Whether it is the current damage, or in order to deal with Wuhun Palace's all-out offensive in the future.

The Qibao Glazed Sect must take action immediately.

Use the time gained from the current battle to completely decide the outcome with Wuhun Palace next time!
Ning Fengzhi shook his head and sighed: "Although the Qibao Glazed Sect is supported by a few of us, the overall strength of the sect's disciples is still slightly inferior to that of the Wuhun Palace."

Chen Yuan also saw the disciples and elders who were still rectifying the situation inside and outside the Qibao Glazed Sect.

After all, the Qibao Glazed Sect is a sect that mainly focuses on the auxiliary system, and not many of its disciples are developing in an aggressive direction.

And this shortcoming was completely exposed under the attack of Wuhun Palace.

The soldiers in Wuhun Palace not only have offensive martial souls, but also have equipment.

If they invade again at that time, Wuhun Palace has discovered this problem and will only use high-level combat power to hold back Chen Xin, Gu Rong and others.

If a large number of troops rush forward, the Qibao Glazed Sect may not really be able to withstand such an offensive.

"Uncle Ning, if there is someone who can break through the defenses of all soul masters at the soul sect level, and can come in armed with a large number of equipped weapons."

"What kind of scenery will the Qibao Glazed Sect be like?"

Suddenly, Chenyuan asked.

Ning Fengzhi was stunned for a moment and then replied: "If there really is such a thing, I'm afraid our Qibao Glazed Sect's only shortcoming will be gone."

"If Wuhun Palace dares to attack again in the future, we can attack the titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace without any distractions, without worrying about the safety of the sect disciples."

After all, as far as he knew, Wuhun Palace had not yet reached the level of using the Soul Sect or above to build an army in large numbers.

There are many soul masters in the world, but the soul sect is not a big cabbage, and there are even fewer who can join the Wuhun Palace and join the army.

If such a weapon really existed, then the chances of winning against Wuhun Palace would be better.

However, where can such a weapon really exist?

Ning Fengzhi also smiled.But when he saw Chen Yuan's serious look, he was a little unsure for a moment.

Hard to do.

What Chen Yuan said is true.

Is there such a weapon in this world?

Ning Fengzhi thought about it, looked at Chen Yuan tentatively and asked, "Yuan'er, is it possible that you know there is such a thing?"

If it is really possible to equip the Qibao Glazed Sect with such a weapon
The strength of the entire Qibao Glazed Sect will make a qualitative leap!
Chen Yuan nodded and said in response: "To be honest with Uncle Ning, I do know that there is such a thing."

Continuous shots, batches, can kill the soul master
This thing is none other than the Tang Sect’s Zhuge Divine Crossbow!
Chen Yuan had memories of his previous life, so he naturally knew all Tang San's hidden weapons, including the Zhuge Divine Crossbow.

He also wanted to see if Ning Fengzhi had this intention this time, but thinking about it, Ning Fengzhi would naturally be able to improve the strength of the Qibao Glazed Sect and would not refuse.

Ning Fengzhi laughed loudly, patted Weichen Yuan on the shoulder and said, "Yuan'er said it, naturally the whole Qibao Glazed Sect will do their best to help!"

"Being able to obtain this thing is also a good thing for the sect!"

"If you have any requests, just ask!"

Chen Yuan thought about it for a moment, looked around and said in a deep voice: "We, the Qibao Glazed Sect, need to have a hidden weapon hall of our own!"

"In addition, we also need to recruit blacksmiths to strengthen the strength of our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect!"

Ning Fengzhi nodded in approval, and naturally without any hesitation, he included it in the plan.

Much more than that is needed now.

Chen Yuan looked around and fell into deep thought for a moment.

The Qibao Glazed Sect does not have a special place for forging, nor does it have a skilled craftsman who can be permanently stationed in the sect.

In this way, even though Chen Yuan had many powerful hidden weapons in his mind, he was unable to create them due to lack of location and people.

If you want to really arm the Qibao Glazed Sect to the teeth, you must first have a complete configuration.

Whether it is a specially manufactured hidden weapon hall or a divine craftsman, they are what they are lacking now.

Now that Ning Fengzhi has listened to his advice and started recruiting craftsmen to prepare for the hidden weapon hall.

All that's left is to have someone who has the right to speak in this hidden weapon hall.

This person must be a master craftsman to be able to convince the public.

As for the only three master craftsmen on the mainland, what Chen Yuan knew was Tang Hao, Tai Tan, and Lou Gao.

Naturally, Tang Hao didn't have to think about it. After all, the two families had a feud, and they still wanted each other to help fight?
And Titan.
As the leader of the Force Clan, this guy was once a member of the Haotian Sect.

According to the current time period, it is estimated that Tang San has already recovered it into the Tang Sect.

Now it is impossible to be used by the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Currently, among the three master craftsmen, only Lou Gao still has his own body.

With the level of love this master craftsman has, I am afraid that only enough sincerity can impress him.

The current building height should still be in Gengxin City.

"Uncle Ning will have trouble with internal affairs." Chen Yuan bowed his hands and immediately started to get up and leave the sect.

Time waits for no one, Lou Gao must be taken over as soon as possible for the use of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Chen Xin and the other three looked at each other and smiled.

Chen Yuan now is not like the young bird that they needed to protect all the time like in the past.

One day, he will be able to shine his own light.

Under the gaze of the three people, Chenyuan immediately went down the mountain and headed straight for Gengxin City!
Find the height of the building!

(End of this chapter)

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