Chapter 927

But Lu didn't pay attention and just replied, "It's too late."

She also wanted to live a good life for herself.

But when she woke up, it was too late and her body had already collapsed.

If she wanted to be cured, she would have to meet someone she didn't want to see.

Secondly, she really felt that living in this world was meaningless.

When she opened her eyes every day, except for Lan Yun and others, she had to face people and things that she didn't want to see at all. Naturally, she felt that life was boring and she might as well leave.

"The reason why I can still talk to you normally is because I practiced martial arts when I was young."

Relying on the little remaining inner strength, he struggled to hang on to his life.

When you are too tired and don’t want to hang anymore, you can go quietly.

Her grandmother, her parents, and her friends have all passed away.

She really misses them...

After hearing what Lu said, Chu Qingge fell silent.

How should I put it, if Mrs. Lu is simply desperate for this world, then she can still think of some way to help him rekindle his desire for life.

But the other party is not simply desperate, nor is the crux of the problem the scumbag Lu Yuanwai, he just feels tired and wants a complete rest.

Not only had she never met such a person in her previous life, but she was also not a professional psychiatrist. Naturally, she didn't know how to deal with it, so she could only ask to divert her attention: "Do you know martial arts?"

"Are you surprised?" Lu replied with a smile.

"It's a bit unexpected." Chu Qingge said honestly, but thinking about it carefully, Mrs. Lu has been seriously ill for a long time, but Mrs. Lu can communicate with her normally every time they meet.

And he can hold on to that breath without dying.

If it is a miracle of life, it must have a strong will to survive.

But Lu Shi obviously didn't.

Now that we know that the other party actually knows martial arts, it can be explained. "yes."

Lu looked at Chu Qingge and said, "You must have been curious about my identity."

Chu Qingge nodded, there was no need to hide this.

Lu smiled gently and directly told the other party his origins.

"My name is Qingqing, and I am the former eldest lady of the General's Mansion in Pingjing City."

General's Mansion?
Chu Qingge instantly raised his eyes in surprise, "Mom, are you from the General's Mansion?"

"To be precise, it was once." Madam Lu looked at Chu Qingge and realized something when she saw her expression, "Why did you come into contact with people from the General's Mansion this time when you went to the capital?"

"No, I wanted to buy a small horse farm before, and the original owner was the young master of the General's Mansion." Chu Qingge replied.

"The young master of the General's Mansion?" Mrs. Lu's eyebrows moved slightly, "Oh, so he is his son?"

"He?" Chu Qingge sensitively found out the details in the name Lu.

"My second uncle's son." Lu said with a chuckle, "My parents only have a daughter."

Under Lu's narration, Chu Qingge quickly understood the situation in the General's Mansion——

Lu's great-great-grandfather followed Zhezong of Dayan to establish the General's Mansion. After that, his sons and grandsons became famous generals of Dayan and made great military exploits.

Therefore, there are many generals in Dayan, but there is only one that can be directly called the General's Mansion.

Lu's father was also a hussar general who guarded Beiguan for many years. Pei Yan's brother Pei Zhao worked under the other party before he became a general.

"My father fought on the battlefield when he was young, and he often spared his life, leaving many old diseases and internal injuries." Therefore, the other party left before Lu's hairpin.

The huge general's mansion fell into the hands of the second room.

"My second uncle is not good at fighting. He only held the position of commander of the city defense army in the court."

(End of this chapter)

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