Versatile Mage: Start by Summoning Elves

Chapter 29 The ownership of the holy spring

Chapter 29 The ownership of the holy spring

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it’s the last semester of high school.

Lin Xuan has spent the past two months controlling stars and hunting monsters. In the summoning system, the intermediate magic contract summons are only three star tracks away from being released, and in the space system, it has reached the first level and the second level, so Lin Xuan was pleasantly surprised that his mental power had indeed increased with the breakthrough of the space system.

Lin Xuan went out to hunt several demons during the winter vacation. After repeated experiments, as long as the one-eyed demon wolf is caught by his mind control-virtual claw, the basic resistance ability will be significantly reduced, and the giant-eyed fishy rat has some He was directly pressed to the ground.

This is because he didn't attack with all his strength. If he had used all his strength, even without mental oppression, these slave-level monsters would have no choice but to lie there obediently.

Lin Xuan also met Zhan Kong several times during this period, and learned from Zhan Kong that his current mental state should be in the middle to late stage of the second realm, and there is still some way to go before the third realm.

Lin Xuan was very satisfied with this result. In the original book, Mo Fan's dual-level high level was only at the late second level. Lin Xuan estimated that by the time he reaches high level, he would be at least the fourth level.

On the day of his awakening, Lin Xuan discovered that his natural mental power was far superior to that of ordinary people. His subsequent contract with the Charmander, his breakthrough to the intermediate level, his awakening of the space system, and his superpowers all provided great help to the growth of Lin Xuan's mental power.

I just don’t know if the contracted summoned beasts will give feedback in the future. If the contracted elf can continue to increase its mental power, it should be stronger than he expected by then.

The investigation of the Bo City underground cave has also come to an end. A total of three passages have been found since the high-level meeting and all have been resealed. Later, because there was no harvest for a long time, it was determined that there are no large passages, and continuing to investigate is too wasteful of Bo City. The mage's power also stopped.

When Lin Xuan stepped into the class, the class was still as noisy as before. To be precise, it may be because it was the last semester of high school. Everyone seemed more enthusiastic than before, chattering incessantly as if they had endless things to say. .

Lin Xuan came to the back row and sat down by the window. This was the position Lin Xuan chose when the seats were rearranged last time. At that time, many people were eyeing this position, but after seeing that Lin Xuan got it, he had no choice but to give up. , he was very satisfied with this location. When he was tired from meditating, he could still look at the scenery outside the window.

Lin Xuan looked next to Mo Fan and found that Zhang Xiaohou was not there. He turned around and saw Zhang Xiaohou chatting happily with He Yu.

Looking at this scene, Lin Xuan was still very happy. Lin Xuan didn't know whether the disaster in Bo City would continue to happen this time, but Lin Xuan believed that even if the Black Vatican really forced a red alert, he could save a lot of things. .

"Hey, I thought that my elder Mo Fan was so charming, but I didn't expect that after I came to the second year of high school, I would only watch monkeys showing affection in front of me every day."

"Lin Xuan, I feel that we have to stop the monkey from being obsessed with women. The growth of a magician is boring. Only by being able to endure loneliness can we reach the end. High school is the best period for us to improve our strength. How can we spend it on love? Where's your love?"

Mo Fan was impassioned there, as if he saw his good brother heading for a road of no return, with all kinds of heartbroken expressions.Lin Xuan originally didn't want to expose this bastard, but his expressions became more and more exaggerated, and he almost believed what he said.

"You're right, so from now on, just practice with peace of mind and don't go to Ye Xinxia if you have anything to do."

Lin Xuan glanced at him sideways and said calmly, Mo Fan was indeed embarrassed for a moment, but luckily he was thick-skinned and resisted Lin Xuan's poisonous tongue.

"Lin Xuan, don't talk nonsense. Xinxia is my sister. Do you understand, sister? As a good brother, my sister's legs and feet are inconvenient to visit me more often. Don't think that I am so dirty." Lin Xuan looked at Mo Fan looked upright, but I really don't know how he said these words without blushing or heartbeat. Just when Lin Xuan wanted to reply, Tang Yue came to the class and called Lin Xuan out.

Lin Xuan originally thought that Tang Yue had something to do with him, but he didn't expect that Tang Yue took him directly to Principal Zhu's office. Lin Xuan looked confused, what could Principal Zhu have with him?

"Lin Xuan, you're here, sit down quickly and I'll pour you a cup of tea."

When Principal Zhu saw Lin Xuan coming, his face was filled with an unbelievably enthusiastic smile. He stared at Principal Zhu for a long time, then turned to look at Tang Yue who didn't understand what kind of medicine they were selling in the gourd.

But one thing about Lin Xuan is certain, it is impossible for others to be so enthusiastic towards you for no reason, even if Lin Xuan is the strongest genius in Tianlan Magic High School in recent decades.

"Principal Zhu, there's no need to sit down. If you need anything, just tell me. If I can help, I will definitely help."

Lin Xuan did not sit down. He was now more curious about what exactly required Principal Zhu to pour tea for him personally.Principal Zhu felt a little embarrassed after hearing Lin Xuan's words, but quickly calmed down his expression.

"Lin Xuan, do you know the Holy Spring?"

Lin Xuan nodded. Of course he knew about the Holy Spring, but did this have anything to do with Principal Zhu calling him here?Principal Zhu did not continue to chatter. Seeing Lin Xuan nod, he continued.

"The Holy Spring is the treasure of our Bo City. In fact, every once in a while, students from our Tianlan Magic High School and disciples from aristocratic families will have a competition. In previous years, we would select the most outstanding student with the most practical ability among all the students. Strong students will fight against the children of the aristocratic families in Bo City."

Principal Zhu paused and continued, "Originally, the spot in our Tianlan Magic High School should have been yours this time, but after Mu Zhuoyun learned that you were already at the intermediate level, he used the Earth Holy Spring to be more effective against junior magicians. His daughter Mu Ningxue didn’t get the opportunity to practice in the Earth Holy Spring at that time and wanted to push you away.”

Tang Yue added next to him, "Lin Xuan, don't blame Principal Zhu. You also know that the power of the family is already strong. Mu Zhuoyun also used what happened to Mo Fan two years ago as an excuse, hoping to exclude you. Outside, there is no other young mage from the Mu family in Bo City who can be your opponent except Mu Ningxue, and the Earth Holy Spring is considered to be in his pocket."

Lin Xuan was dumbfounded when he heard this. This was too shameless. If his own family members were stronger than the school, it would be fine. If others were stronger than him, there would be various obstacles.

Although the Earthly Holy Spring did not help Lin Xuan much, there was still a big difference between his refusal and others taking it away by force. At least now he was in a very unhappy mood.

Principal Zhu looked at Lin Xuan's slightly gloomy face and sighed. There was nothing he could do. There were too many people supporting Mu Zhuoyun this time, and Lin Xuan's mid-level mage did give them an excuse.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality. Lin Xuan wrote down this grudge. After staying in the principal's office for a while, Lin Xuan returned to the class.

(End of this chapter)

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