Chapter 205 The crisis is over and the shares are obtained

I saw that the doctor was still trying to throw bombs.

Jiang Tianen immediately disabled both of the opponent's arms.

The force of a thousand pounds directly twisted the doctor's arms into twists.

The doctor was stunned for a second, and then the undead screams wailed from his throat.

No one can bear this extreme physical pain.

After the threat was over, Zovi quickly stepped forward and knocked the doctor down, pressing his knees tightly against the doctor's back. The daggers in both hands were used to pick off the opponent's hamstrings one after another.

After seeing the other party lose the ability to move like a dead fish. Then he picked up the opponent's clothes, found out the remaining bombs on the opponent, and threw them aside.

After doing all this, prepare to cut the doctor's throat and dispose of it!

Seeing that the other party was going to be cruel, the doctor who reacted held back the severe pain and howled: "You can't kill me! Look to the center! Just before, I placed a time bomb on each of the hostages. The bomb was enough The power of dozens of kilograms of TNT! Only I know how to unlock it, and you don’t want to live even if I die!!”

The doctor's high voice indeed attracted everyone's attention. Following his gaze, everyone discovered that the unconscious Long Wei and several other hostages in the exhibition hall each had a ticking bomb on their bodies!

The tycoons who had just breathed a sigh of relief were so scared that they hurried away from the hostages with bombs strapped to their bodies.

"Hahaha! Are you afraid? Even though these bombs are not big, there is no problem in destroying this floor. Only I can remove them!" The doctor gritted his teeth while enduring the severe pain.

Of course, some people reacted quickly and pushed open the fire escape door to escape from the stairs after seeing the elevator destroyed.

This group of people happened to run into the people led by Liu Jiehui.

The highly nervous and exhausted Hong Kong Royal Police almost mistook the hostages for gangsters and opened fire.

Fortunately, Gong Wei has sharp eyes: "Stop! If there are ordinary people above, please don't shoot!"

"Yes, yes, don't shoot. We are not gangsters."

The sound of the Yang Ying family who took the opportunity to escape.

"Is this Liu SIR? I'm Yang Bingzheng!"

Liu Jiehui also recognized this old acquaintance at a glance.

"What's going on upstairs now, Yang Sheng?"

"All the gangsters are dead, but there are bombs tied to the hostages at the scene!"

"What, a bomb! Fang Yihua quickly takes Yang Sheng and others to evacuate, and I will take people to defuse the bomb!"

Li Wei, who was following Liu Jiehui, seemed to be reminded of the unbearable memories.

This time he would never allow tragedy to happen before his eyes.

So he took three steps and two steps past Liu Jiehui and rushed upstairs.

At this time, Dad Long discovered the bomb tied to Long Wei.

Feeling very nervous, he walked all the way to Jiang Tianen's side, pleading: "Jiang Sheng, you must not kill this bastard. I am just a boy. I don't want to live if he dies." "Perhaps he was afraid that Jiang Tianen would not be moved, so Father Long added: "Sheng Jiang, you must behave well. This time Long Wei is lucky enough to survive, he will definitely find Jimmy to sign Long Wei to Asia Star. "

Jiang Tianen patted Father Long on the shoulder: "Uncle, don't worry, Long Wei will be fine." After saying that, he waved to Zuo Wei.

At this time, the doctor's limbs were crippled, and he couldn't escape even if he was a cripple. At this moment, he is nothing more than a defeated dog.

boom! The fire door was pushed hard.

It's Li Wei.

When he learned there was a bomb upstairs, he rushed over desperately.

When he opened the door, he saw the abandoned doctor.

But this is not the time for personal revenge.

First, I checked the bombs on several people, and it was an old trick again!

"Boss, these bombs have red and white lines on them. If you cut any one wrongly, it will explode! There is not much time left. You evacuate first, and I will deal with it here."

After speaking, Li Wei didn't waste a moment. He came to the half-disabled doctor and directly grasped the doctor's wound: "Tell me! Which thread is it?"

It was obvious that Li Wei was prepared to use torture to extract a confession from the doctor.

"Ahhh!" The doctor who was holding the wound screamed, and then said with a heavy breath: "Fuck, do you think I'm crazy? I said that there is still a way to live? If you want me to say that, it's okay, prepare a medicine for me. A helicopter! I’ll tell you when I’m far away and it’s safe!”

Li Wei couldn't make the decision in this matter, so he turned to look at his boss.

Jiang Tianen chuckled: "Why bother."

The bomb the doctor installed looks very scary.

The red and white lines look like a 50/50 probability, but this is a hoodwink. No matter how many times you cut, the bomb will still explode.

The correct disarming method is that there is a copper wire behind the red wire. Only by cutting the correct copper wire can the bomb be safely defused.

Jiang Tianen, who already knew the answer, did not need to negotiate with the doctor, a terrorist.

In the surprised eyes of Li Wei and Long Dad, they pulled and peeled off the shell of the bomb from Long Wei's body simply and roughly.

Sure enough, there are two red and white lines exposed.

Jiang Tianen touched the red wire and found a copper wire.

"Cut it, I'll blow you up, you bastard." The doctor didn't know if Jiang Tianen had discovered his secret and thought he was showing off.

It's a pity that the doctor didn't wait for the explosion.

Jiang Tianen disarmed the bombs one by one.

The doctor was stunned: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. I didn't tell anyone this secret, so how did you know it?"

The last hope was shattered and the doctor was completely desperate.

After dealing with this, Jiang Tianen turned back to Li Wei and said: "The Hong Kong police are coming soon. Why don't you hurry up and seek revenge?"

Li Wei nodded excitedly, dragging a dead pig towards the empty reception room amidst the doctor's curses and curses. He had many accounts with this cruel gangster that needed to be settled slowly one by one.

Long Wei woke up faintly at this moment, looked at the mess on the ground, and looked at Dad Long with a blank face: "Abba, where are the gangsters?"

Jiang Tianen chuckled and said to Father Long next to him: "Young Master Long is indeed a man of shame. The gangsters in this hall were solved as soon as they were told. I admire you."

How come Father Long, who has become a man of old age, doesn't know that this is his son being promoted by the big boss?

My son is already a star, and if this bomber incident is included, he will definitely become even more popular.

He immediately expressed his position: "Sheng Jiang, my Long Wei owes you two big favors. Don't worry, we will go to General Jimmy to sign a contract tomorrow. The contract will be signed for at least three years."

"Three years?"

He saw Jiang Tianen looking unhappy.

Father Long quickly changed his words.

"No! It's five years."

"I think the signing will last for ten years. Don't worry, Long Wei will never suffer a loss if he signs with Asia Star."


"Why are you not satisfied?"

Feeling Boss Jiang's cold eyes, Father Long quickly replied: "Why don't you be dissatisfied if you are satisfied? Ten years will be ten years."

As for these false reputations, they are of no use to Jiang Tianen. Since Long Wei has such false reputations, then push him to the front and take the opportunity to sign him and let him earn Hong Kong dollars for himself!

Not long after, a shrill scream suddenly came from the distant reception room, and then the high-pitched sound suddenly stopped.

At this time, Liu Jiehui finally arrived at the banquet hall.

After climbing fifty floors, these Hong Kong police officers almost collapsed from exhaustion.

"Where's the bomb! Quick! Get out of here!"

"Liu SIR meets again? Bomb? What kind of bomb?"

Seeing Jiang Tianen here, Liu Jiehui was filled with emotion. He was like the god of death. Wherever he went, something would happen, and it would be a big one.

It is also very inconsistent with the horoscope of the West Kowloon Police Station.

Three chief inspectors encountered him and met with great misfortune.

In the earliest case, Li Wenbin's family lost their property, the Guan family also lost their property, and Inspector Mai's fate was not good and he went off the street before he could be promoted.

It is now rumored privately in West Kowloon that they will never go to any case involving Jiang Tianen at the scene.

This meeting means that anyone who has a 100% mortality rate will be frightened.

"Everyone, come downstairs quickly. The Flying Tigers are here to defuse bombs!" Just as Liu Jiehui was preparing to evacuate several people.

Long Wei raised the bomb proudly.

"Liu SIR, this is what you are talking about, I have successfully dismantled this one.

"What about the doctor behind the scenes? Don't you say you solved him?"

"That's not to say that this guy couldn't do anything and jumped off the building to commit suicide."

Liu Jiehui didn't believe Long Wei's words.

Unfortunately, the testimonies of witnesses at the scene, Jiang Tianen and others, all proved that it was Long Wei who did it. As for the gangsters, they died without a trace.

As for Rozul's video recorder, the only evidence at the scene, when the police broke in, the alert Zovi quietly took it away while Rozul was still unconscious.

Of course, this scene was also seen by Father Long. Long Wei would never want to stand up in the Jiang Group in this life.

Because the biggest video evidence is in the hands of the other party. If there is any disobedience in the future, the other party can completely expose Long Wei as a liar, greedy for merit, and in vain!

Hall on the first floor, media meeting.

Long Wei was surrounded by stars and the moon.

The messy hotel entrance hall was blocked by media.

Silver flashing lights connected together.

"Mr. Long Wei is from TVB. If there is any news, please tell me that it was you who single-handedly solved the Miramar Hotel robbery this time. Please give me a word, Long Sheng!"

"Long Sheng, there is news that your old club TVB is preparing to renew your contract with a signing fee of 20 million Hong Kong dollars. What are Mr. Long Wei's plans?" On one side of the hall, there were a large number of fans who came to Long after hearing the news. Cheer up and cheer.

"Ah! Long Wei, I love you so much!"

"Aaron, look here!"

Father Long and Wei looked at each other proudly.

Now it’s majestic! ! Dad Long raised his hand: "Everyone, please be quiet and let Long Wei explain to you the two issues that everyone is concerned about!"

After speaking, he gave up half of his body to Long Wei to speak.

Long Wei was proud: "First of all, I would like to thank all the viewers for their support and concern for me! This incident is a very big test for me!

Yes, the news just now is correct, this is a hijacking case! Indeed, I can handle it all by myself! "

When Long Wei confirmed this message, the entire media exploded.

Brother Cheng Long said long ago that Long Wei was a poor imitator and was all fake! Long Wei is just a showman who can't beat an ordinary person. He is not a kung fu boy at all.

But this time it was proven that Brother Cheng Long’s doubts were wrong. Kung Fu Boy has real kung fu!

"Wow, Master Long said you have real skills!"

"Ada!" Long Wei made a classic POSS: "That's right! I do have some magical skills. I don't know how to blow water like a big nose!"

The little girl on the side screamed crazily: "Aaron Wei, I love you so much! You are so handsome!"

"That's it! That's it! Why should Big Nose talk about our Long Bao? I think he is the one who has no real skills! He can only jump up and down in places with furniture."

The media people looked at each other and immediately became excited. They kept pressing the shutter button of the camera in their hands. Could this be considered two martial arts stars taking aim at each other from afar?

"Young Master Long! Do you mean that Cheng Long is a fake Kung Fu?"

Father Long whispered in Long Wei's ear: "You brat, don't be so exaggerated. Keep a low profile. Be careful that the big boss won't be happy." He even put a hand on Long Wei's butt and twisted it vigorously.

When he heard the name of the big boss, Long Wei, who was in a state of excitement, calmed down on the spot as if cold water had been poured on him.

Rozul, who was being supported by the medical staff, happened to go downstairs. When he saw the popular Long Wei, he had a look of contempt on his face. He shouted: "Everyone, I am Rozul from TVB. This person is a liar. There is someone else who can solve the bomb crisis!"

Seeing someone questioning, the media workers turned their cameras one after another: "Miss, do you have conclusive evidence to prove that Long Wei lied?"

"I do! I have a camera, and I recorded everything that happened before! I want to expose the inside story!"

Another big news? Long Wei lied in public.

With a crash, long guns and short cannons were aimed at Rozul.

At this time, a drop of cold sweat broke out on Long Wei's forehead.

His legs were wobbly because of his lack of confidence. If it weren't for Father Long's support, this kid would have collapsed to the side.

Dad Long: "I recognize you, the famous TVB reporter Luo Da. If you have any evidence, I'll show you. I'm suing you for slander without any basis!"

"Of course I do. Hey! Where is my camera? I remember it was in my bag. Has anyone seen my camera? The evidence is in there!"

Rozul looked anxious. Of course she didn't know that Zovi took away her camera while she was unconscious.

After knowing that the other party could not produce the so-called evidence, Long Wei immediately calmed down and started to get angry again.

"Miss, you can't produce evidence, but it doesn't matter. Who made me so popular? It's not common sense to think that you are a womanizer."

"Wow, Mr. Long, you are so kind! If I were to do so, I would definitely sue those who slandered me for bankruptcy."

"This girl looks so upright, but she is so mean in doing things just to gain attention."

"Isn't it because I want to attract Master Long's attention?"

"No, it's not like that!" Rozul, who was wrongfully accused, looked anxious and angry. She was just trying to attract attention, and she was doing it for journalistic fairness.

She had been pampered since she was a child and had never experienced such insults. She was so angry that she fainted.

Long Wei's eyes lit up: "I'll do it! I'm the best at artificial respiration."

When Longwei rises and prepares to press down on Rozul's mouth.

A bad smell came.

When Long Wei opened his eyes, he saw that his mouth was connecting with the instep of one of his feet. It was Zoe Wei who looked at him with a joking face. As for Rozul, he was taken away by the medical staff.

"I'm going to age athlete's foot?"

Zovi whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"The boss has taken a liking to this girl, Mr. Long, please respect yourself!"

Regarding the assistants around the big boss, Long Wei didn't dare to say anything and stepped aside angrily.

At this time, the media continued to rush to Mr. Long and asked: "Long Wei, you haven't answered the second question yet. What are your thoughts on the personal invitation of Wireless Lin Jianyue to renew the contract?"

"I don’t know Lin Jianyue! By the way, I will tell you that starting from today, I will officially join Asia Star! By the way, the specific information about this Miramar Hotel hijacking case will be reflected in my next drama! Everyone, please expect."

"What's the name of Young Master Long's movie? We will definitely go and cheer for it when it comes on!"

"It's called Mouse Dangyongwei."

Gentleman's News: "The bomb hijacking case that occurred at the Miramar Hotel on the 25th was completely solved by the new martial arts star Long Wei. At the same time, Long Wei said that he has officially joined Asia Star Film and Television Company."

"This newspaper will send reporters to have an exclusive interview with Mr. Long Wei, so stay tuned."

The most popular fried chicken during this period is Longwei.

Any news related to him can be trending.

Hong Kong people love to gossip, what about Long Wei fighting the evil girl Feifei for 300 rounds.

Real Kungfu is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, and can defeat the bomber.

The story of that night became more and more mysterious.

Of course, these news are all written by Chang Man, and Long Wei must be turned into an urban legend.

This time, the daily subscriptions of Gentleman, which has exclusive access to exclusive interviews, have continued to rise, breaking new highs.

Chang Man was smiling from ear to ear. If Long Wei didn't like men, Chang Man would have wanted to give him a physical gift to thank him.

Of course, Asia Star has also gained a lot and gained a lot of attention. After all, no one can imagine that Long Wei, who has always been greedy and lustful, can actually give up the unconditional renewal fee of up to 20 million from TVB. What is the magic power of Asia Star?

According to Long Wei, Asia Star is the most professional film and television company with the best development prospects in Asia.

This gave Asian stars a great sense of presence, and also made many stars pay attention to this new film and television company.

The second news didn't seem to cause any ripples in the city, but in the eyes of some people, it was like a bolt from the blue.

The headquarters of Hutchison Whampoa Group where Li Bancheng is located.

Li Bancheng, who is over sixty-eight years old, does not look old at all.

Instead, he looks like a man in his forties.

This is a very abnormal phenomenon. After all, according to public information, this tycoon does not have any special health habits. What is the reason that allows him to stay young and healthy forever?

Of course, it is the magic of US dollars. After decades of research, this technology has finally succeeded. Special proteins in the blood are purified through special instruments and combined with some special medicines to form the so-called youth medicine. The cost of each blood transfusion is as high as billion dollars.

Of course, in addition to the youth medicine, Li Huagua's peaceful mind is also very important. Now there is almost nothing that can make him angry.

But today he was angry!

Li Bancheng slammed the financial newspaper in his hand to the ground.

There is a big title on it: "Yang Bingzheng, the head of Miramar Hotel, sold 34% of the shares of Miramar Hotel to the Chiang Group for yuan per share!"

"The Chiang Group has announced that it already owns 44% of the shares of Miramar Hotel, and is now announcing a comprehensive tender offer to acquire individual shares in the market through the stock exchange."

As soon as the news was announced, Miramar Hotel's share price skyrocketed.

This made Li Bancheng, who secretly absorbed the shares, sit on the spot!

After many days, it has secretly absorbed 32% of the shares. Now there is no point in hiding after the comprehensive offer.

If we continue to compete with the Chiang Group, the stock price will definitely rise, which will inadvertently push up the price of our own acquisition.

If you give up, you will really be unwilling to abandon the fat on your lips like this.

Thinking of this, Li Bancheng pressed the phone.

Not much.

Huang Shi, the president of the investment fund affiliated to the Hutchison Whampoa Group, hurriedly took the exclusive elevator. He first looked at the assistant of the group chairman, and the other party silently made a gesture to him.

This gesture represents situation No. 1, indicating that the boss is angry at the moment.

Li Bancheng usually doesn't get angry, but when he gets angry, he will act extremely ruthlessly.

Employees who make mistakes will not only be fired, but will also undergo a strict audit by the audit department before leaving.

Let’s be honest, who goes to work and doesn’t seek personal gain for themselves while they have the power?

But if found out by the audit department, he will definitely be sent to prison.

Of course, these are all based on the fact that Li Bancheng suffered losses due to lack of work ability and was angry that he would do so cruelly.

A piece of newspaper was thrown at Huang Shi's feet.

It was the financial newspaper just now. When Huang Shi saw the headline about the equity transfer of Miramar Hotel, he panicked.

Sure enough, Li Bancheng patted the table.

"Look at the good thing you did! I don't blame you for the transfer of shares. After all, no one would have thought that Yang Bingzheng had a relationship with Jiang Tianen and traded the shares privately, but your investment department didn't find out about each other for so many days. Secretly absorbing shares? Let the Chiang Group hold the 10% of scattered shares! Why is there no risk warning! Don't you usually have the most professional and luxurious investment team in Hong Kong? You don't have the ability to collect information at all? "

Li Bancheng was really angry, his mouth was like a machine gun and he asked questions like a machine gun! His face was particularly angry.

The eldest son Li Zekai next to him looked surprised. For as long as he could remember, it was rare for his father to be so angry.

It seemed like it was only once or twice in his memory.

Once, my second brother got into trouble in the United States. He drank too much and was set up. At that time, my father spent a lot of personal connections and dollars to suppress the incident. This incident may be a real scandal for the family. . But it was a real good thing for Li Zekai. Since then, the group has finally established its position as its true heir.

It's a pity that my second brother and father may never know in this life that the so-called black girl incident was all planned and done by me behind the scenes. How can I let my second brother not learn from the happy life of other second generation ancestors, but learn from it? Why did Corporal Wang Lixian of the Eight Sages intervene in the group's business?

Li Zekai understands his father well and knows that he is a morally perfect person who needs to be shamed in front of others.

It is absolutely unacceptable that his son is fooling around outside, and that he is a nigger and has been exposed by the media.

The second time he became angry was about the relocation of his biological mother's grave.

I remember that my uncle's family was extremely opposed to it, and even threatened to move out and cut off all business contacts. Many people in the group also had objections.

But the furious father could not listen to any advice at that time, and anyone who had any objections within the group would be fired on the spot.

As for my uncle's family, I haven't had any contact with him since then. Even if the other party's business went bankrupt, he wouldn't come to ask for help.

I didn't expect to see my father's angry face again after so many years.

(End of this chapter)

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