On the other side of the door is the courtyard

Chapter 14 A small Chinese knot has a big market

Chapter 14 A small Chinese knot has a big market

The aunts and daughters-in-law in the courtyard are too busy during the day.In order to divert their attention, Yang Yi decided to find something for them to do.

After class the next day, Yang Yi rode his bicycle to the steel rolling mill.

Since the steel rolling mill was a heavy industrial enterprise, it was taken over just after liberation.Although on the surface it still belongs to the Lou family, in fact, in the factory, the Lou family has been ignored.

"Comrade, I have something to do with Factory Director Yang. Please tell him that Yang Aijun's son is looking for him, and he will know who I am."

The security guard called Factory Director Yang, who immediately sent his secretary to pick up Yang Yi at the door.

"Uncle Yang, long time no see!"

"Hey, Xiaoyi. I haven't seen you for more than half a year. You've grown taller and stronger. Why did you want to come to my place today?"

"Uncle Yang, I have something to trouble you with."

Then Yang Yi took out eight Chinese knots of different styles from the bag.

"Uncle Yang, please take a look at these handicrafts first."

Director Yang took them one by one and looked at them.

"Did you knit it yourself? It's very beautiful and festive! Why, are you going to give these to me?"

"It's necessary to give it to you, but you need to listen to what I have to say first."

"Uncle Yang, recently I was doing a research report on corporate system issues. Then I was thinking that in our country, large strategic enterprises, such as steel mills, must be state-owned. So for those small people's livelihood enterprises, What kind of model will service-oriented enterprises adopt?

Then, I was thinking about whether we could use the street office as a bridge to integrate the small businesses in the entire area.I temporarily name this kind of enterprise a large collective enterprise. "

Well, Yang Yi brought forward the emergence of large collective enterprises in the late 50s to 1952.

Director Yang is a conscious person.As soon as I heard this concept, I knew that the higher-ups would definitely be interested.

Director Yang decided to dig deeper.

"So Xiaoyi, can you tell me what are the benefits of this kind of large collective enterprise?"

"As for the benefits, I have considered the following."

Then Yang Yi listed out several points summarized by later generations about the vitality of large collective enterprises, and also threw out the concept of public-private partnership.

"Xiao Yi, you are amazing. If you write this research report, can you add Uncle Yang's name? If you need Uncle Yang's help in your research, just ask."

“Thank you for your overwhelming support.”

Then he pointed to the eight Chinese knots on the table,
"Do you think the factory can purchase this Chinese knot?"

"That's how much. There's no need to purchase it from the factory. Uncle Yang can just pay for it himself."

"No, no, you misunderstood me.

These eight are just samples.I mean, how many of such festive things should be hung on each car in the factory?You can hang a few at the door of each office.If I have your initial order as a guarantee, I can talk to the street about setting up the first collective enterprise. "

"Even if we have it all over the factory, it won't cost much. This amount of orders can't support an enterprise."

It is obvious that Director Yang does not understand the advertising effect of star companies.

"Uncle Yang, the largest enterprise in our district is the steel rolling mill. If you purchase it here, other enterprises will follow suit. And other enterprises in Forty-Nine City will be tempted by such a festive thing. Yang Bailao wants to buy it even during the New Year. I'm buying a red headband for Xi'er.

Then, such a Chinese-flavored art piece.We send some small gifts to those countries that have friendly relations with us, and maybe we can earn foreign exchange through exports.The market for small Chinese knots is infinite! "

"Good boy, let me draw a cake for you Uncle Yang. With your eloquence, it would be a pity not to join the army and become a great man.

200 pieces of each kind, 1600 pieces in total.For delivery before the National Day, the price will be negotiated between the street and our factory.Don't touch the money. "

This is for Yang Yi's consideration, and I must be grateful.

"Okay, Uncle Yang. With your support, I promise to complete the mission."

"You're the only one who can talk. When you go home and see your dad and your eldest and second uncle, help me take care of it!"

After bidding farewell to Director Yang, Yang Yi went to the subdistrict office without stopping to find Director Wang.

I repeated what I told Director Yang to Director Wang.

Is Director Wang interested?Of course I'm interested.If it doesn't work, it will cost more labor. Anyway, the first batch of test orders and the rolling mill have agreed to purchase it. All the street has to do is to buy a batch of red rope first and then organize production.But if we can really set up the first collective enterprise as Yang Yi said, what a huge effort it will take!
Of course, this is also related to Yang Yi's identity.Director Wang knows that he won't talk nonsense. It would be weird if you try it with someone like Silly Zhu.

"You made these, right? Xiaoyi. Then have you decided who to teach them to make?"

"Let's start with the aunts and ladies in our compound. I estimate there can be more than a dozen of them. That's enough to deal with the orders from the steel rolling mill."

"Okay. Regarding the establishment of a company, I will go to the district to go through the formalities in the past two days. There is no reason for the district and the city to disagree with this kind of thing that benefits the country and the people. Just take advantage of these few days, Xiaoyi, to take care of those things in your hospital. After the aunt and daughter-in-law were taught, we officially started.

As for the processing fees, after I negotiate the purchase price with the steel rolling mill, I will give a reasonable processing fee to the residents. "

"Okay, Director Wang. I won't get involved in the money matter, and I will trouble you all the time."

Back to the courtyard, after dinner.Yang Yi greeted the three uncles separately and hoped that they could organize a hospital-wide meeting because he had a great thing to announce.The three uncles said that they would notify every household and start on time at eight o'clock.

The meeting begins.First, Yi Zhonghai spoke. "Tonight's meeting is held at Xiaoyi's request. He said he has a good thing to tell everyone. Xiaoyi, please come up and tell us."

"Good evening to all my neighbors."

Then Yang Yi took out a sample of the Chinese knot and told everyone that the street was going to start a small business and the product would be this Chinese knot.The first batch of orders is 1600, and you will be paid on a per-unit basis.Through my own efforts, this batch of orders will first be digested by recruiting people in the compound.

"Anyone who is willing to do this job will meet here at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I will teach you for an hour every day. As long as your hands are not too clumsy, you can definitely learn it in three or four days. As for the processing fee, the street is calculating it. But it will definitely not happen. Let everyone suffer.”

"Thank you, Xiaoyi. I will think of you all if I have any good things." Good words don't cost money, let alone helping everyone make money.

At this time Yi Zhonghai asked,
"Xiaoyi, apart from these 1600 people, will there be any other jobs in the future?"

This question is also of interest to others.

"Yes. I'm not sure how much right now. But it shouldn't be a problem to make enough food for an adult in a month."

Oops, now the whole hospital is boiling!
The next afternoon, when Yang Yi came to the Intermediate Courtyard, he found that everyone was already waiting.After nodding, there were 22 people in total, a few more than I expected.It turned out that there were a few more men who were not in good health and could not go out to work.

Teaching started directly.The eight Chinese knots that Yang Yi presented this time include 4 Dafu-shaped long knots and 4 ice flower knots.If you are familiar with the word Dafu, it will take about 4-5 hours, and the ice flower knot will take half an hour.

Today I plan to give all four types of ice flower knots to the church.They are all fixed routines, similar to knitting.Just teach the beginning and then just repeat it. Then practice makes perfect and you will improve your hand speed.

When the teaching was about to end, Director Wang came.He didn't bother Yang Yi at all, and even started to learn it himself.

At the end of the teaching, Director Wang spoke.

"Dear neighbors, let's make a long story short. After research, the street has decided that the processing fee for large knots is two cents and small knots three cents. If you think it is okay, thick cotton thread will be brought to you in two days."

Everyone did the math and found that if you work hard a day, you can earn [-] cents, and you can buy five kilograms of stick noodles.Moreover, everyone just did this job easily while chatting in the yard. If you don’t want to, it’s okay to take it home and do it.The wind can't blow and the rain can't hit me. This is so happy!
"I would like to emphasize one point here. After everyone learns and officially starts work, the quality must be guaranteed. In this way, before starting work, everyone will vote for a team leader. The team leader's task is to check the quality and keep the materials. Every month An extra dollar for hard work.

Is this okay?Director Wang. "

"This is a good idea. While I'm here today, you can elect the team leader. The ugly thing is ahead. If after passing the inspection and there are still defective products left to the street office, the team leader's salary will be deducted. "

The aunt was successfully elected.Jia Zhang also wanted to join in the fun, but no one paid attention to her.

Then Director Wang went to Yang Yi's house and continued to discuss with Yang Yi.

After entering the door, Qin Huairu still had to clean up the last bit.Yang Yi asked her to go back first.

"Xiaoyi, I reported this matter to the district this morning, and the district took it very seriously. It is estimated that the documents have arrived in the city by now. If you have any other ideas next, please tell me."

During this period, the higher authorities still paid great attention to revitalizing the economy.So it's normal to respond faster.

"Director Wang, you will be busy next.

You can mobilize all the staff at the subdistrict office and go out to collect orders.Not only enterprises, but also more than 800 merchants in Zhengyangmen area can go to promote.

Although these bits and pieces are small, as long as half of these merchants use them, customers will see them.If you think it looks good, ask more about it and where you bought it.You can place your goods in these merchants and let them sell them on their behalf.Isn’t this list just here? "

Then Yang Yi took out a jade that didn't look very good and a glass marble, and placed them on the word Dafu.

"Director Wang, look. If you can string this together, can the unit price go up a lot? You can go and report to the district and city. Is it appropriate for such a beautiful handicraft to be given as a small gift to a country that is friendly to us? ? Maybe if they like it, they can buy some back. Isn’t this another way?

Director Wang, there are more than just these eight styles of Chinese knots.Once they have learned and become proficient, they will create 108 styles for you in minutes.

What the streets have to do is to purchase cotton ropes on a large scale to reduce costs, and then encourage them to develop new styles. For example, if a new style is adopted, they will be rewarded with a dollar or something.Or for example, those who are particularly dexterous can be converted into regular employees of collective enterprises?As long as the sub-district office controls the general direction, the working people will use their own brains to do the rest. "

Director Wang is a complete layman on corporate management and business.By this time she had been brainwashed by Yang Yi's grand plan.

"Xiaoyi, don't call me director from now on, call me Aunt Wang."

"Okay, Aunt Wang."

"Xiao Yi, it's not appropriate to keep asking for free money from you. In this case, Aunt Wang will make the decision and apply for a non-staff clerk for you, and she will give you 27 and a half yuan a month. How about that?"

You can't take this. If you take it, your position will be different.The dignified time traveler didn't pay much attention to this small amount of money.Besides, when I go to college or enter D to investigate social relations in the future, the street office and the courtyard are two places that I cannot avoid.It's better to let her owe him a favor.

"Aunt Wang, thank you for your kindness. In fact, at the beginning of this matter, I simply wanted to find some work for the neighbors so that they could improve their lives. Later, I thought that these were just a flash of inspiration, and they might never happen again. Such an idea. So I can’t take the money.”

"You kid, you're so humble. No. 3 in the city got into the No. [-] middle school. It's not unusual to come up with such an idea. Forget it, when you figure it out, just tell me directly and I'll keep it for you. However, if Aunt Wang wants your help when the time comes, you can’t refuse!”

"That's not possible. I will definitely tell you everything when the time comes."

Director Wang said goodbye and left.

Qin Huairu slipped over again in the evening.Yang Yi taught her how to knit step by step for three hours.

Before leaving, Qin Huairu expressed that she wanted to listen to music again.Yang Yi opened his mouth and came.

"Just because in the crowd

look at you more

Never forget your face

Dreaming that we can meet again one day occasionally
From then on, I started to feel lonely

(End of this chapter)

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