On the other side of the door is the courtyard

Chapter 273 New machines need to be run-in

Chapter 273 New machines need to be run-in
With his beloved caressing his cheek like this, Ding Qiunan felt like a kitten that had been stroked, so comfortable that his eyes narrowed to a slit.

"Brother, it's getting late..."

The kitten murmured and moved closer to its owner.Then he began to greedily smell the scent of the other person, wanting to firmly engrav the person with this scent in his mind, as well as every part of his body.

"Qiu Nan, I still have something to tell you..."

Well, I can't go on any further.

The recruits are like this. Before going to the battlefield, they always have the thought that "the enemy is nothing more than this", but when they actually see the scene of flying artillery fire, they collapse in just a moment.

So after only 15 minutes, recruit Ding Qiunan collapsed.

"Brother, am I useless like this? I keep you up every time."

After resting for a while, Ding Qiunan, who had recovered a little, said this with a little shame and apology, and a little uneasily.

"Qiu Nan, new cars and machines are not easy to use when they first come off the production line. But as long as they are used a few times, they will be fine after the running-in period."

Yang Yi's metaphor opened Ding Qiunan's eyes.She didn't know much about cars, but she was in a machine repair shop after all, so she still knew a little bit about the running-in of new machines.Thinking about it carefully, it seems that what he said is really right.

"Then you should take more time to give me a good break."

The kitten’s reasonable requirements must be met unconditionally.So it was not until three o'clock in the morning that the new round of running-in was finally over.

"Qiu Nan, don't forget to tell Master Qi about that. Then after you are transferred to Sijiu City, I will find a way to get your dad back to work, so that he can take over your job in the infirmary of the machine repair shop."

"Isn't this a bit troublesome, brother? My dad still has some foundation anyway. When I become a full-time employee, my salary will be higher. It should be no problem to support them."

"If your dad doesn't work all the time, people will gossip about him. And this matter is not a big problem to me. Factory Director Liu has always wanted to repay me but has never had the chance. It just so happens that this matter allows him to offend me. I’m helping you get supplies for your factory.”

Just kidding, even for Cui Dake's small contribution, Factory Director Liu can let him change his job from farm to job. How can it be difficult to arrange Ding's father's affairs?

After all, there was no formal characterization of Ding's father's matter from above, so Factory Director Liu would definitely turn a blind eye to this incident.

As for whether others will doubt Yang Yi's motivation for helping - to give a small favor to my wife's only apprentice, this should be reasonable!

At this point, most of the problems that troubled Ding Qiunan have been solved, and the remaining ones can only be dealt with slowly with time.

"Brother, you are so kind to me!"

Looking at the man in front of me, except for the piece of paper that I couldn't give myself, everything else had been arranged in detail.What else can a woman ask for in this life? Just follow him for the rest of her life!
After sending Ding Qiunan back to the dormitory, Yang Yi began to rush back towards Sijiu City at lightning speed.

When he saw the city from a distance, Yang Yi suddenly remembered a famous saying from later generations - have any of you seen Sijiu City at four in the morning? I have!

While Yang Yi was so proud and proud, someone stopped the bicycle he was riding.

"Comrade, please get out of the car and cooperate with our inspection."

Well, Sijiucheng in the early morning is not that easy to see.No, I was stopped by the city inspection.

He quickly took out his work permit and handed it to the person in charge of inspection. "Comrade, I remember you."

The inspector's voice made Yang Yi remember him.Isn't this the same person I met last time when I showed kindness and helped an old farmer who went to the city to sell vegetables?

"Oh, what a coincidence. We meet again. Today it's your group's turn to stay up all night."

"It's quite a coincidence. You just came back from your wife's place."

"You have such a good memory, you can even remember such little things!"

"We are responsible for this. How can we be ridiculous if we don't even remember this kind of thing? Okay, you two have had a hard time running around. Come home and take a nap for a while."

After saying that, he returned Yang Yi's work permit.

"This is not considered hard work for me. If you are like you who often stop at one place for the whole night, then it is really hard work."

"Well, after doing this job and getting this salary, you have to work hard. What's the point of hard work?"

Yes, if everyone can do their own job well and be worthy of the salary they receive, then...

Yang Yi shook his head, why did he start to be pretentious again?

After a while, he returned to the entrance of the courtyard.

At this time, Yan Bugui probably hadn't gotten up yet, so the door to the courtyard was still closed.But this can't stop Yang Yi's determination to return home.

After walking around the wall for a while, in a remote corner, I saw a small ladder placed there.This has been a feature of the past few years. Almost every compound has a small ladder like this prepared outside.

As for what this is used for...of course it is so that everyone can get up in the middle of the night and sneak to the Pigeon Market!
After climbing to the top of the wall in a few steps, I found that there was no ladder in the yard.But this is what it should be. If you put it on both ends, isn't it saying "Welcome" to those thieves?

The courtyard walls of courtyard houses are generally less than three meters long.Jumping directly from this height would make quite a bit of noise.

But this is not difficult for Yang Yi.He took out a thick sponge mat about 1.5 meters long from the space, threw it down, and jumped directly onto the mat.

As for why there are such mats always in the space - it's not good for you to know too much about this.

A perfect jump!Comparable to a certain diver's disappearing water technique, Yang Yi barely made any sound after jumping down.

When I got home, I saw that it was almost five o'clock. If I lay down on the kang again at this time, I would probably wake up to the sun shining on my butt.Even setting an alarm clock is useless. The feeling of sleeping for an hour or two and then being forced to wake up will only make it more uncomfortable.

I simply went to the bathroom and took a cold shower first, and I felt a lot more energetic.Then I made a cup of strong coffee, took out the breakfast customized in the five-star hotel, and enjoyed it leisurely.

It wasn't until Yan Bugui went to work that Yang Yicai went out to the steel rolling mill.

There was no way, if Lao Yan saw himself coming out of the house, he would have to doubt his life.

(End of this chapter)

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