On the other side of the door is the courtyard

Chapter 277 I will never let you sleep on my kang

Chapter 277 I will never let you sleep on my kang

In fact, Yang Yi already knew this news as early as last month.

But I didn't think too much about it at the time. Anyway, it wouldn't be a difficult thing to say hello to me and ensure a sufficient supply of coal.Even the share for Wen Li and Lou Xiao'e's family was just a matter of casual effort.

However, after attending the general meeting of the hospital today, I realized that my original idea seemed a bit inappropriate.

Wen Li, Lou Xiao'e and the others have no problem using their own houses in whatever way they want.But once your own small boiler is used like this, others will immediately judge that this family has no shortage of coal supply.

So when people come to ask for help, should you agree?And as long as you agree to one family, it is indirectly equivalent to taking over all the coal in the hospital.

Worrying not about scarcity but about inequality, Yang Yi even dared to bet that as long as he failed to help one family, a report letter about him would come out the next day.

At this time, Yi Zhonghai on the stage began to speak again:

"The three of us in charge discussed it and came up with the following methods. After I finish speaking, the big guys will come back to discuss whether it is feasible.

The first one is that starting from next month, everyone will gather all the coal.We will give priority to families with pregnant women, elderly people and children to ensure that they do not suffer from the cold.

Secondly, it was really too cold, so everyone tried to huddle together at night to make do.If there are more people in the house, there will be more heat and a few less coal stoves.

Third, from now on, everyone will work together to see if we can stock up on more coal.

This is what our three uncles mean.Next, let's discuss it and see if it works. "

These methods cannot be said to be useless, but they require sacrificing the interests of some people.Especially those with connections or money in their families will be the first to bear the brunt.

Of course, Yang Yi was the one who was hit the hardest.Not only will the coal have to be handed over, but several people will have to be squeezed into the house to use the heater.If you agree to someone else, you will feel uncomfortable, but if you don't agree to someone else, you will still be gossiped behind their back.

This is quite uncomfortable.

Sure enough, when the neighbors heard this, they immediately divided into three factions.

One faction firmly supports Yi Zhonghai and their decision.Looking at these people, it turned out that they were the families with the most difficult conditions.

The other faction is firmly opposed to it, well, it's the families who have some connections and are not very short of money.

The last faction is the centrist, which focuses on people who just follow the crowd and can decide whatever they want.

The three parties are still about the same number of people, so it is difficult to reach an agreement.

Yang Yi undoubtedly belongs to the unwilling group.It's okay to donate some money to buy some high-priced coal so that you can afford more.But the thought of others coming to your home to keep warm and sleep gives me goosebumps all over my body just thinking about it.

For example, the boys and girls of Lao Yan's family rarely bathe often and don't pay much attention to personal hygiene.If this brings some fleas to the house... Hey, I don't dare to think about it anymore.

However, this reason cannot be stated openly, otherwise it will become impossible to unite the masses.

But, how can we solve this problem?Suddenly, Yang Yi thought of a good thing. The cost was not very high, but it was an item that could solve the current problem of insufficient coal supply - a solar cooker.

However, I have never seen the actual solar cooker.As for whether it can be created in this era, Yang Yi also needs to go back to modern time and space to check the data before confirming it.But thinking about it, it's just a matter of a few pieces of glass, so it shouldn't be too difficult.The key is that no one has this idea of ​​using solar energy yet, and as long as they have this idea, it will only take a few days before the finished product appears.

"Master Yi, I have thought of a good idea, which should be able to help everyone solve the current difficulties."

Now the neighbors are in high spirits.Qianyuan Xiaoyi is fine if he doesn't take action, but once he takes action, he can really solve practical problems.

Silly Zhu was of course the first to praise him.

"Chief Yang, everyone knows what you are capable of, so tell everyone quickly."

Since Shazhu was educated by Liu Lan, he has never called Yang Yi by his nickname in public.It can only be said that after he got married and became a father, he slowly began to pay attention to such small details. This can be regarded as a kind of growth.

Then Xu Damao was not to be outdone and immediately offered him a flattering meal.

Seeing that Yan Jiecheng also wanted to speak, it was a bit endless. Yang Yi quickly made a downward movement with his hands to keep everyone quiet.

"Xiaoyi, your method must be reliable, just tell it and let everyone listen."

Yi Zhonghai still couldn't bring himself to address Yang Yi's position. After all, his personality was that of the patriarch in this compound.It would indeed be difficult for him to change his attitude towards the junior whom he had grown up with.

Yang Yi did not give the answer directly. Instead, he called Banggeng out and asked him a question.

"Banggen, in school, did the teacher teach you that sunlight can ignite dry leaves after passing through a magnifying glass?"

"I have taught it, Uncle Xiaoyi. The teacher also said that it gathers the energy of sunlight and then generates high temperature that can ignite fire."

"Well, that's right. It seems that your study was not in vain."

Yang Yi patted him on the shoulder to encourage him.

Looking at the confused neighbors, Yang Yi stopped showing off and explained the basic principles of solar cookers to everyone.

"Xiaoyi, what you mean is that by magnifying this magnifying glass dozens of times, and then using this heat to cook rice and water, you can save a lot of coal, right?"

After all, Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level fitter. Although what Yang Yi said has nothing to do with his major, he usually sees too many drawings and can draw some parallels.

"That's right, Master Yi. But I have to calculate carefully how much magnification can be done to achieve the most economical results.

The materials should not be difficult to get, but as you know, this is not my major in college, so you have to give me some time to think about it carefully. "

"Okay, Xiaoyi, I have some respect in the technical department of the factory. How about I find a technician to come over tomorrow to cooperate with your research, then the progress should be faster."

There was one more thing Yi Zhonghai didn't say.If this thing can really be done, then it will not just be a matter of our own courtyard.Maybe a brand new product will emerge from this, what an honor this must be!

Therefore, Yi Zhonghai also made up his mind that he must participate in the whole process of this matter. When the credit is divided like this, the factory must also give himself credit for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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