Zhutian Film and Television opens with a Taoist

Chapter 215 Entering the Coffin Gorge, the Great Immortal Wuyang

Chapter 215 Entering the Coffin Gorge, the Great Immortal Wuyang

Coffin Gap.

If I use one word to describe it, it would be the word "dangerous". It is winding and winding, with thousands of walls standing tall, misty clouds, rolling rapids, and waterfalls hanging on the mountains everywhere. Looking from a distance, it is just like the poem written by Li Bai, "Flying Water" Three thousand feet below, it is suspected that the Milky Way has fallen into the sky.

The silver lines of waterfalls that go straight up and down fall in the air between the dangerous cliffs and ancient walls, which is quite spectacular.

On the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, there are trails dug into the mountain. They are as dense as spider webs. It is not clear where they lead. It is not clear. The height of the towering cliffs is almost a thousand meters. They are intricate and complex. Turn a thousand times.

Coffin Gorge is worthy of the word coffin. There are hanging coffins everywhere, and there are coffins hanging for unknown ages. Some of them are rotten to the point of disgrace, and the bones in the body must have been rotted into mud!

Hanging coffins is an ancient custom. The ancients believed that hanging the ancestors like this would bring good luck and good luck. However, for the Feng Shui of this era, it does not bring good luck and blessings. The body is blown by the wind and sun. Exposure to the sun and rain will seriously damage the luck of future generations. After all, who wants to lie out in the open like this?

Even if the tomb is leaking, you still have to find a way to entrust the dream to future generations and ask them to repair it quickly, otherwise everything will go wrong for you.

Coffin Gorge is not just a canyon, but a group of intertwined cliffs, like canine teeth. From a height, it looks like a hieroglyphic witch character.

Fortunately, He Xiu flew. Following the canyon between the cliffs of Coffin Gorge, it felt like entering the Peach Blossom Land. The canyon was deep and deep, and probably not many people had gone in since ancient times.

If there were 100,000 people hiding here, they probably wouldn't be discovered. With Feng Xuewen pointing out the direction, it would save him a lot of trouble. At least he wouldn't have to use his eyesight to find the entrance.

"He Daozhang, this Nine Death Jingling Armor can't be killed if it goes deep into the earth's veins." Feng Xuewen looked at the mountains, and they were all burned black by the flames blown out by He Xiu. I felt a wave of heat coming over me, it was terrifying, as if it was going to scorch you.

But the Jingling Armor, which is woven on the ground, belongs to the minority after all. The main roots are all over the underground veins. This burning method looks very scary from the outside, but it has little practical effect unless it burns the entire building. mountains.

"Well, I know, I just like to go overboard, and I'm not afraid of bedwetting anyway."

He Xiu explained forcibly, but his brows were furrowed. The surface of the ground had indeed been cleaned up, but when he looked into the ground with his eyes, he could clearly see that the vents of the dragon veins and ditches under the gaps in the earth and rocks were all densely packed. It's this terrifying overhead vine.

Dharma fire is its nemesis, but if people are hiding underground, we can’t pull them out, either. Fire can’t do it, so... what about electricity!

He opened his hand, and in the palm of his hand, the thunder talisman flashed, and he summoned it casually. From the sky, a thunderbolt came down from the sky and hit a Jingling Armor vine. The electric current continued to spread along with the Jingling Armor vine.

Looking at the paralyzed vines, He Xiu was overjoyed and shouted: "Thunder and lightning are effective, paralyzed ones, let's go!"

When the magic fire was burning, the passage had already been opened. He Xiu called out his hand, and the awning boat was put away. He grabbed Feng Xuewen with one hand and jumped straight down from a hundred meters in the air. He hung continuously in the air. After the stampede.


He Xiu landed firmly, put down Feng Xuewen, who was still in shock, and shook the black hair in front of his forehead. Following the theme of being handsome when appearing on stage, He Xiu showed off his proud jawline at any time.

With a bang, not far behind, the golden reinforced skeleton fell upside down into a pit. The dog was lying on the sand and trying to pull its head out of the pit, but it was so stupid and shameless. There is no skin, there are only bones on the skull, so it’s hard to tell whether it is awkward or not. In short, the landing posture needs more practice.

Silly Qiang was very dissatisfied with He Xiu's approach of putting away the bronze boat without informing him. Fortunately, it couldn't speak, otherwise he would have pointed at He Xiu and scolded him.

The angry chicken poked its head, looked around at the hole, and stopped its claws. It was really too big now and was no longer suitable for drilling this kind of hole, for fear of getting stuck and unable to get out.

He Xiu was not embarrassed and directly put away the Angry Chicken and entered the warehouse. Each person affixed a few evil-repelling runes on the front, back, and left, and then took the lead in going in.

It was full of musty smell and corpse poison, which was the poison emitted by the corpse under the precipitation of time.

He Xiu could only endure it, holding his breath and walked inside, giving Feng Xuewen a pair of glutinous rice masks, hoping he could bear it!

As a tank blood cow, the enhanced skeleton naturally walked at the front to explore the path, holding two golden melon hammers, testing mechanisms, etc. In the deep corridor, there was only a nervous Feng Xuewen, holding a tinder for lighting.

At the end of the corridor, there is a stone wall on each side. It is snow-white in color and I don't know what kind of material it is. The two bloody wild boars carved on the stone wall have no idea of ​​its significance.

Under the stone wall, there is a stone table, with thousands of skulls piled up in a disorderly manner. The flesh has long been rotten. Look at it, it looks like a human skull, but with fangs. Their appearance has made this ancient corridor It became full of weirdness, as if you could feel the bloody scene when they were massacred.

"Well, there are traces of multiple people walking, it should be Chen Yulou and his men."

He Xiu's eyes flashed with white light as he looked at the narrow corridor full of skulls in front of him. When he searched with his spiritual sense, he could not penetrate within ten walls, but he could see the scene after the curve of the corridor.

There is a cave at the end, with jagged rocks, stalactites hanging upside down, and a lot of water dripping down. It turns out to be a natural cave made of limestone, with a height of more than ten meters.

The enhanced skeleton is the king of the underground. The speed of the skeleton is faster than the eyes can catch it. It disappears in front of you like an afterimage.

Feng Xuewen looked at the skeleton, using its claws, hands, bones and feet together, leaving deep claw bone grooves on the hard stone wall, which once again refreshed his understanding of strength and bone hardness.

There is a huge bluestone in the cave. On the stone is a tall and strong jade figure. The jade is as red as blood. She is wearing a python robe and a jade belt. Her head is as big as a bucket. She wears a bronze hood on her face. There are no facial features on the front, but there are eyes, ears, mouth and nose on the back. , but it is indeed not a human face, but a black sheep face, sitting in the center, surrounded by dozens of male and female stone figures kneeling, all holding various utensils in their hands.

"Feng Xuewen, what does this mean, a sheep-headed body, what kind of culture worships such a...god?"

He Xiuming looked at the human figure sleeping in the jade and knew that it was a sacrifice to a spirit a long time ago.

However, worshiping gods can also be divided into good and evil. They are the product of human thoughts gathering after communicating with the way of heaven. Their main functions have been determined when they were born. For example, the God of Wealth naturally asks for wealth, the Door God asks for the stability of the home, and the Moon God asks for the stability of the home. Marriage, the mother-in-law on the bedside praying for a safe child, etc., each has its own purpose, and they are all what people want.

In ancient times, most of them set up a god for the sake of fear. The purpose of most such gods was to kill and kill.

"Well, Immortal Chief, I don't know about this either, but our old residence of the Feng family is outside Qingxi Town. We have never eaten black sheep since ancient times. Maybe it has something to do with this, maybe" "Well, this The beauty has no head. The bottom of this bronze hood is empty, as if it was chopped off on purpose. Hmm~ No! Under its butt is... a human stool. How many evils has your Feng family done? If you want to become an immortal, how can you still do it? Get rid of so many injustices and debts in your cave."

"Human stool, Immortal Chief, what is a human stool?" Feng Xuewen stuttered a little. This was the first time he heard this word.

"You'll know when you go up and take a look." He Xiu was just under the huge statue stone platform and couldn't see clearly. It wasn't until he looked through with clear eyes that he saw that there were actually six lifelike figures under the headless beauty's buttocks. The female body was old, so it was obviously not the work of the Feng family.

Feng Xuewen was a little confused, and he bravely came to the edge of the jade platform. He jumped, broke off his hands, and went up to the jade platform. Through the dim and yellow torch, he saw the person lying under the buttocks of the beautiful woman in the copper sheath. They are the backs of six naked female corpses, with varying expressions of terror. If you look carefully, you can still see the exquisite facial features, like a soft leather sofa platform.

"This, this..." Feng Xuewen was shocked, his face turned pale, and sweat dripped from his temples. The whole person seemed to have fallen down. Even though he was a ruthless bandit and tomb robber, he had never done such a terrifying thing: "Master Immortal, what on earth is this?"

"Their corpses were filled with dry medicine to keep their flesh and blood from becoming stiff, hard, and rotting. Their ghosts were also tightly trapped inside. I didn't expect that the ancients were so good at playing. How embarrassing is Lin’s attitude toward modern medicine?”

Feng Xuewen tried his best to stay away from the female corpses and murmured: "Killing people and using them as furniture, what kind of person can do this?"


When He Xiu saw that Feng Xuewen did not refute, he glanced at it. A flag appeared in his hand. His magic activated the runes on it, and a vortex appeared. The thousand-year-old ghosts inside the six female corpses broke through the restriction and were captured by the ghost flag. This was extremely Good Yin soldiers, thousands of years of injustice, are rare.

Their Yin evil energy is an important energy source that prevents corpses from decaying. After the Yin evil is gone, their corpses will slowly enter the normal laws of nature.

"Let's go! This is just a place of worship, not a tomb!"

Feng Xuewen naturally knows that the Feng family has its own secrets passed down. The tomb of King Yishan here has long been hollowed out by his ancestors. In this underground cave, the appearance of Qingxi Town outside is copied one to one. , called Dixian Village.

If you want to visit the Earthly Immortal, first look for Wuyang.

In front of the frightening stage, the Yin River flows across the sky,

The fairy bridge has no shadow, and the naked eye is in the south.

Sacrifice yourself when you fall off a rock, reach the sky in one step,

Iron wall and silver screen, the universe is numbered,

Black Mountain Cave House, Divine Mirror,

There are hundreds of coffins in the copper tower, and Lord Tie comes to the door.

Kowtow eight hundred times, and you will be blessed with immortality.

This is the inscription recorded on the stone wall nearby. It is in traditional Chinese characters. He Xiu can recognize it. This is the secret book for finding Dixian Village.

"Chang Immortal, this cave at the head of the road may be the old address of King Wuyang's tomb."

"Well, your ancestors of the Feng family are really interesting. I'm afraid that others can't find your tomb, so why are you here giving directions to others? Let's go! Shaqiang leads the way."

Feng Xuewen wanted to refute what He Xiu said. It was indeed a big tomb before, but later it was changed to Dixian Village. It can only be regarded as their village is more difficult to find, and it cannot be regarded as a tomb.

The ancients said that the tomb is hidden, and it is invisible to others, but this...the meaning of the stone wall placed here is a bit like the grandeur of being destined to be an immortal and guiding others to become immortals.

He Xiu waved his hand and put away the entire jade platform together with the statue. This can probably be traced back to the historical relics of Cuba. It is a rare sight. Let's keep it as a collection. Moreover, there is a god inside. If he is awakened, he will also One more helper.

"Hey, Chief Immortal, look at how many corpses there are here." After walking a few steps, Feng Xuewen pointed to the corner and shouted.

He Xiu glanced at the four corpses in the corner, wrapped in linen, and there were black glutinous rice on the ground. They had obviously been poisoned to death. "Yeah, I saw them. Judging by their costumes, they should be your Xiling brothers. They were poisoned by corpse poison and are also unlucky. There's nothing interesting about them. In this line of work, you have to be prepared for disaster. Let's go."

At the end of the tunnel, there is a strange terrain. The tunnel entrance is halfway up the cliff. In front of the cliff is a T-shaped canyon, and the exit is the intersection of the T-shaped canyon.

There is thick fog all over the canyon. You can't see the sky or the ground. The cliffs are smooth, as if they were cut out by some god's sword. There is a platform in the thick fog below, and there are hundreds of people on it. The black sheep stone beasts are divided into two rows and stand at the entrance of the cave.

"It seems that that is the so-called entrance to the Earthly Immortal Palace."

Feng Xuewen looked at the bottomless depth below. If he fell, he would be shattered to pieces. He asked with some worry: "Immortal. It's so high here. How can we get in on this cliff?"

"Haha, you forgot how we got here, Shaqiang, show me."

Sha Qiang, who was holding his arms around him, did not refuse when he heard this. He shook his armor wildly and walked to the edge of the cliff. He turned around to face He Xiu and the others, made an OK gesture, fell back, and screamed. Jumping towards the cliff, the body is made of stainless steel, so you are not afraid of falling.

Feng Xuewen looked at Xiaoqiang through the weak line. The canyon was about twenty meters wide, and it was a miraculous workmanship. It corresponded to the sentence in the riddle of Guanshan Guanzhi: in front of the frightening stage, the Yin River was across the sky, and the fairy bridge was invisible. , Nanxun to the naked eye, falling on a rock and sacrificing one's life, reaching the sky in one step.

This deep valley between the sky and the sky, the cliff that makes people dizzy at the sight of it, who dares to jump will be shattered to pieces.

The imagined scene of Shaqiang breaking into pieces did not appear. Instead, Shaqiang seemed to be dragged down by some invisible energy, actually spinning around in the air.

Feng Xuewen couldn't figure out what was going on. He only thought that the strengthened skeleton had some magic power so it couldn't fall.

He Xiu took a step back and kicked Feng Xuewen's raised butt.

Feng Xuewen never imagined that He Xiu was such a bitch and wanted to kill him.

I just heard Feng Xuewen's voice scolding his mother after being kicked down, and he put it on from below: "Ah~ Damn it! Immortal Chief, you...hey! This...I can fly, Immortal Chief"

(End of this chapter)

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