At night, inside a spacious stone house.

"What are you doing? Put your clothes on quickly!"

Ye Ming stared blankly at Wang Ning, who had taken off half of her clothes, exposing her upper body.

Just now, this woman somehow found out that Ye Ming was going to take the red-faced old man out, and she suddenly became anxious. She ran to Ye Ming's temporary residence in a panic, wanting to ask Ye Ming to take her out again.

After her repeated requests, Ye Ming still refused to let go, so the woman took off her clothes without hesitation and wanted to sacrifice herself.

"Elder..." Wang Ning bit her lip and said nothing, looking at Ye Ming with tears in her eyes. Not only did she not put on her clothes, but her hands kept moving and she wanted to continue taking them off.

Ye Ming was helpless. It seemed that he had indeed pushed this woman into a desperate situation. He stretched out his hands to stop Wang Ning from making any further movements.

He gently helped her put her clothes back on, patted her shoulder and said, "It's not necessary, I'm not so impatient yet."

Wang Ning looked at Ye Ming doubtfully, not understanding what the other party meant. She could clearly feel a possessiveness from the way the other party looked at her, but now she took the initiative to send it to her door, but the other party didn't want it.

Seeing Wang Ning's confusion, Ye Ming said frankly: "Even if I want to have something happen with you, it's not under this situation."

"Yes..." Wang Ning responded with lowered eyebrows, and secretly complained that Ye Ming was being serious.

Then she raised her head and looked at Ye Ming expectantly, "Then, then Storm Mountain..."

"Didn't I reject you during the day? You didn't understand what I meant. I didn't ask for the Four Elephants and Dragon Belt. I just wanted you to keep it for yourself. Without it, you would be dead even if you went up the mountain!" Ye Ming spoke and sat back on the chair.

After sitting down, he added: "If you follow me then, can I drive you away? Also, do you know why I didn't let all the people who came to me before you enter the house?" , but only let you in?"

"Ah, so that's it!" Wang Ning suddenly realized, and felt ashamed after realizing that she had made a mistake. Immediately, a burst of red clouds suddenly covered the entire face, reaching the roots of the ears.

"Thank you, elder!" After Wang Ning said this, she hurriedly left the stone house.

Ye Ming looked at her slender back and said to himself, "When you are willing and happy one day...", he then closed his eyes and recharged his energy.

A few days later, Ye Ming brought Wang Ning and the red-faced old man to the foot of Storm Mountain.

Storm Mountain is located in the northeast corner of the Land of Darkness. No one knows how high this mountain is, because the part above the mountainside is covered by clouds all year round, making it impossible to see anything above it.

The part below the mountainside is completely composed of bare black rocks, and no vegetation can be seen.

Moreover, the yin and underworld air near this mountain is much thicker than in ordinary places, and the sky is extremely dark, with frequent flashes of arcs and constant explosions. On the ground, the cold wind howled, flying sand and rocks, making it look like a ghost in the world.

In such a harsh environment, it is difficult for humans to survive here, but for those powerful Yin beasts, this is their favorite place. Therefore, there are several extremely ferocious Yin beasts entrenched near this mountain all year round.

No, as soon as Ye Ming and the others arrived at the foot of the mountain without making any noise, a giant beast that was thirty to forty feet tall came smelling the scent.

Looking at the giant beast like a hill, an astonishing sense of oppression came over. Wang Ning and the red-faced old man unconsciously flashed fear, and then they all turned to look at Ye Ming.

Along the way, the two of them were deeply shocked by the Yin beasts they encountered, no matter how big or powerful they were. In front of Ye Ming, they were all vulnerable. Most of the Yin beasts couldn't even catch a round; the few that were more powerful could only last a few more rounds.

So, it shouldn't be a problem for Senior Ye to take down the giant beast in front of him, right?

Just as the two of them were thinking this, Ye Ming had already moved.

His legs slightly bent, his body turned into an afterimage and shot up, clenching his fists and heading straight for the beast's head.


The giant beast seemed to be scorned and let out an earth-shattering roar. Then it waved its arm, which was two feet thick, and swatted Ye Ming away. It wants to beat the tiny reptile into a pulp and then lick it clean.

The thick palm smacked down as fast as a mountain, setting off a violent gust of wind that roared down.

In the blink of an eye, he was photographed in front of Ye Ming and covered his figure.

Just when the two red-faced old men thought that Ye Ming would overturn the car, they saw Ye Ming twist his body strangely, easily get rid of the vortex caused by the strong wind and huge force, go around the giant palm, and appear in front of it. Above the back of the hand.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ming suddenly stepped on the giant palm of the Yin Beast with his right foot, and with the force of the recoil, he ran towards the giant beast's head at a faster speed. The giant beast only had simple intelligence. Although it didn't understand why it failed to hit this little guy, and instead the opponent flew towards it faster, its fighting instinct told it that danger was approaching.

So, the giant beast stepped back with great strides, and at the same time, the other arm quickly moved to the door in front of him, blocking Ye Ming's path to hit the head.


Ye Ming roared loudly, gathered all his strength on his right arm, and punched the giant palm of the beast with a punch.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the palm of the giant beast was ejected back, and it hit its own head, hitting it with stars in its eyes.

After swinging his giant palm away, Ye Ming moved again and instantly came to the side of the giant beast's head. He punched out his fists continuously and hit the huge head.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of muffled sounds came, and a large amount of blood spurted out from the mouth and nose of the giant beast. After several earth-shaking screams, its huge body staggered a few times, and then fell to the ground with a splash, splashing a large amount of blood. dust.

"Such an astonishing behemoth died like this?" Wang Ning and the red-faced old man looked at it and were secretly speechless.

While Ye Ming was fighting the giant beast, several huge roars came from the distance, accompanied by the sound of running "dong dong dong".

But I didn't expect that the giant beast was killed in just a moment. The powerful Yin beasts in the distance seemed to be somewhat intelligent. As soon as they sensed this scene, they stopped roaring and ran away at a faster speed.

Ye Ming slowly descended from the air. He looked coldly at the Yin Beast escaping in the distance, then flicked his sleeves and stepped into the dust. If such a huge Yin beast has soul crystals, it must be quite big.

After a while, Ye Ming walked out of the dust with satisfaction.

"Senior Ye!" The red-faced old man and Wang Ning were already waiting respectfully.

"Let's go!" Ye Ming said lightly, and then continued to move towards Storm Mountain.

"Yes!" The two of them responded in shock, and then quickly followed.

The part of Storm Mountain that can be seen in front is all black rocks. Ye Ming led the two of them for most of the day, and finally found a direction that seemed easier to climb.

"There will be no way out after we go up. Have you thought about it?" Ye Ming looked at the red-faced old man.

"Senior, I have made up my mind and will never give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" The red-faced old man looked determined.

"Let's go then!"

After Ye Ming said something, he took the lead in embarking on the mountain climbing journey.

Wang Ning followed closely behind, and the red-faced old man walked at the end.


The first section of the road was not too dangerous, and the three of them climbed to a height of 1,000 feet in less than a quarter of an hour.

At this point, the wind of darkness was no longer as calm as down below, and began to blow louder and louder as the height increased.

This dark wind carries a biting chill, which is not so easy to resist for those without magical support.

However, for Ye Ming's powerful body, this coldness had no effect on him at all.

Wang Ning wore a Sixiang belt. Although her clothes were not very thick, the cold had no effect on her. Instead, she had a fine layer of sweat on her forehead and her face was flushed because of the hard climb.

The red-faced old man got a thumb-sized cyan bead from somewhere. This bead can produce a pale white light mask. Those fierce winds will become weak as soon as they hit the light shield. It is actually a rare wind-sheltering bead!

With the protection of the wind-shielding beads, the red-faced old man didn't feel much cold after putting on the thick animal skin.

(End of this chapter)

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