Cai Lin smiled and continued:

“But there is no doubt that we are from the same ethnic group.

I'm curious as to why you chose this place to overcome the tribulation? "

After saying that, Cai Lin pointed at She Feng and Lin Hao. As soul beasts who had lived for so many years, the other party was so careless.

As soon as these words came out, Medusa felt a little embarrassed. She glared at Lin Hao who was watching the show and said:

"Originally, when my cultivation level had not yet reached a breakthrough, the clan leader prepared a guardian for me.

But today I suddenly had an epiphany, and then I made a breakthrough. The guardian was seriously injured in an accident and fell into a deep sleep. "

"Cailin, this Medusa's epiphany should have happened because of your appearance."

Because of Lin Hao's previous orders, Cai Lin's footprints can be said to be all over the far north, including the ice dragon python's clan.

There is a huge difference in cultivation between her and Medusa, and there is a high probability that the aura left behind will lead to Medusa's enlightenment.

However, Lin Hao was a little curious as to why Cai Lin didn't find the Medusa last time.

"It's possible that when I went to meet the members of the Ice Dragon Python clan, I took action."

Cai Lin nodded, and instantly felt that she and Medusa were really destined.

Moreover, the pink look of Medusa reminded Cai Lin of her own daughter.

"Really? I would like to ask, what is the strength of this sister?"

Medusa looked at the two people who were serious, and then thought about She Feng who had just died tragically. A terrible guess occurred in an instant, and she immediately asked tentatively.

She didn't feel any aura from Cai Lin, but because her cultivation had dissipated too much, her perception was severely reduced.

That's why I didn't feel anything was wrong. Now when I was reminded by Lin Hao, I realized it immediately.

Cai Lin looked at Medusa's reaction that was completely different from her appearance, stretched out and smiled lazily, and asked:
"What do you think I am?"

"Limited Douluo?"

Medusa tentatively gave an answer, even though she herself felt that this guess was wrong.

But she could only think this way, because the other speculations were too outrageous, and she would rather believe this.

"Cailin, your tribe looks down on you."

Lin Hao pursed his lips and joked with a smile.

"Isn't this because the young master can't let me show my full strength? Otherwise, it would be so troublesome."

Cai Lin glanced at Lin Hao complainingly. She really didn't like this feeling of weakness.

Later, due to Lin Hao's plan, Cai Lin revealed a hint of aura.

This made Medusa, who had seen the God of Sin, suddenly widen her eyes.

In the face of this terrifying aura, Medusa had no intention of resisting, even if the other party had no ill intentions.

The most important thing is that in addition to the unexpected suppression of strength, Medusa also felt a strong bloodline pressure.

This made her, who was already a little injured, almost collapse to the ground. This was too scary. She hesitated and said:

"Medusa ginseng. Meet this Lord God!"

Medusa has lived for a long time and was trained by the God of Sin. She is not an ignorant person.

She naturally knew that gods could not descend to the lower world, but now there was a living god standing in front of her. What was going on? !

"No need to be polite, my matter is for special reasons, Sin should have told you about the situation in the God Realm.

I hope you will keep this matter a secret. After all, the God Realm Committee does not allow Shen Zhuan to go down to the realm privately. "

Cai Lin knew what Medusa was thinking when she saw her face, but she didn't care.She just said some words to comfort her. She was very happy to meet someone of her own race who was from another world.

After that, Cailin chatted with Medusa for a while, and then handed over the home court to Lin Hao. Some things were better said by Lin Hao himself.

After all, she will be promoted to the God Realm after defeating the Shuiyun Sect this time, and she will be powerless by then.

Medusa looked at the beautiful and harmless colored scales standing next to Lin Hao, and felt very uneasy in her heart.

Even if Lin Hao told her to talk to her about something, her purpose was to focus on Cai Lin and ignore Lin Hao.

"Hey, come to your senses. You can have a nice chat later. I have something I need to talk to you about now."

Lin Hao was a little helpless about Medusa's obsession. He put his hand in front of her and waved it, saying.

"Go ahead, I'll listen."

Medusa didn't want to talk to Lin Hao. She instinctively felt that Lin Hao had bad intentions, but Cai Lin respected him, so she didn't refute Lin Hao.

"Actually, it's very simple. I want to cooperate with you, or in other words, I need the help of the guards left by the God of Sin, that is, the ice dragon and python clan."

Lin Hao assumed a virtual identity and began to seriously deceive Medusa.

"Why? You are surrounded by Senior Cai Lin, why do you still need our help?"

Medusa was stunned and looked at Lin Hao with some confusion.

"Cailin can only take action with all her strength once, and she will be drawn into the divine world afterwards, so she can only take action at critical moments.

The reason why we are in the inner circle of the Far North is because we have a conflict with the inheritance sect of a god.

This time there will not only be a battle between soul masters, but also a battle between gods and gods, so I need to prepare for what happens after Cai Lin leaves. "

Lin Hao first bought some genuine goods, and then said:

"This incident happened because our secret was discovered.

We have a force in the human world called the Tiandi Chamber of Commerce.

The high-level combat forces in this force are basically soul beasts.

The inheritance sect of the god Zhuan noticed this situation, although he did not find out.

But just in case, we have to take action against them, otherwise we might all die.

The reason for this is because there is a rule in the God Realm that does not allow soul beasts to become gods.

Therefore, if we soul beasts want to become gods, we must transform into humans after cultivating for 10 years before we have a chance.

This is the case with God of Sin and Colorful Scales. We have been trying to break this rule and have been working hard for it, sacrificing a lot for it.

In addition, these human soul masters will hunt down our soul beast clan if they want to increase their strength.

If we don't resist, I'm afraid that in many years the soul beast clan will either be completely destroyed or become slaves of humans.

We were unwilling to accept this fate and wanted to resist, so we established this organization. "

"What? There are so many secrets in this. No wonder the patriarch keeps telling me to transform into a human being."

Medusa's pupils were shocked. She also wondered why she had to transform into a human to accept the inheritance, but she didn't expect that the truth turned out to be like this.

She never expected that there would be such a force fighting for the soul beast group in the world.

The shock brought by this incident was comparable to the shock she had felt when she first discovered Cai Lin.

As a soul beast, she naturally knows the nature of soul beasts. Most soul beasts are selfish, even if they are highly cultivated.

(End of this chapter)

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