Be a reckless man in the martial arts word game

Chapter 132 The system is starting to get reckless too

Chapter 132 The system is starting to get reckless too

The big brother who led the investment said that it was too easy, but it made people feel like there was a conspiracy.

[Chixiao’s choice was within your expectation. What you just said was meant for him, so you directly accepted his surrender]

[Shen Tusha felt something was wrong and was about to persuade him, but you spoke before him]

["I already know that person's plan. Chi Xiao is his biggest flaw, so he is absolutely worthy of trust."]

["The 'tai' in the school field is the Taiyu magic skill. I once bought this technique at a street stall." You looked at the saint and nodded slightly, so she briefly described what happened to Shen Tusha at that time]

["I think all the Jianghu people in False Moon City know this technique."]

[You don’t say anything surprising, but you don’t stop, “Now, everyone who knows this technique can improve their mastery of this technique by killing people.”]

["Is there anyone who knows two or more quantitative techniques at the same time?"]

["Me!" Two disciples came out from behind Shen Tusha]

["You use all techniques at the same time."]

[The two disciples followed suit]

["Do you feel that there are few congested meridians?"]

[The two disciples looked surprised and nodded: "Yes"]

["This is the most significant effect of Taiyu's magical skill - it connects the world's martial arts and blends them into one, making it possible for unrelated techniques to work together."]

["I have a deep understanding of this technique, and I am aware of another part of the effect of this technique."]

["It can have a blessing effect on martial arts all over the world. Although it is very weak, it is because my martial arts attainments are deep enough. If it were you, it would be a big improvement to the overall strength."]

["I don't believe that killing people can improve their basic qualifications, nor do I believe that killing people can improve everyone's martial arts attainments."]

["The martial arts are all based on the general principles and divisions of each school. I have no new understanding of the exercises and techniques I learned. How can I improve my martial arts attainments?"]

["What has been improved is just the 'Taiyu Divine Art' that I don't know how to learn or how to use it."]

[Shen Tusha was puzzled: "What Beisheng said is true, but why has no one noticed that his martial arts attainments have improved despite the many fights in the city?"]

[There is a twist in it, and words alone are not expressive enough, so you melted the snow on the ground with blue flames, turning the place you are standing into a puddle of water]

["I don't know how that person made everyone learn the Taiyu Divine Art. Let me call this method 'wet'."]

["If everyone who touches the water knows the Taiyu Magic Kung Fu."]

[The water under your feet spreads out in a circular shape, causing everyone on the school grounds to step on the water]

["The soles of your shoes are wet, but the soles of your feet are dry, so you don't even know you are stepping on water at this time."]

["At this time, your exposure to Taiyu's magical power has only scratched the surface."]

[A burst of blue flames rose from your body. In an instant, the flying snow in the sky melted into water and fell towards everyone, turning everyone into a drowned rat.]

["I begged for a rain, and now everyone is largely wet."]

["Taiyu Divine Skill can already play the role of part of the blessing techniques at this time."]

[Snow turned to rain, falling as fast as beans, and more and more water accumulated on the ground, and the water line soon covered everyone's calves]

[At this time, you pushed Chi Xiao down beside you and threw him into the water. When he fell to the ground, a small wave splashed on you.]

[You are getting even wetter]

["As long as you push the people around you, more water will splash on you."]

["Your Taiyu Magical Skill will be stronger."]

[A blue flame suddenly rises from your body, engulfing everyone, and evaporating the moisture from everyone's body]

【Everything is back to before】

[Shen Tucha already has a look of contemplation on his face] ["I mean, without that rain, you wouldn't realize that you have been soaked. The Taiyu Divine Skill is only superficial and has no obvious blessing techniques." effect."

"Without that rain, killing people would not improve Taiyu's magical skills, nor would people feel that their martial arts attainments have improved."]

["When did it start raining for the people behind the scenes?"]

[You stamped the school ground under your feet, as if you had turned back time, and the place was flat again]

[There are bloodstains crisscrossing the school grounds, forming a coquettish "tai" character]

["The death of the director and the chaos in the city were the moment when the people behind the scenes started to take action! The word 'tai', which is similar to the evil blood sacrifice, is the sky rain!" Every word of yours is like spring thunder, exploding in the air. Everyone’s heart]

[The illusion dissipated, and the school grounds returned to its previous appearance]

[Having done this series of things in succession makes you feel a little tired at the moment, and all attributes are -1]

【Please rest as soon as possible! 】

[Shen Tusha suddenly bowed and said: "Northern Sage Dazhi, I am only waiting for instructions. Please arrange it later."]

[You rubbed your brows and gave the orders one by one]

["First of all, guard the city well and don't let outsiders get in."]

["I have arranged for disciples who are good at using bows and crossbows to occupy the arrow tower on the high wall. There are also experts from the sect patrolling the wall. I believe that as long as you are not in the mountainous area, it is impossible to get in."]

["Also, it is forbidden for disciples to kill indiscriminately in order to improve Taiyu's magical power."]


[Chi Xiao stood up at this time and interjected: "Anyway, we have the destiny of rebirth, so why don't we just ask the disciples to fight each other? It can also improve the Taiyu Divine Skill, what a cheap thing."]

["Looks like you can." You rolled your eyes]

["The people in Buwu Holiday City are on the same side as your employer. They gave me a copy of Taiyu Magic Skills for free. Do you think I can do well after learning this thing?"]

["I'm afraid that the more sophisticated it is, the greater the disadvantages will be?"]

[The saint nodded with deep approval on the side]

["How can it be the way to learn martial arts to gain something for nothing? The Taiyu Divine Skill destroys everyone's desire to defend martial arts, and in turn encourages everyone's desire to kill after practicing martial arts. It is a recipe for ruin."]

[You continue to explain to Shen Tusha: "Also, announce the conspiracy of Taiyu Divine Art to the outside world and persuade the city to stop fighting."]

["This... I'm afraid it will have little effect. The explanation is complicated, and outsiders may not believe it."]

["Whether they believe it or not has nothing to do with me. Anyway, the person who planned all this will definitely believe it."]

[The fighting spirit in your eyes is high]

["If he wants to get rid of me, he will definitely come to Chengsi. Isn't this the fastest way to find this person?"]

["If you lift this chessboard, there is no need to worry about placing stones."]

【Everyone is silent】

[Chixiao said again unwilling to be left alone, "Beisheng, our poster is very good at fighting, and he is famous all over the world."]

["So?" You are puzzled]

["The employer can beat him better than him."]

["Then if I kill your employer, won't it mean that your reputation will spread throughout the world?"]

[You have always challenged the strong, but now all those strong are falling behind you]

[Chixiao’s employer is not an accident]

(End of this chapter)

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