Be a reckless man in the martial arts word game

Chapter 157 Overcoming 8 Sufferings

Chapter 157: Overcoming Eight Sufferings

["Junior brother, have you ever heard of the term 'Three Religions and Nine Streams'?"]

["Of course I have heard that the three religions are Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, and the nine schools are the Confucian school, the Yin-Yang school, the Taoist school, the Legalist school, the peasant school, the famous school, the Mohist school, and the strategist school. Those who live in different families will flow, and those who mix families will flow."]

["Then junior brother, do you know when this saying was passed down?"]

["5000 years ago, when Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism divided the world between the three families, they were more powerful than the emperor at that time."]

["Junior brother is right. If you really want to trace the three religions back, it would be tens of thousands of years ago. Anyway, these three sects have always been there since recorded history."]

["The so-called dynasty is not as good as aristocratic families, and sects are not as good as sects. It is because dynasties will change, but aristocratic families will not, sects will fall into the dust of history, but sects will not. Junior brother, do you know why?"]

["Because they have been able to leave the top mountain realm for generations?" You thought of Jing Yan's words]

["No! No one in the Peak Mountain Realm can be said to be stable. Only the Dynasty has its own methods, which outsiders cannot replicate."]

["Those you just mentioned are all sects. Sometimes they can't even leave the mountaineering realm. After so many years, don't they still exist in the world?"]

["In the final analysis, the most different thing between them and us is that they interpret 'wu' and 'reason'."]

["As long as there are people in future generations who learn martial arts, and as long as there are people in future generations who want to use reason to explain the world, the sect will not die."]

["The one you just watched, "Chong Tai Meng Dian", many of the principles and martial arts concepts cited in it are from Taoism."]

["If the Mingfa Palace dies, Taoism will not perish; and if Taoism is abandoned by the world, the Mingfa Palace will definitely perish. Do you understand?"]

[You nodded as if you didn’t understand]

["Which sect is the largest in the world today?"]

["Buddha!" ​​you replied without hesitation]

["Yes! Confucianism is lonely, and Taoism is not visible, so Buddhist temples bloom all over the world. Now the one who interprets martial arts is Buddha, it is Buddhism."]

[“The mountain climbing realm after seeing the mountain realm needs to be understood using the Eight Sufferings of Buddhism.”]

[“Birth is painful, being forced by various circumstances at birth, and staying in the womb is painful.”]

["Old suffering, everyone will grow old slowly. No matter how strong a man is, there will be a day when he cannot straighten his waist or pick up his teeth."]

["Sickness is painful. People have four major imbalances and are prone to all kinds of diseases, so they are suffering."]

[“The pain of death is the pain of ending everything.”]

【"It's hard to love and leave. Life is like a reverse journey. We say goodbye all the way. It's hard not to stay or stop."]

[“Resentment and hatred will cause suffering, poverty will lead to being bullied, and ugly people will be ridiculed. People’s hearts are evil, and resentment and hatred cannot be controlled.”]

["If you don't want to suffer, even the Holy One calls himself a 'little man'. In worldly affairs, if you gain something, you will lose something. If you don't want to lose, then ask for it but you won't get it."]

["The five yins are blazing and suffering, color, feeling, thought, action and knowledge...the most difficult level, I will tell you again when you get here."]

["After all the eight sufferings have been overcome, if you have one obsession that persists in this life, it is the devil, then you can climb the mountain."]

["To overcome the suffering of life, we must break through the shackles of innateness. Wherever innate deficiencies exist, we must make up for them. Life is only worth three and a half taels, so we must fight for five taels of gold."]

["Suffering in old age refers to the decline of a person. If you want to remain in decline, you must become stronger day by day. The bones cannot shrink, and they must be either long, wide, or heavy; the skin must not be loose, and must be either delicate or strong; the wisdom must not decline. Either think too much or think deeply.”]

["In short, we should be like a child growing taller, with a new look every day, so that we can overcome the pain of old age."]

["There is turbid qi in the world, and when turbid qi enters the body, it is disease qi. Although qi and blood can remove disease qi, disease qi is also consuming qi and blood. Therefore, to overcome the suffering of illness, one must make oneself regurgitate clear qi, and return it to the acquired qi. .”]

[“Those who can survive every close call, reap great rewards, and live a better life can survive the suffering of death.”]

["If you can always see when you look back, you don't believe that there is separation in the world. Those who can pass away in memories can overcome the pain of love and separation."] ["Those who make me hate will be killed, and those who make me hate will die. This is the way; Qianfan reads After all, people are simple and have no resentment. This is another way. Both roads can overcome resentment and suffering."]

["Every divine will is a unique miracle. If you recreate or even surpass yourself at that moment, you will be able to ask for it and get it again."]

["Junior brother, you have to go through eight hardships, the risk is very high, and you can't stop once you start. Don't be impatient, take it step by step, accumulate a few more years, and then start trying again."]

[Elder brother left after saying this]

[From this day on, many people you know have become busy, and you rarely see them]

[And you also began to concentrate on practicing martial arts]

[Scene [-]: Learning Martial Arts (Completed)]

[The current progress of escaping from the dream is 40%]

[Chongtai Mengdian proficiency +200]

[Scene [-]: Meeting old friends]

[It didn’t take long, it was probably the second month after your master became the palace master]

[One person has returned to the palace. He is the most powerful of the three men in the Underworld Palace, and he is also the No. 20 in the world]

[I heard from Senior Brother that he left the palace to kill Cao Ye. Firstly, he wanted to avenge his sworn brother, and secondly, he also wanted to eliminate this serious problem for the Underworld Palace in advance]

[But...he failed]

[It’s not that he’s not strong enough, he easily beat your master until he couldn’t get out of bed for three days after he came back]

["Someone is helping Cao Ye."]

[Elder brother said that he will leave the palace soon]

[It was on this day that the Dengwen drum in front of the Mingfa Palace was beaten]

["Song Jiaxian, come and pay homage."]

[Bang the Dengwen drum, and those who win three battles can enter the Hades Palace]

[Those who win six battles, please enter the Palace of Hades and be your guests]

[In less than half a stick of incense time, the Underworld Palace defeated five people in a row, causing an uproar for a while]

[The sixth battle, you are the one who fights]

【"haven't seen you for a long time."】

[Song Jiaxian has really changed a lot. He is no longer the sickly look he was before, and he no longer uses a silk scarf to cover his mouth and nose]

[The whole person seems to be reborn, full of confidence]

[He is very happy to meet an old friend and will give you a hug after a long separation]

[But you pushed him away and said, "Let's stop here, Song Jiaxian."]

["The Underworld Palace doesn't need you. Jing Yan is not here. I am the only one who knows your talent. I know you are a monster, and my talent is far inferior to yours. Go and be cool in your world. Why do you have to show it to my face?" Jump?"】

["My master is the current palace master, and I am a candidate for the next palace master. If a bright moon like you appears next to me, it will only make me look like a mediocre person. How can I convince the public?"]

["Didn't you say that you should live as a ring and die as a knot of grass? I don't ask you anything else, just get out of here and don't let me see you again."]

(End of this chapter)

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