Chapter 268 Ruyi

[You have two swords. When the Zidian is unsheathed, it kills a mountain climber. When the Qingxiao is unsheathed, it summons the heavenly wind to help you soar upwards.]

[The thunderous strike contains all your understanding of the technique. Continuous use in a short period of time will put a heavy load on the meridians and Dantian. Using the "tempering" of quenching divine will can more easily reproduce this peak strike]

[Without considering the consumption of internal energy, the tempering time requires three times]

[In other words, you need to use other moves to fight the resurrected Sun Mengtian for three rounds]

【your choice……】

【Defensive wave】

【Give it a try】

"You must give it a try, brother!" Boss Chu knows his current strength better than the system.

A victory that is not beautiful enough is an incomplete victory.

If you want to fight, you must fight until complete victory!

[Fly into the air, retreat to avoid the enemy, advance to attack the enemy]

[There is a well-known thing in the world, that is - when faced with the mountaineering environment where the world is unrestricted, the effects of divine will and magical powers will be greatly reduced, so to overcome the mountaineering environment, the best way is to use "skills"]

[Tai Changqing’s sword energy and your thunderous strike are the pinnacle of techniques, so they can kill people in the mountaineering realm]

[Huacanjun has so many plans, and a very important goal is to reach the realm of transformation with his Taiyu Divine Skill. Once he is given time to digest his own realm, he will never be the weakest in the mountaineering realm]

[When he completes the Four Holy Formations, some veteran mountain climbers may not be able to defeat him]

[Unfortunately...the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit]

[You don’t feel sorry for him, you are just thinking about a problem at the moment]

[Heaven and Earth Unrestricted only weakens the effect of divine will, rather than being completely immune to all effects. So when there are enough divine wills and are strong enough, can a mountaineering realm be killed by these? 】

[The gentleman in Cao Ye's hatred can kill Song Jiaxian, and Tai Changqing's pervasiveness can kill Zhao Pianchun]

[So, can your Wan Ren Zhang Tian kill Sun Meng Tian? 】

【Do you think——it’s ok! 】

[Sun Mengtian is resurrected. You see him looking at you, so he stops the wind and falls from the sky.]

【——Give it a try! 】

[Riding the wind from the sky, this place is not too high, only about sixty-five feet]

[This height is so coincidental, so coincident that it reminds you of your own divine will, "Wanren Zhangtian", which is also sixty-five feet]

[One foot is about eight feet, and every eight feet represents a master you have defeated at the mountain-seeing level and above]

[At the moment when you decide to use your divine will to fight against the enemy, you seem to see a fleeting mountain as you fall]

[Every step of this mountain has a different scenery, which makes people dazzled and overwhelmed]

[But if you look at it from a distance, people will only say it is a mountain, not anything else]

[You suddenly realize... what really belongs to you is not this strange and bizarre place, but this mountain! 】

[You closed your eyes and let yourself fall]

[Every time you fall one foot, you feel that you and the knife in your hand become heavier]

[Ice, fire, underworld, auspicious clouds, heavenly sword, stabbing sword...]

[Mountains are broken up one by one, and people stand up and become a mountain]

【In the past, the mountains of Buzhou collapsed, the pillars of the sky were broken, and the earth was in ruins. The sky tilts to the northwest, so the sun, moon and stars move away; the earth is not satisfied with the southeast, so the water and the dust return to where.]

[Purple Lightning Qingxiao is in your hand, showing effects that Wang Chuanai never used before...]

[Sixty-five kinds of divine will that are sixty-five feet high are all blessed on this blow. They may not be offensive divine will in the hands of others, but when you get to this mountain, you have to listen to you]

["Thank you Jianshou for your teachings!"]

[You smile like a madman, and when you open your eyes again, your thoughts are as one]

[With your back to the sky and the earth, like a god or demon descending from the world]

[The sword energy breaks through the sky, and the clouds are behind it, with unparalleled power, like thunder from the sky dropping punishment]

【This is...the real meteor! 】

[Escape, Sun Mengtian can't escape, because like Jiebian's "Burial" and Chunjun's "Wanjie", Zidian Qingxiao's "Meteor" is also the most special thing about these two swords]    [Being attacked by this move The locked person cannot be evaded]

[If Sun Mengtian had reached a state of perfection in martial arts involving the power of space, such as Zonghengshu, there might be other explanations, but it is a pity that he did not]

[He can only take this move forcefully]

[And the Seven Soldiers: Destroy the City...the thing they are least afraid of is hard attack]

[After the resurrection, Sun Mengtian recalled both bronze hammers in his hands. He did not try to kill Qin Youzhi first, because he understood that it would be useless to attack Qin Youzhi without finishing you first]

[From the previous round of confrontation, he guessed that you have divine will or magical power similar to resisting injuries for others]

[There is a kind of light skill that can make you rush forward in an instant, and a sword technique that can cut down mountain climbers instantly with one move]

[Exchanging one life for so much information, Sun Mengtian thought it was not a loss]

[After all, whoever hands over his trump card first will be more likely to find a way to crack it]

【"Big, big, big!"】

[The copper hammer in Sun Mengtian’s hand gradually changed from the size of a normal heavy weapon to the size of a city ramming vehicle, and finally became as big as a city gate]

[He raised the hammer with both hands and closed the lead and tail, turning the two copper hammers into a weapon, with hammers at the beginning and end, spinning above his head]

[He turned faster and faster, and with each turn, the force on the hammer doubled]

[After seven rounds, your Meteor Sky struck close by, and Sun Mengtian’s copper hammer also hit the air]

["Destroy——the city——"]

[Unlike the martial arts people who practice martial arts with complicated moves and loud names, people in the army can shout whatever they want, and shout whichever sentence is most powerful]

[Sun Mengtian has been escaping from the border army for so many years, but he still thinks this sentence is the most powerful]

[Compared with the huge copper hammer, you are like a little bird]

[But compared with the power of turning mountains, the power of destroying cities is much inferior]

[Thus, the second scene that was unforgettable for everyone who saw this confrontation appeared]

[They saw a flash of sword light across the sky and the earth, like fire, water, clouds, bursts of Buddha's voice, and words urging the king not to give up]

[There seems to be a high mountain that measures the heaven and earth]

[This almost shook everyone's martial arts aspirations. They suddenly felt...seeing the mountain is not a mountain, only seeing this mountain is seeing the mountain]

[Of course there are smart people. They don’t understand this sword light, but seize the time to escape.]

[Escape... is right]

[Yetian’s strike cut off the handle of the bronze hammer, Sun Mengtian’s waist, and the ground where he was standing]

[A crack one mile long and sixty-five feet deep appears here]

[And the sword energy extending from this crack is far more than a mile...]

[All those Jianghu people who unfortunately stood on the same line as Sun Mengtian all died unfortunately]

[Later, "Jianghu Fengwenlu" records: "Although the two brocade swords are good at shooting, they are especially good at swordsmanship. One sword is named 'Thunder', which is the peak of skill; the other is named 'Yengtian', which is the peak of intention."]

["Two swords, both kill mountain climbers..."]

[After landing, you still have lingering fears]

[No one can imagine what the knife will look like before it is drawn]

[Who would have thought that in the state of "Peng Bian", this knife would drain 50% of your internal energy]

[The consumption of sixty-five sixty-five-year-old divine wills used at the same time... is difficult to imagine]

[In other words, you have practiced the highest-level skill "Xiaoyaoyou" to an extremely deep level, otherwise even if there is a chance for enlightenment, you will not be able to use it]

[In other words, if you use it, this knife will kill you...]

[You have gradually reached the peak of the Mountain Viewing Realm...]

(End of this chapter)

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