Chapter 276 Win! (For many people and many things, more updates added!)

[In the giant cocoon, the power of transformation is getting thicker and thicker]

[Until a certain critical point comes, the giant cocoon suddenly shatters into white silk, and you come out with a brand new attitude]

[The injuries on the body disappeared completely, and two wings sprouted from both sides of the knife box, one black and one white, with lines like clouds. Because these two wings were contaminated with a trace of the power of dreams, they became looming.]

[Shen Xixi can see clearly, but Shen Nianquan cannot see clearly]

"Now!" Boss Chu clicked on all the active special effects.

[You use "Taibai Star Official" to refresh "Peng Bian". You use "Peng Bian". In the next quarter of an hour, your internal energy consumption is only one-tenth of the usual amount.]

[You have entered the "mysterious void", and your whole body is filled with invisible fog of void, making it difficult for others to observe, and the actions you make will be forgotten within one breath]

[Without moving, leaving no trace, you fluttered your wings and appeared behind Shen Xixi, the purple lightning unsheathed like thunder. She had the means, but she couldn't react at this speed, and was pierced through the chest by this knife]

[In Jucha Sword's judgment, Shen Xixi is much more dangerous than her sister, so you gave her the Thunderous Slash, and under the influence of the Taoist Sword, she will be randomly blocked by a magical power]

[Assume that the picture in the comb before was a hidden danger planted by their sisters for you. As long as you are lucky enough and can use the Taoist Sword to block that magical power, their plan against you will be in vain]

["Sister!" Shen Nianqu said sadly, calling back two combs from your hand]

[Logically speaking, she should not be able to break the promise she made in the magical power "Gong Comb Ming Grate" at this time, and she must get together with you Fengyue, but for some reason, she actually bypassed the restrictions of the magical power]

[I'm here to attack you! 】

[A bone comb really pulls out bones. With one comb, seven feet becomes six feet, and with two combs, six feet becomes five feet... With a few more combs, a person may shrink into the bones of a fetus and become soft into a puddle of flesh]

[There is also a horn comb, which is specially designed for people with high internal strength. Once you comb it, the meridians will be drained, and with two combs, the meridians will be twisted into twists, and with four combs, the root of the Dantian will be destroyed]

[Generally, Jianghu people’s close-quarters skills focus on defending their vital organs, but they have never practiced defending their hair]

[This combing of hair is done accurately]

[Two combs are coming at you from two tricky angles. You don’t care about the changes. You only use your cloud-dispelling will to block them, and you are able to block them without leaking.]

[You are confident, the battle situation is already under your control]

[Before, you exposed the trump card of turning a cocoon into a butterfly, the second Dantian of the "Whale Transformation", the immortality of divine wounds, and the thunderous sound of heavenly drums...]

[I exposed so much just to break the Shen sisters' magical power "Gong Comb Ming Grate" no matter what, and then find an opportunity to kill them once]

[In this way, you can successfully learn the effects of their divine will, and in the process, you can also use the critical sword to continue to search for their information...]

[Now, you can almost be sure that these two women have mediocre martial arts skills, and their magical powers are the most troublesome]

[The time of one breath is about to pass, and the effect of "Xuanxu No Form" is about to be triggered. You rush to where Shen Nian Qui is standing]

[As soon as she took a step, she triggered the effect of Xuanxu Wuxiang, and suddenly forgot your previous actions]

[In her perception, you suddenly appeared in front of her... and you also suddenly attacked her! 】

[She was careless and didn’t dodge. She was slashed without making any effective resistance]

[You are not dead with one sword, because the world is not limited, and the calculation method of injuries in the mountaineering environment is different from that of ordinary people]

[The reason why the two swordsmen did not die is because the world is not restricted]

[Three swordsmen are dead, because people who are not restrained by heaven and earth can be restrained by force]

[You suddenly have a slight understanding of Cao Ye’s realm back then...]

[A understanding, a bit of depression, forgot to maintain a sleepwalking attitude, the effect of the three interests was dragged to dying by the extension of the life earlier] [A large cocoon will wrap you again]

["**Bullshit**!" After the resurrection, Shen Xixi could no longer hold back, and for the first time in his life, he cursed]

【Is this a person? 】

【Is this person human? 】

[She never thought that this kind of life-saving divine will could be used a second time? 】

[After Shen Nianqu was resurrected, he stood together with his sister and worked together to destroy the giant cocoon]

[Five combs were knocked on the giant cocoon, almost breaking the comb teeth, but the giant cocoon did not move at all]

"It's funny, little girl, if you can knock this, I'll eat it directly." Chu Junhui said that even if the system helps these two to cheat, they will still be able to interrupt the divorced brother Hua Die.

Chu Suisui has a normal physique of level 13, and when she uses her divine will, she can turn a cocoon into a butterfly. It is difficult to say at what level Boss Chu can achieve this attribute, because no one has reached the level limit after level 13.

But he has been like a soaring dragon since Fengshan City. A dragon nests in a cocoon. Can the transformed butterfly still be called a butterfly?

That's called a mythical beast!

[The two daughters of the Shen family can only watch helplessly as you complete your transformation and walk out of the giant cocoon again]

[Five combs came at you in an instant, and they were all blocked by your cloud-dispelling divine will, but they prepared a new move for you. It was a magical power that had been prepared for a long time]

【—— Yu Husband】

[Isn’t “Gate Comb Ming Grate” a promise that cannot be broken? Then I promise two daughters and one husband, which can also pave the way for another magical power to "control the husband"]

[Expand your past, make a promise for your future, write your names in the marriage can control a husband. If the wife cannot speak, the husband must not move lightly]

["As a concubine (slave), a man (prime minister) and a king (gong), you should sit down and comb your hair~" The voices of Shen Niangu and Shen Xixi merged again]

[Your figure seems to be frozen in place, motionless]

[Shen Nian Qui frowns with each step, Shen Xixi smiles with each step, rushing towards you from the left and right, raising the comb in his hand to hold your hair and comb it]

[It’s here only have an outline. When they destroy this outline, even if it’s just a hair, the Jin Shuang Dao will turn into water and moon and disperse]

"Hand speed boy!"

Boss Chu himself can turn a cocoon into a butterfly, so he naturally knows where the weakness of this magical power is... Isn't it easy to be guarded by the cutscenes of transformation, and open it up close to the face?

"Then if I open the door and stand in for you, how should you respond?"

[Your true body appears behind the two daughters of the Shen family, and the purple blade cuts across, like thunder exploding...]

[One tiger kills two sheep! Both die! 】

["It's not like you are the only ones with magical powers." You sheathed your sword and waited for the next opportunity]

[During this period, you always maintain a sleepwalking state to resist the effect of the life-and-death contract. If you can survive until the next time you use the knife to form a cocoon, you will make a lot of money]

[The fighting concepts of Shen Nianqu and Shen Xixi still have many shortcomings. After they were resurrected, they just wanted to distance themselves from you, but they forgot to take into account the speed you showed before]

[So, Shen Nianqu was killed by you several times, but Shen Xixi was lucky enough to escape.]

[In order to resist the effect of the life-and-death contract, you began to turn into a cocoon on the spot again...]

[This time, the two girls of the Shen family learned to be smart. They didn’t even dare to look back and ran away in the direction of Quicheng.]

(End of this chapter)

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