Be a reckless man in the martial arts word game

Chapter 361 It’s okay to stop, but Qu Xiangyao still wants more

Chapter 361 It’s okay to stop, but Qu Xiangyao still wants more

Chu Jun came back to the struggle among the three religions with a very important goal, which was to break through the eight sufferings.

He lived in a peaceful era and had no chance to experience "nearly dying", so he had no chance to survive the pain of death.

There was no chance of triggering the Swamp Ghost's will.

The brother who broke off the engagement suddenly suffered from the "pain of not being able to ask for something" after the battle with Qu Cheng, and then the other shackles were broken with a bang.

If he wanted to replicate his breakthrough process, Chu Junhui had to first find an opponent worth fighting.

Obviously... the battlefield on the Shang Kingdom's front line is such a treasure.

So even though he saw that Qu Xiangyao was a bit of a pie-in-the-sky guy and that following this person might not lead to him joining Buddhism, he was still in no rush to change jobs. Because as long as he goes to the battlefield, he can find opportunities by himself, without the need to be a monk soldier.

The marching speed of Qu's army was not very fast. After walking for a whole day, they still didn't see the shadow of the front line.

So they need to face the problem of sleeping, but the problem is... there is no tent.

It is midsummer, when all kinds of insects and mosquitoes are rampant. If you lie down and sleep in the mountains and forests, even if you don't get picked up by a tiger, you will still be bitten by mosquitoes.

When Chu Junhui and Qu Xiangyao were discussing (secretly) military affairs (sharing love), the other party brought up the issue of accommodation.

"The Buddha said: 'He who is capable works more hard', and the Buddha also said: 'The wise are more generous'. Since you are in charge of food, you should also consider the issue of sleeping well."

That was so good. After dinner, Chu Junhui went into the woods under the guise of taking a pee. When he came out, there were dozens of modern tents behind him.

After demonstrating how to pierce this thing on the spot, Qu Xiangyao was astonished.

Asked him where such good things came from, Chu Jun replied that he was sincerely grateful to God for the Buddha's help in fighting the holy war.

... He felt that this reason worked, and it actually worked.

When a group of illiterate people knelt down and kowtowed to the west, even if Qu Xiangyao knew that the matter was not that simple, it would be hard to pursue it further.

"We are a team bathed in Buddha's light." - The people of Qu Jiajun have always believed in this since that day.

Chu Junhui was called "Walker" by them.

It means a person who can communicate with "Buddha" and walk in the world on behalf of Buddha.

Everyone had greater confidence in their ability to join Buddhism, and their fear of the battlefield was much less. Their pace became faster the next day.

——Rush towards the other side of the sea of ​​suffering.

Such an army with high morale, led by Qu Xiangyao, rushed into a noble fief.

The doormen patrolling the outside wanted to stop them, but more than twenty good players suddenly appeared in the team, and they were knocked down directly with more than a few hits.

These twenty or so people were the last group of wanderers called in by Qu Xiangyao.

Their leader was named Zheng Lie, who was supposed to be the real owner of this fief, but was framed by his brother for "peeping on his mother and coveting her." His father beat him out with a stick in anger.

Zheng Lie knelt outside the door and explained to no avail for a long time. In desperation, he chose to leave his hometown and bid farewell to the past.

He has been a ranger these years, making friends, calling eagles and dogs, and he is also happy.

He was heartbroken when he heard that his father had died a few days ago. He wanted to rush back to pay his respects, but was beaten out by his younger brothers who called for help.

The old man who sent him the message secretly told him that the chair under his buttocks was not straight for the man who was now in charge. It was this man who conspired with outsiders to harm Mr. Zheng.

Zheng Lie kowtowed three times in the air, and after returning to Xun County, he was bent on revenge, but he was afraid that his recklessness would harm the brothers around him. When he was hesitating, Qu Xiangyao came to find him.

Said that he could lend him a great momentum and avenge him.

The price is that he and his brother will have to sell their skills in the army... Zheng Lie agreed after thinking about it. The main thing is that if they dare to attack a noble fief, they will be beheaded legally.

If you can join the army, you can at least exchange your life for something more valuable.

Chu Junhui was not involved in Zheng Lie's revenge. Not only him, but most of the Qu family army remained untouched. Only Zheng Lie and his brothers were jealous.

It's a simple thing, don't move... The Zheng family supports a lot of people, but when they saw the Qu family's army coming so menacingly, 70% of them ran away as soon as they met, leaving only 30% of them wielding their swords to protect the master.

The aristocrats of this era are all raising retainers.

An unwritten rule is that if you feed your customers with big fish and meat every day, then they must fight to the death when they encounter danger.

If a retainer ignores his master and runs away when danger comes, his reputation in this area will be bad, and no other noble will be willing to ask him to be a retainer.

But...if a lord is only willing to fool his disciples with vegetable soup, then his disciples can only exert the same amount of effort as they get, depending on the situation.

In short, they only have to fight against the favorable wind, and no one will blame them if they run away from the headwind.

On the contrary, people may also think that their master is too stingy.

"You see, the Zheng family obviously doesn't attach much importance to this group of diners. The diners are more valuable than more. Instead of supporting so many people, they might as well concentrate their resources to support three or five masters." General Qu was giving his Grain planning officer teaching.

"What is a master in this world?"

"A master? In a big country like ours, Shang State, only those who can understand God's will can be considered a true master."

"What about God's will?"

"Then I don't know. Generally, people like that are from the three religions and are far away from the world. Don't worry, you may not meet one in your lifetime."

As Zheng Lie killed the last person who resisted, Qu Jiajun officially took over the fief.

The grain was loaded onto the grain carts, all the belongings were brought along, and more than a dozen horses were brought in... But only the swords in the hands of the diners, Qu Xiangyao did not allow everyone to take them.

Not only was he not allowed to take it, he also asked everyone who had weapons to throw away their weapons.

"From now on, we are monk soldiers, and we must look like monk soldiers."

"Buddhism has always prohibited monks from studying and reading military books and disturbing others. It is clearly stated in the Brahma Net Sutra that you are not allowed to store knives, staffs, bows, arrows and other fighting or killing instruments; you are also not allowed to use profits to nourish your nausea, and you are not allowed to join military formations. , raised armies to attack each other, and killed countless sentient beings."

Before returning to the rear, Qu Xiangyao licked his face and asked the real monk soldiers.

According to his previous plan, this was the time for a showdown. Anyway, even if this group of people knew they had joined the wrong army, there would be no turning back.

Because they attacked the noble fiefs, if they did not join the army, they would soon be brought to justice. The world is so big that there is nowhere to escape.

If you are not a monk soldier, you can still survive if you are a soldier.

After all, the only place that can judge their life and death is the battlefield, and the law cannot reach here.

As long as enough people can be recruited, Qu Xiangyao's military order will not become a beheading guillotine.

...But after reaching this point, a very tempting choice appeared in Qu Xiangyao's mind.

Now that I know what a real monk soldier looks like, why not continue to pretend?

Ordinary soldiers are willing to die and fight the toughest battles, while monk soldiers only go up to collect military merits after they have almost exhausted the enemy.

Which is difficult or easy, which is dangerous or safe, Qu Xiangyao has already made up his mind.

"Buddha's fate..."

(End of this chapter)

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