Douluo Auto Chess: Starting from Samsung Blue Silver Grass

Chapter 147 Seeing the Martial Soul Fusion Skill Again

Chapter 147 Seeing the Martial Soul Fusion Skill Again (the question is difficult to choose, two in one)

The wind and snow blocked his sight, Ma Hongjun activated the Phoenix Wings Sky Soaring Soul Skill, and rushed into the snow with high-temperature flames wrapped around his body. He came near the thick ice wall, his fourth soul ring lit up, and activated the Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike through the ice wall.

His brows were furrowed. In the rainy and snowy environment, his soul power consumption increased, and the power of his soul skills would probably also decrease.

Flame patterns ten meters in diameter lit up on the ice, dyeing the surrounding ice and snow fiery red, and bright, hot flame steam was about to erupt.

Seeing Ma Hongjun's Fire Phoenix Spirit, Shui Bing'er had doubts in her eyes, wondering how there could be such a fat Phoenix Spirit.

Facing the arena where lava was about to erupt, Shui Bing'er calmly stopped making the ice wall, took two steps back, and came to Xue Wu's side.

Xuewu understood this in his heart, and the snowflakes flying in the air changed direction and rushed toward the red arena. Before they could get close, they melted and dripped to the ground.

The snow water evaporates, and more and more snowflakes fly up like moths to the fire, gathering more water vapor.

The Phoenix Roar Sky Strike erupted, and the lava should have erupted ten meters high. However, after the snowflakes and rain repeatedly cooled down, the lava spewed out feebly, and then the red lava quickly turned black and solidified in the flowing water.

Ma Hongjun knew that the Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike needed to be charged up and would have a high probability of hitting the Tianshui team members, so he chose a location to release the soul skill close to the ice wall. The main purpose was to destroy the Tianshui team's intention to build a favorable terrain.

But he underestimated the power of the combination with the elemental spirits. The lava created by the Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike had already lost its high temperature before it even touched the surrounding ice wall.

"Fatty get out of the way!"

Dai Mubai shouted loudly, jumped up high, waved his fists, and a white meteor shower fell from the sky.

White Tiger Meteor Shower!
The roar of the tiger was deafening, the water rippled and ice splashed, and the ice wall was broken into pieces, which fell to the ground and melted into the water.

Tang San noticed something was wrong. Team Tianshui seemed to be deliberately drawing their attention to the ice wall. He looked around and found that the water at the edge of the arena was freezing over time. This was controlled by someone with soul power, otherwise Ice should also not freeze from the edges.

At this time, the ice layer on the edge of the ring has formed, and the water on the ring has stopped flowing to the bottom of the ring. Under this situation, fighting against the Tianshui team is equivalent to fighting against the Sea Soul Master on the sea.

"Fat man, use your flames to melt the ice on the edge of the ring. Don't let the ice water accumulate."

Tang San wrapped Ma Hongjun with the bluesilver grass vines, pulled him back, and threw him to the edge of the ring with his arms.

Ma Hongjun did as he was told, and began to condense flames in the air. He sprayed them out, and the phoenix fire streaked through the ice.

Xue Wu showed a smile of success, "It's too late. The seven of us worked together to create the ice and snow field. Even if you destroy all the ice, it is impossible to raise the temperature within the arena back to normal temperature."

Ma Hongjun did not stop. The flames melted dozens of meters of ice. Then his expression changed and he found that the water flow slowed down and began to freeze at low temperatures to accumulate rainwater.

Tang San also discovered this, and since the rain and snow showed no signs of stopping, the Tianshui team could maintain good weather.

Hei's soul ring lit up, and the Blue Silver Grass appeared silently below the seven people. Except for Shui Yue'er who flew up, the rest of the Tianshui team were controlled by the Blue Silver Cage.

Everyone in Shrek cooperated tacitly and rushed forward the moment Tang San released his soul skill, their soul rings lighting up.

"Undercurrent is surging!"

Yu Hairou moved. Her martial soul was an undertide barracuda, which had the ability to swim freely in turbulent undercurrents. At this time, her third soul ring lit up, and the steady rain around her was like a wave, hitting the front in waves. , the power is getting stronger and stronger.

Water is invisible and difficult to break through the blue silver cage, but at the same time, the blue silver cage cannot stop the flow of rainwater. The water flow is colorless and odorless, surging secretly in the ring.

Zhu Zhuqing stumbled as she rushed forward. It felt like her ankles were entangled by water plants and she almost fell to the ground. She twisted her waist in mid-air, turned her back to the sky, and supported the ground with her hands, so that she did not fall.

Zhou Bo was holding the line at the back, his eyes were dazzled by Zhu Zhuqing's two large cups, and he turned to look at Ning Rongrong, secretly thinking that guilt was not what he wanted to see.

Zhu Zhuqing's expression did not change. He looked down and saw that the water flow had returned to its original state, but the feeling just now was unmistakable. That huge force was the main effect of Yu Hairou's soul skill.

As expected, Tang San and others were also pulled after that. Zhu Zhuqing saw from the spot that the water surface up to his ankles formed a vortex, and the rain seemed to be alive, pulling the Shrek people tightly to prevent them from moving.

Most of the ice attribute soul masters are control type soul masters. I didn’t expect that Yu Hairou, an agility and attack type soul master, could also make a guest appearance as a control type soul master. This undercurrent is surging. If it were in the sea, it would probably be even more powerful for a soul master who doesn’t know how to use water. , it is very likely that it will be dragged directly to the bottom of the sea by the undercurrent, and will be defeated without a fight.

Coiled with blue and silver!

"Step on the bluesilver grass vines."

Tang San quickly thought of a way. The blue silver grass vines did not attack, but dived into the water, entwining each other to form a road, allowing everyone in Shrek to have a place to fight. Then Tang San continued to urge the blue silver grass to grow on both sides.

Tang San's Xuantian Sutra has the characteristic of endless life, and is best at protracted battles. This is his strength, not to mention the recovery sausage made by Oscar to replenish his soul power.

Xue Wu and Shui Bing'er were surprised. They didn't expect that Tang San had so much soul power and that their tactics could be broken so easily.

Although the scope of the Shrek team's activities is still very small, standing on the vines is like standing on a boat in the sea, and the current can no longer affect them.

"I'll try."

Shen Liuyu took a step forward. The Ice Blade Spirit in her hand reflected light in the sun. She threw it into the air. Then the third spirit ring lit up. The Ice Blade Spirit instantly differentiated into hundreds of ice blades with similar shapes.

"The sky is as ice-like as a knife! Fall!"

The ice blade fell immediately as it formed, and after snowing and raining, the knife finally fell.

Whoosh whoosh!
Shen Liuyu controlled the ice blade to mainly land on the Blue Silver Grass vines. The translucent ice blue ice blades were very thin, which made them fragile and sharp. At the speed of falling from high altitude, It can easily cut through the soul master's defense.

The ice blade quickly shattered, cutting off a large number of bluesilver grass vines. The bluesilver grass lost its soul power supply and quickly turned into soul power and disappeared.

No matter how fast Tang San spawned the Bluesilver Grass vines, it couldn't be faster than Hairou's destruction speed.

Zhu Zhuqing ran out along a tilted bluesilver grass vine, jumped up high, and stretched out the cat's claws with both hands. The Netherworld Hundred Claws were very fast. He swung out hundreds of attacks in an instant, hitting the side of the skate, killing it. shatter.

This is the weakness of Yu Hairou's soul skill. The ice blade is too fragile. If the agility and attack type soul master is brave enough and careful enough, he can get close and break it quickly.

The soul skill was broken, and Yu Hairou was slightly absent-minded. Taking this opportunity, Tang San's third soul ring lit up, and the blue silver grass weaved into a net, tightly binding Yu Hairou. "Hairou!"

Xue Wu shouted worriedly. The snowflakes in the air seemed to sense the owner's thoughts. The hexagon quickly rotated, turning the beautiful scenery into a sharp weapon, and murderous intent emerged.

"Thousands of snows and thousands of deaths!"

Xue Wu's fourth soul ring lit up, and the snow doubled in intensity, flying towards Shrek's group at an angle. The speed was extremely fast. Several snowflakes with similar shapes quickly joined together and merged into a harder ice flower, like a A sharp blade cuts through the air.

"Everyone be careful!"

Tang San made a prompt decision and lifted up the bluesilver grass vines laying on the ground. The floating bridge turned into a shield, blocking everyone.

The ice flowers were silent, easily breaking through the tough structure of the Bluesilver Grass vines and embedded themselves in it. Tens of thousands of Ice Flowers attacked quickly, quickly shattering the Bluesilver Grass shield, and most of the Ice Flowers were still intact.

"Look at me!"

Ma Hongjun suddenly swallowed the sausage given by Oscar, his whole body flashed with colored glaze, and the exploding phoenix flame burned fiercely, turning into a vaguely shaped flaming phoenix, spreading its wings and flying, burning a safe path.

Using soul power to shape the flames is a very consuming skill. Ma Hongjun put his hands on his knees and gasped, "It's all burned, it's so cool! Haha."

Just as he said, Xue Wu's soul skills could not even get close to him under the blazing phoenix flames, and they quickly melted and evaporated, eliminating the murderous intention.

Xue Wu's pretty face darkened. Her talent was not weak. Not only could she not join Tianshui Academy, but she also became the vice-captain of Yu Hairou and the others. However, Xue Hua's martial spirit here was indeed too ordinary. The quality of other martial arts spirits overwhelmed her. Her characteristics are far stronger than the Snow Flower Martial Spirit.

Seeing Xue Wu's disappointment, Shui Binger held her hand and nodded to her.

Xue Wu smiled back. At least at this moment, she still had a good friend to accompany her in the fight.

The two of them had a telepathic connection, and ice-blue soul power came into contact in the held hands, spreading to the whole body in an instant. The two of them were wrapped in ice-blue light, a cold wind blew around them, irregular goose feather snow fell, and the temperature dropped sharply.

A clear and cold phoenix cry sounded, instantly making the arena quiet, and the ice and snow seemed to be frozen in the air. The next moment, the cold wind roared, the ice blue ball of light shattered, and a phoenix made of ice crystals flew into the sky. As it flapped its wings, the rain stopped, and the rain on the ring froze in a few seconds.

Martial soul fusion skill, ice crystal phoenix!
The legendary Ice and Snow King has dominating control over the ice attribute.

Judging from the movement when it appeared, it seemed that the legend was not exaggerated.

The eyes of the ice crystal phoenix showed no emotion, and its gaze was like a biting cold wind. The pressure of the superior person shocked the mind, and everyone in Shrek who faced it felt a lot of pressure.

Unlike the Netherworld White Tiger, the ice crystal phoenix's power lies in its control of attributes, and the scenes it displays are even more grand.

The ice crystal phoenix raised its head and let out a very penetrating phoenix cry. The ice elements condensed into icicles as thick as a person in the air. The lower end was shaped into a sharp shape and fell boldly.

Ma Hongjun ate the recovery sausage and had just recovered half of his soul power when he saw an icicle that was thicker than him. He didn't dare to touch it forcefully. He fluttered his wings and flew into the sky, looking at the ice crystal phoenix in the distance.

Looking at the majestic ice crystal phoenix in the distance, Ma Hongjun finally felt inferior and secretly sneered. With such a beautiful figure, the phoenix bloodline must not be as pure as his.

Tang San clenched his fists and looked at the ice crystal phoenix in the distance. He felt powerless again. His Blue Silver Grass martial spirit had no room to display in front of such a spirit fusion technique. Even he was proud of it. Even the control methods cannot block the martial soul fusion skill for even one second.

The icicles fell, and all the Blue Silver Grass vines on the arena were crushed and dissipated into soul power.

Tang San's movements were agile, but he was not injured. He was tight but felt uncomfortable in his heart. For him who wanted to be strong, this feeling of powerlessness was really unbearable.

Dai Mubai rushed forward, and the white tiger meteor shower fell on the ice crystal feathers of the ice crystal phoenix. Six thousand years of soul skills left only a few traces. When the cold wind blew, the ice crystal feathers returned to their original state, still as smooth as a mirror.

Dai Mubai couldn't break his defense, let alone anyone else.

Zhou Bo stepped forward, Tang San looked at his background, and finally made up his mind, a small hammer appeared in his hand.

After all, it will be used in the finals, and Tang San no longer cares about the Clear Sky Hammer being exposed.

As soon as the simple hammer appeared, there was a burst of noise in the audience. At this time, there was only one secretly titled Douluo watching the battle, and the cardinals all frowned. It is well known that the conflict between Wuhun Palace and Haotian Sect , Tang San showed the Clear Sky Hammer here, and he didn't take them seriously at all.

But no matter what, Wuhun Palace cannot stop the game from happening. If anything happens, it must be resolved after the game.

Yu Xiaogang stood up from the auditorium, found the papal decree, and wanted to go to the Wuhun Palace to inform Tang San in advance.

All the Bluesilver Grass vines disappeared in an instant. Zhou Bo naturally noticed it. Looking back, he saw Tang San holding the Clear Sky Hammer. He was not surprised. He knew that Tang San would not endure the light being suppressed by him forever.

Isn’t this unbearable?
In Zhou Bo's view, in addition to the opportunities in the original work, the most important thing for him is to understand the personalities of some characters. After understanding their temperaments and personalities, he can most likely predict how they will behave.

Zhou Bo summoned the Thousand-Year Thunderbird and asked it to deal with the Ice Crystal Phoenix first.

He watched as Tang San swung the Clear Sky Hammer, each one stronger than the other, using the Chaotic Cloak Hammering Technique faster and faster, constantly rotating on the ice to accumulate force, and the ice and snow were pulled and rotated.

It was a rare opportunity to watch the Luan Cloak hammering technique up close. Zhou Bo had to memorize it all at once and carefully observe Tang San's muscle movements.

In the dark, Tang Hao saw Zhou Bo pause, thinking of his notes, and had a clear understanding of his intentions. His eyes were slightly cold. The inheritance of Haotian Sect should not be leaked. Even if he appreciated Zhou Bo's talent, he could not break Haotian for him. The rules of the sect.

"I hope he will stop when he sees fit. Otherwise, even if the mistress doesn't take action because of friendship, I won't let Luan Piao Feng's hammering skills be leaked if I do it myself."

Tang Hao silently waited for Zhou Bo's choice.

Zhou Bo guessed that Tang Hao was at the scene, but after the game, the sea was as wide as the fish could leap, and the sky was as high as the birds could fly. How could he care what Tang Hao and his son thought.

The random cloak hammering technique is useful to him, so just learn it.

What's more, even if Xiao Wu didn't expose the identity of the soul beast, Zhou Bo didn't believe that Bibi Dong would be indifferent to Tang Hao. Such an enemy was hiding in the dark. If it were him, he would definitely find an opportunity to kill him quickly.

Moreover, Wuhun Palace is Bibi Dong's home court. If she gives up such a good opportunity to take action, she will not be worthy of sitting in the Pope's position.

(End of this chapter)

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