Chapter 153 Ambiguous Eyes
Hu Liena was surprised that Tang San was so difficult to deal with and that she couldn't get rid of him for such a long time, and a strong fighting spirit rose in her purple pupils.

She activated her fourth soul ring, and her figure flickered, then suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Hidden face!

Hu Liena can change into any form, and can even camouflage the environment within a radius of 3 meters. Unless she is more than 30 levels above her, she will not be able to detect it.

This thousand-year soul skill had no lethality, but it made Hu Liena innately invincible. At this moment, she turned into a piece of air, floating in the air and quietly looking at Tang San below.

Then she saw Tang San's eyes glowing with rich purple light.

Extreme Purple Demon Eyes!

In Hu Liena's astonished eyes, Tang San's purple pupils stared straight into the air, focusing on Hu Liena's position.

Tang San didn't know the effect of Hu Liena's soul skill, but the third stage of the Purple Demonic Eyes was enough for him to notice something was wrong. The air simulated by the soul skill was not real gas after all, and others would need a high level of cultivation to see the slight difference. Tang San Three can be seen through directly.

good chance.

Heaven and Earth!

The bluesilver grass vines quickly weaved into two spider webs, surrounding Hu Liena from top to bottom, enveloping the air nearby. The layers of blue silver grass blocked the gaps, preventing Hu Liena from getting out.

Hu Liena really couldn't get out. The thousand-year soul ring didn't have that strong ability, and she wasn't truly invisible and qualityless air. If she had to get through a very small gap, she would probably lose consciousness and disintegrate into soul power and die.

Hu Liena had no choice but to remove her soul skill and fell into a circular cage made of bluesilver grass vines.

As soon as she came into contact with the Bluesilver Grass, Tang San from the outside world sensed it, and immediately controlled the Bluesilver Grass vines to wrap around Hu Liena's limbs and waist. The super fast reaction speed even made Hu Liena feel frightened, as if Tang San could see through all her actions. .

Hu Liena used the mask again to get rid of the shackles of the blue silver grass. Three fox fires ignited around her body, igniting the blue silver grass vines and burning a small hole for them to get out.

She misjudged the height of the cage, rolled around on the ground in a somewhat embarrassed state, gritted her teeth secretly, and stopped holding her hands. The black soul ring lit up, the fox tail swayed slightly behind her, and an ambiguous aura rushed towards her face.

Ambiguous Eyes!

Hu Liena's strongest single-target soul control skill makes the target completely obsessed with her and unconditionally controlled by her.

This is a spiritual soul skill. The success rate of the soul skill depends on the mental power gap between the opponent and Hu Liena. With this soul skill, Hu Liena can control an enemy of the same level for her own use.

It was also because of this soul skill that Bibi Dong took out a head soul bone that enhanced her mental power as a reward.

Who to choose?

Hu Liena hesitated in her heart. Zhou Bo was the Soul King and could declare the game over if he could control it, but the success rate was not high. Judging from the purple eyes of Tang San next to him, he might have spiritual soul skills, but it was not safe. .

The Eye of Ambiguity has a powerful effect, but if it fails to be used, there will be corresponding backlash. The backlash of the ten thousand year soul ring is enough to severely damage Hu Liena, so she must be cautious.

After some consideration, Hu Liena set her target on Dai Mubai. From her experience, such an offensive soul master could crush soul masters of the same level in terms of physical strength, but his mental strength was weak and ambiguous. Tong's effect on male soul masters was outstanding, and Dai Mubai was the best target.

The ambiguous eyes exuded a seductive aura that made people blush and make their hearts beat. Dai Mubai turned his head and glanced unconsciously, then froze in place.The Lightning Leopard Soul Master shuddered, looked at Dai Mubai with pity, and ran to the side without looking back, joining the team besieging Zhu Zhuqing.

The reason why he was so scared was because Hu Liena had once used this soul skill, and the Eye of Ambiguity also had the effect of permanently distorting people's thinking and making people fall in love with Hu Liena without reservation. Although the chance was very small, But thinking about it makes people shudder, so no one in the Wuhundian team wants to mess with Hu Liena.

"Come here and attack your teammates."

Hu Liena showed a fox-like sly smile and secretly ordered, using her spirit skills non-stop, throwing three fox fires to attack Tang San.

Dai Mubai's heterochromatic pupils were filled with pink light. After hearing Hu Liena's order, he immediately rushed forward without thinking, his fourth soul ring flashed, and he blasted a white tiger meteor shower forward.

When Tang San and Zhou Bo heard the sound from behind, they both reacted very quickly. One of them used Ghost Shadow Tracing Steps to dodge, and the other relied on the Eight Spider Spears to block. They were a little embarrassed in their haste, but in the end Hu Liena didn't succeed.

"It's boring, why are you so useless?"

Hu Liena pretended to sigh. Dai Mubai, who was carried away by love, immediately became angry. Regardless of his painful meridians, he forcibly used the White Tiger Meteor Shower again!

He still had a certain fighting instinct. As the meteor shower rushed towards Tang San who was nearby, the white tiger spirit roared and its claws danced airtightly.

"Boss Dai, wake up quickly!"

Tang San shouted loudly, but Dai Mubai's offensive did not weaken at all. If the Eye of Ambiguity could be lifted so easily, Bibi Dong would not prepare the head soul bone for Hu Liena.

Tang San looked at Hu Liena. If he wanted to release the control, he had to look at the person who used the soul skill. He stepped on the ghost shadow, and Dai Mubai couldn't hit him, so he ran towards Hu Liena, his pupils glowing with purple light, ready at any time. When Hu Liena used her charming soul skill, she used mental shock to counterattack.

The Purple Demon Eye is not good at attacking and can only fight back when it is mentally attacked.

After the battle just now, Tang San had figured out all of Hu Liena's soul skills, so he had no worries and quickly came to Hu Liena's side.

Hu Liena used the charm soul skill without any surprise.

A soul master's first soul skill is often the soul skill he uses the most, so he is very proficient and can use it with just a thought.

Hu Liena's eyes were coated with purple light, and she looked into Tang San's purple eyes. Tang San's eyes lit up, now!

As soon as the charming soul skill affected Tang San's mental power, Tang San was already prepared to counterattack with the Purple Demon Eyes, and launched a counterattack.

Hu Liena covered her eyes and screamed, staggering on the spot and almost falling down. Tang San had been practicing the Purple Demon Eyes since he was a child. His mental strength was not inferior to that of Hu Liena, who was at the Soul King level. Of course he could achieve this if he was willing or unintentional. Results.

As Hu Liena's spirit was shocked, the controlled Dai Mubai stopped and his face struggled, changing back and forth between full of love and anger.

Finally, losing Hu Liena's active control, Dai Mubai used his own will to get rid of the control. Looking back on everything that had just happened, Dai Mubai was extremely scared. The feeling of wanting to obey Hu Liena's orders unconditionally was too terrifying, and he never wanted to experience it again. The second time.

"younger sister!"

Xie Yue, who had a fierce battle with Zhou Bo, became anxious. He and Hu Liena were twins, inheriting their parents' surnames respectively. The two had a very good relationship. Seeing that Hu Liena was injured, she was slightly separated, and there was a flaw in the movement of swinging the knife unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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