Chapter 80 Immortal Grass
"Third brother, what are you thinking?"

Xiao Wu hugged Tang San tightly and noticed that he looked absent-minded, so she raised her head and looked confused. .

Tang San shook his head, "Nothing, how have you been doing during this time?"

"It's all good."

Xiao Wu replied, and then she talked about what happened in the past three months with great interest.

"Especially Rongrong and Zhou Bo, they broke through to Hunzun and Hunzong respectively. According to them, they took the fairy grass recorded in ancient books, and Rongrong's martial soul evolved and turned into the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda. , everyone could see that she was in a very good mood in the first few days."

Xiao Wu suddenly tilted her head, "Third brother, why can't I see how much cultivation you have? I didn't slack off during the three months you were away, and yet I was surpassed by you!"

Tang San stroked Xiao Wu's long hair affectionately, "I'm level 39. The fairy grass Zhou Bo and the others mentioned was picked from Dugu Bo. I was there for three months, and of course I gained something."

Hearing that Zhou Bo and the others knew the fairy grass, Tang San was secretly glad that he had caught all the fairy grass in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes. Otherwise, if Dugu Bo learned about the effectiveness of the fairy grass in the future, it would be difficult to obtain the fairy grass again.

At the same time, Tang San was secretly vigilant. Since there are people in this world who know the fairy grass, he must pay attention to this in the future and never reveal anything in front of outsiders.

"By the way, I brought gifts for everyone. Boss Dai and the others didn't go out, did they?"

"Gift? Where is it?"

Xiao Wu's eyes widened, and she turned over Tang San's body, finally focusing on the moonlit night on the 24th bridge.

Tang San protected the belt with one hand, and stopped Xiao Wu's movements with the other hand, "Don't be anxious. When everyone is here, I will give it to you together."

"All right…"

Xiao Wu pouted, and then she looked forward to what the gift would be.

The two went to find the others.

On the other side, Zhou Bo returned to Shrek Academy and learned about Tang San's return from Ning Rongrong.

"I can't tell Tang San's soul power level. Brother Zhou, you guessed it right. Tang San really knows Xiancao."

Zhou Bo smiled and thought about what kind of fairy grass Tang San would take. There were not many fairy grass suitable for his Blue Silver Grass.

The two came to the dormitory chatting and saw Tang San Xiaowu and others in the nearby woods from a distance.

Ma Hongjun was holding a medicinal herb that was as red as a rooster's comb, looking excited. When he saw Zhou Bo and the others coming over, he nodded hurriedly, then sat on the grass and started refining his fairy grass.

Next to him, Oscar Dai Mubai was also sitting on the ground, with an orchid and a yellow chrysanthemum in his arms respectively. Their soul power fluctuated endlessly, echoing the fairy grass.

"Zhou Bo, Rongrong, come here and see the gifts I brought you."

Tang San waved to the two of them and took out the jade box from the soul guidance device.

"I originally planned to give everyone a fairy grass, but there are only a few fairy grass suitable for us, and when I came back, I heard that you have already used fairy grass, so I can only give you some other precious herbs as gifts."

Zhou Bo looked at the rare medicinal materials in the jade box. These were the kings of medicines that were hard to find in the outside world. They were at least as old as a thousand years old. "Then you're welcome. It just so happens that you need medicinal herbs to replenish your cultivation recently. It's a waste of time to just rely on eating to replenish your body."

Zhou Bo took the jade box neatly. He was in a hurry to refine the fairy grass that day, so he didn't waste time picking "ordinary" medicinal materials. Tang San delivered it to his door, which saved him a lot of effort.

Tang San twitched the corner of his mouth, why was the cultivation method so cruel that it actually needed a thousand-year treasure medicine to replenish it and consume it.

He suddenly thought of the missing fairy grass in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes, and asked urgently: "Zhou Bo, you got the fairy grass from Senior Dugu, right? There is a purple Ganoderma lucidum in it. Have you used it? If you haven't used it yet, I want to exchange it with you for other fairy grass to help the teacher break through level [-]."

Ning Rongrong handed her share of medicinal materials to Zhou Bo, "Third Brother, you are too late. That day, Brother Zhou accidentally entered the Dugu Bo Medicine Garden and only picked a few fairy grasses he knew. The ninth-grade Purple Zhizhi was given to My father used it on site and refined it completely."

Tang San sighed, there was only one ninth-grade purple mushroom, and it would be gone once it was used. It seemed that the only way to help the teacher break through to the soul master was to use the second-rate method.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Xiao Wu looking at the heartbroken red of lovesickness, and asked in confusion: "Xiao Wu, why don't you take the jelly grass to refine it?"

Tang San asked about the Acacia Heartbroken Red in Xiao Wu's hand. He knew Xiao Wu's true identity. The effect of this King of Immortal Grass on hiding herself allowed Xiao Wu to hide herself, allowing her to appear openly under the nose of Titled Douluo. , is more important than the improvement in cultivation.

So Tang San also gave Xiao Wu a Hunyuan fairy grass. This kind of fairy grass has no attributes and can be taken by most soul masters. After taking it, the soul power will be mellow, allowing Xiao Wu to refine the essence as quickly as possible and master his own power. Maintain ability.

Xiao Wu looked away from Acacia and was still a little dazed. She looked a little dazed, "Okay, Third Brother, I'm going to refine the fairy grass."

So he walked aside and took Hunyuan Xiancao.

The sun was like fire, and the dazzling sunlight filled the woods. A shout broke the tranquility in the jungle.

"Hahaha, I'm done! My Phoenix Spirit no longer has the evil fire defect, and it has been upgraded to level 37. Third brother, you are truly my brother!"

Ma Hongjun's fat was reduced a lot under the influence of cockscomb and phoenix sunflower, turning him into a slightly fat figure. He yelled to vent his inner excitement. He felt relaxed and relaxed, and there were no more signs of evil fire.

Oscar and Dai Mubai woke up one after another, and both of them also made great breakthroughs. Especially Dai Mubai's martial spirit had a kingly domineering aura, standing there like a real mighty white tiger.

Then came Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu. The narcissus jade muscles and bones made Zhu Zhuqing's skin become warm and white, and her whole body seemed to be emitting light. She broke through to level 38 soul power.

Xiao Wu's breakthrough was the biggest. The Hunyuan Immortal Herb was characterized by having a lot of soul power. Being named after the Immortal Grass was enough to show how much soul power it had. Xiao Wu broke through nine levels in a row and reached the forty level soul. force.

If it weren't for the crowd, Xiao Wu would have been able to condense the fourth soul ring and be promoted to the Soul Sect.

"Is this the fairy grass? There is only one soul ring left, and I will be the soul sect."

Xiao Wu clenched her fists, feeling the real soul power in her body. In a short period of time, her soul power increased to nine levels or more, but there was no trace of futility at all. Her cultivation was stable, as if she had gained it through hard work.

Dai Mubai also broke through to level [-], "I feel twice as powerful as before! And the soul power is still not fully exerted in the body. Xiao Wu, do you want to go hunting for souls together?"

"Who wants to hunt for souls with a perverted tiger like you?" Xiao Wu snorted, "I'll wait for Third Brother to break through before we go."

For Tang San's sake, Dai Mubai didn't care about Xiao Wu. After thanking Tang San, he went to find Dean Flanders. If he was alone, Flanders could take him back quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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