My wizarding career begins on Earth.

Chapter 115 Characteristics of the Mother River

Chapter 115 Characteristics of the Mother River

Early the next morning.

Lu He opened his eyes on time, and then carefully moved away Wang Ke, who was lying on him like an octopus. Maybe he was too tired last night, and she didn't wake up even after turning over.

After washing, I went to the balcony and started meditating.

In fact, the effect of formal wizards starting to meditate is not very good. Official wizards increase their mental power by taking drugs and relying on external stimulation. Lu He is used to it. Meditation is always better than sleeping. If you can increase it a little, it's better.

after an hour.

Lu He ended his meditation, but did not get up. He still sat cross-legged on the mat and thought. After a long time, he said:

"Do you have any suggestions on which path I should choose to leave the earth?"

He was asking about the Eye of Heritage.

He found two ways to leave the earth from the Eye of Heritage.

One is to break through space, enter the mother river, and then enter other worlds from the mother river.

The second is to directly enter other worlds after breaking through the space.

There was a huge difference between the two. Lu He didn't know how to choose, so he could only ask the experienced Eye of Inheritance for advice. After all, his predecessor also encountered this kind of problem and chose Mother River.

"I suggest Mother River." Eye of Heritage said.


Although Lu He also preferred Mu He, he wanted to hear the explanation from the Eye of Inheritance.

"The energy of your volcanic array is not enough to open a far enough passage between the two worlds, and it is also not certain that there is no material world within the opened range. Even if there is, it is not certain what the rules of this world are."

"In addition, there is a lot of movement in opening up the world passage, which will definitely alarm the creatures in the original world. After you go there, you will not only be suppressed by the rules of the world, but also face the strong ones of the creatures in the original world. This kind of behavior is very dangerous."

"The most important point is that you don't have world coordinates, so you can only experiment again and again."

Lu He nodded. What the Eye of Heritage said made sense, especially the last one. If he tried again and again to stimulate the power of the volcanoes on the earth, the earth might have been destroyed by him before the evil god came.

"What about the mother river?"

"The mother river has the characteristic of warping time and space. You can go further and have more choices by relying on the mother river."

"Furthermore, entering the material world from the mother river is equivalent to the rebirth of life. Reincarnation will not be suppressed by the rules of the original world, and it will also be difficult to be detected by the creatures in the original world."

Lu He didn't say anything. His concern was on the second sentence of the Eye of Inheritance.

He is only a first-level wizard. After entering the mother river, he will be quickly melted by the power of the mother river.

From the inside out, the first thing is the body. After the body is melted, it becomes the soul. Before the soul completely returns to the mother river, if it cannot find the material world, it will be gone.

If he can find the material world during this period, he has two choices. The first is to seize the body, and the second is to be reincarnated.

There is another way before, which is to enter directly physically.

The Eye of Inheritance assumes that he must be reincarnated, because his body will definitely not last long, and he may be gone in the blink of an eye, and then his soul will be corroded. Even if he finally finds the material world, his soul is probably about the same, and he who successfully seizes his body will The probability is very low.

However, there is a risk in reincarnation. The memory and consciousness may be wiped out by the rules of the world, and the person may become a true aborigine.

Finally, when entering the Mother River, in addition to the dangers of the Mother River itself, you may also encounter unpredictable risks. For example, his predecessor was killed in the aftermath of the battle.

I can only say that it is unfortunate and unfair.

But it's lucky for Lu He, because if his predecessor hadn't been so unlucky, he would still be working part-time.

However, if he had a choice, how could he be ready to run away from the earth just after being promoted.

Because no matter which path he takes, there is a narrow escape. His predecessor died in the aftermath of the battle in the mother river. It can be said that it is both accidental and inevitable. If he had not encountered the aftermath of the battle, he might have encountered other messy things.

His previous plan was to try something new at the end of his life when he was really desperate.

But now it has to be done in advance.

If you stay on Earth, evil gods may come, and if you run out, you may die on the way. The uncertainty of both options is too great, especially the second one, which is very difficult.

They say they are escaping, but in fact they are fighting for a slim chance of survival.

"What kind of existence is the mother river..."

Lu He looked at the rising sun on the horizon.

He has always been talking about the mother river, the mother river. He doesn't understand what the mother river is, what is special about it, and what its function is. He just knows these two words. "The mother river is the end of all things and the beginning of all things. It is the origin and end of life." The Eye of Inheritance gave the answer.

"The mother river contains the power of death and life."

"The power of death has the ability to decompose all things, and the power of life can usher in new life for creatures that have experienced the baptism of the mother river."

"For you, the most important thing after entering the mother river is to resist the erosion of the power of life and death."

Lu He shook his head. The Eye of Heritage said it was easy, but in fact it couldn't be that simple.

If it were so easy to be reborn, wouldn't it be that the ancestors of the endless world were everywhere, and the ninth level was not as good as a dog.

Because the mother river can resurrect people from the ashes, and can give the dying a chance to live again. This opportunity is infinitely more precious than doubling their life span.

Doubling the life span is a dream for the big guys, but for the vast majority of people, it is time to rush to the streets, and they may have to endure tens or even hundreds of years of hardship.

And rebirth is to give you a chance to start over and reshape your life.

"Who discovered this secret knowledge?" Lu He was curious.

Although it is just a few sentences, the information contained in it is known to a few living beings in the endless world. There may be some big bosses above the seventh level who do not know the characteristics of the mother river.

"Second ancestor."

"Thank you, Ancestor. I hope that Ancestor will reach a higher level."

Lu He expressed his gratitude sincerely, stood up, patted his clothes, and prepared to wake Wang Ke up for breakfast.

From the Eye of Inheritance, he obtained knowledge that he should not have had access to at this stage. Compared with the many creatures in the endless world, he has already succeeded more than half of the way.

Next, you should make some targeted preparations.

Back in the bedroom, looking at the slender and delicate body under the quilt, Lu He smiled and forced her to turn on the phone.


An hour later, when the two walked out of the community, they saw many people waiting at the door.

The leader was Wang Guangwen and the big boss of Shanghai Stock Exchange who were chatting. There were also a few people standing around, wearing headsets on their ears. You could tell at a glance that they were security guards.

Seeing the two people walking out, Zheng Liangshu immediately stepped forward to greet them, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "President Lu, I have admired them for a long time."

Lu He just nodded slightly and asked, "Waiting for me here so early, what's wrong?"

Zheng Liangshu smiled awkwardly, retracted his hand, and said, "President Lu, I have taken the liberty of disturbing you this time because I have a merciless request."

Lu He glanced at him and said, "Since it's an unkind invitation, then don't say it."

Zheng Liangshu:......

Zheng Liangshu, who was half choked to death, had an embarrassed look on his face. He finally suppressed the embarrassment in his heart. Just when he was about to open his mouth to plead again, Lu He spoke.

"You go, it's too early for me."

"Lu...he, the thing is...well."

Wang Ke covered Wang Guangwen's mouth with the bag in his hand, causing him to almost lose his breath.

"Then... okay, I'm disturbing President Lu." Zheng Liangshu didn't dare to get angry when he saw this, so he left with a smile.

After Zheng Liangshu left, Wang Ke complained: "Dad, what are you doing? You just intercede for others without knowing anything."

"I..." Wang Guangwen choked.

He really seemed to know nothing and had been sleepwalking from yesterday to today.

"Uncle, let's have breakfast together?" Lu He invited.

"Oh, good."

The process of eating breakfast was boring. Wang Guangwen was asking questions, Wang Ke was answering, and Lu He occasionally interjected a few words.

As a result, Wang Guangwen was shocked when he found out that his daughter was the assistant to the president of the Luhe Aid Society, and that the boss of the Eagle Federation was a branch director.

He suddenly felt that the world had changed, and it was no longer the earth he knew.

(End of this chapter)

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