My wizarding career begins on Earth.

Chapter 140 Intermediaries

Chapter 140 Intermediaries

Andio stood by the window of the bedroom on the fourth floor, looking at the soldiers pouring out of the company camp in the distance, feeling anxious and slightly uneasy.

If I remember correctly, the direction in which the soldiers were heading should be the group led by the Oriental woman Liu Jindai.

The task of Liu Jin's team was arranged by him through cheating, and he deliberately sent them to the woods to cut firewood.

He didn't know why he did this, he just took money to do things.

Yesterday, a student came to him and asked him to help him operate it secretly. He also gave him twenty gold coins. Andio didn't think much about it. He happened to be short of money recently, so he agreed directly.

This kind of thing was very common, and he didn't doubt it. It had happened occasionally before. It was because these aristocratic students looked down upon each other and wanted to use him to cause trouble for each other.

Thinking of this, Andio suddenly hurried back to the desk, took out the group roster, and turned to the column for Liu Jin's group.

The moment he saw Sauron written on it, his expression instantly turned extremely ugly.

He stood in front of the table in a daze. When he woke up, he immediately packed his luggage and walked out the door after a while.

It was completely dark by this time, and there was no one else outside except the burning torches on the roadside.

After Andio thought for a moment, he walked towards Highland City. Just as he reached the gate of the farm, he saw several soldiers blocking the intersection.

Seeing this scene, the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger. After hesitating for a few seconds, he finally stepped forward.

"Stop! This place is temporarily blocked and no one is allowed to pass."

As soon as Andio took a few steps, a soldier spotted him and quickly raised his gun to warn.

"I'm a teacher at Noble Middle School. There's something urgent at home. I need to rush back immediately." Andio's face turned red with anxiety, and there were dense beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Go back!" The soldier was unmoved.

"Brothers, I really have something going on at home, please be accommodating." Andio took out his money bag and handed it over, and the gold coins inside made a pleasant sound when they collided.

"I say it for the last time, go back!" The soldier on the other side drew out the sword from his waist and approached him cautiously.

"Okay, okay, I'll go back." Andio raised his hands and stepped back.

After leaving here, he wandered around the other exits of the farm, and finally returned to his house in fear.

The entire farm has been completely cordoned off.


Lu He said hello to Liu Jin and Kath.

Then, under the complicated and contemptuous looks of the two people, he led the half-elf into his bedroom.

Lu He opened the door and walked in. He came to the desk and poured a glass of hot water. After taking a sip, he sat on the chair and looked at the anxious half-elf in front of him.

"What's your name?"

" name is Selya." Selya's voice trembled slightly.

The half-elf didn't know when she put on the mask again. Although her expression couldn't be seen clearly, Lu He could still feel strong uneasiness from her light green pupils.

"Am I that scary?" Lu He said speechlessly.

"No...yes." Selya was very nervous. She nodded instinctively at first, then quickly shook her head after she realized what was happening.

She was really scared. This fear seemed to come from the depths of her soul, making her unable to restrain herself at all.

Lu He smiled, put down the tea cup in his hand, stood up and walked to Selya.

Seeing Selya who was shaking all over and with tears in her eyes, he reached out his hand and gently stroked her hair, releasing energy bit by bit from his hand to soothe her emotions.

Feeling the warm breath coming from above her head, Selya gradually calmed down the fear in her heart and slightly returned to her usual calm state.

She peeked at the arm next to her from the corner of her eye, and could clearly see the lines of the muscles on it.

Lu He gently opened the green gauze mask and pinched her pointed and thin ears.

Selya's jade-like face was quickly dyed pink, and she lowered her head deeply, not daring to look any further.

Lu He pondered for a moment, then lightly scratched his fingernail under his earlobe, and a drop of blood fell on his fingertips.

This drop of blood is not much different from human beings, except that the color is slightly lighter, and there is no smell of blood, but a slight smell of grass.

Lu He returned to his seat, looked at the drop of blood, and carefully analyzed the components in it.He wanted to find out from the blood some of the extraordinary properties of the extraordinary race of elves.

It's a pity that he doesn't have magic power now, nor does he have the tools to analyze blood. He can only see that the most special thing in this drop of blood is a natural particle: the Heart of Ilúvatar.

In addition, the concentration of this kind of energy particles in the blood is very rare. He thinks it should be due to the half-elf.

Bang bang bang!
A sudden burst of gunfire outside the silent window interrupted Lu He's thoughts.

He raised his head and saw Selya still standing obediently in front of him. He couldn't help but smile, pointed to the wooden stool next to him and said: "Don't be restrained, sit down."

Selya sat down quietly.

She was also tired. She was chased by the big man for several times in the woods today, and was finally caught because she was exhausted. Otherwise, she would not have been caught up.

Lu He wiped his fingers with a tissue, then turned his head and looked at Selya with interest, and said, "Introduce yourself, your life experience, origins and purpose."

"I..." Selya was silent for a few seconds, and when she was about to speak, she was interrupted by another gunshot outside the window.

"It's my soldiers who are dealing with the bad guys on the farm. You are not a bad guy, don't worry."

Lu He was still a little scared when he saw the half-elf's expression, so he continued to comfort him:
"You are mine now. No one dares to hurt you, and no one can hurt you except me!"

Selya forced herself to smile, and she cursed deep in her heart. Am I afraid of these garbage soldiers holding fire sticks? It’s you I’m afraid of.

However, she still pretended to be very moved, organized her words, and began to explain her origins.

"Thank you, sir. My name is Selya, and I come from a half-elf tribe in the Dawn Forest."

"Dawn Forest, is it the forest southwest of Xiangmu City?" Lu He asked.

He has learned about some of the Soros family's industries. The family has a spice processing factory in Xiangmu City. They purchase some raw materials from Dawn Forest, process them and sell them to the south of the empire.

"Yes, that's the forest." Selya nodded, "Your family is very powerful there."

"Well, you go on."

"I have lived with the tribe in Dawn Forest since I was a child. The climate there is extremely changeable and the environment is very harsh. In addition to alien beasts, there are other races living in the forest, and they are constantly fighting each other to compete for limited resources."

"In addition, humans continue to invade Dawn Forest in order to collect spices and large trees, squeezing our living environment."

"Our tribe is living a very difficult life there. The number of tribesmen is getting smaller and smaller year by year. Last year, the tribe leader was forced to cooperate with a human noble due to the pressure of survival. They provided us with the necessities of life, and Our tribe will send tribesmen to serve them.”

Selya became depressed as she spoke. She thought of her parents, her tribe, and her current situation, and tears filled her eyes again.

Lu He poured a glass of hot water for Selya, feeling that this half-elf was pitiful.

But there isn't much sympathy. War between different races is so cruel.

For the sake of profit, reproduction, and so-called glory, human beings will definitely squeeze the living space of other races, not to mention when they have the absolute upper hand.

If human beings hadn't been fond of fighting among themselves since ancient times and had never stopped internal disputes, he estimated that all the alien races in the world would have been driven out and exterminated long ago.

Look, there is a human noble who chooses to cooperate with the half-elf tribe for profit.

And he even bullied him.

"Which noble from Xiangmu City is it?" Lu He asked.

"Savoy family, I am following the orders of the patriarch of this family, Elijah."

Selya didn't hesitate. She didn't feel guilty at all for betraying her allies. Instead, she hated that Ilya.

In addition to being lewd and always trying to take advantage of her, this Ilya is also very cunning.

She worked for the Savoy family for one year and only got a month's worth of food for the tribe. It would have been okay if she didn't know the price of human goods, but since she learned the specific situation, she felt that she was at a big loss.

The tribe's monthly rations are worth approximately 500 gold coins, which translates to [-] gold coins per month.

But Selya learned that the market price of an ordinary high-level knight's attendant is one hundred to two hundred gold coins a month.

And she is not only a high-level knight attendant, but also has special skills, and the hiring price must be upwards of two hundred.

At least four times the price difference was earned by Ilya, a cunning middleman.

(End of this chapter)

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