Chapter 189 Attitude

This is a man-made beast tide!

It's still a beast wave created by the Soros family!

Thinking of this, Dunleavy was slightly distracted. After a moment, he came to his senses and began to shout loudly:

"Stay away, don't conflict with the herd!"

“Make way for them and let them go!!!”

After saying that, he ignored the stunned people nearby and began to direct the family knights to avoid the ferocious beasts rushing towards them.

Dunleavy's abnormal behavior left everyone confused, but after realizing it, they didn't think much and moved the carriage and cargo to make way for the beasts.

In a crisis situation, no one dares to distrust the judgment of the knights. After all, the only one they can rely on is Dunleavy.

Soon, the other two knights of the caravan also made the same move and moved the outer defensive carriages away.

Suddenly, the caravan's defense line consisting of carriages and goods became riddled with holes, like a beautiful and delicate young woman lying on the bed with her clothes naked and the door wide open.

After a while, the herd approached.

dong dong dong...

The huge body of the ground-thorned rhinoceros trampled down heavily, and with the sound of heavy footsteps, the ground shook slightly, shaking so much that some ordinary people in the caravan could hardly stand.

The beasts were getting closer and closer, and within a few seconds they were close at hand. Countless green and red light spots appeared in front of their eyes.

Those are the eyes of a scavenger wolf! ! !

Viscount Phil felt chilled all over. He tightly held the sword in his hand, held his mouth and nose, and did not dare to breathe.

"Steady, don't act rashly!" Deng Weili narrowed his eyes and stared at a resting wind lion that was running wildly. His fingers were placed on the hilt of the sword, and a ray of energy was firmly locked on its body.

Anxi Wind Lion seemed not to feel the sword energy locked on his body, and his green pupils were filled with fear.

In its eyes, this faint sword energy is nothing.

It was far inferior to the sword aura emitted by the black monsters chasing them behind them. Their sword aura was not only extremely sharp, but also had high-temperature flame burning and powerful corrosive power.

call out!

The Anxi Wind Lion didn't even look back, and galloped past the two gray carriages. The speed was so fast that it formed a green straight line, and the airflow rolled up the cargo on the carriages.

The air was compressed to form sharp little wind knives, which cut through both sides like water. The severe pain caused several knights and attendants around them to turn their heads to avoid it.


The pack of scavenging wolves that followed closely formed black straight lines, passing through the gaps between the carriages, or leaping high and crossing the roofs of the carriages, and some directly avoided the caravan.

Si Si looked at the black wolf running past him and felt a suffocating feeling of cold fear.

The black wolf's fur is glowing with black light, its neck is a circle of black tumors, and its mouth has jagged teeth.

The stench emanating from them mixed with the smell of green grass in the air.

The taste is hard to describe at a glance.

Her body and mind were severely impacted in all directions. Even though she was tightly guarded by the family knights, her legs were still weak and she almost lost her balance.

Fortunately, all the wolves passed within a few seconds.

Sisi felt a little ashamed of her performance. She looked around and couldn't help but look at Visil in the distance. She saw that his face was earthy and his right hand holding the sword was trembling.

She curled her lips, feeling extremely disappointed.

She turned out to be a decent person, but she felt a little better. It wasn't that she wasn't brave, but that the enemy was too scary.

What about just ground-spined rhino?

Is it because he is running slowly that he is still behind?

Si Si stood up from the ground with the help of his father. When he was about to ask, he saw his father looking ahead with a horrified look on his face.

She looked up and saw the tall family knight blocking her view, so she climbed onto the carriage next to her.

In front.

On the emerald green grassland.

Twelve tall black-armored knights intercepted the group of ground-spiked rhinos. They were carrying huge and slender black knight swords covered with red stripes, and the swords were covered with solidified blood.

The knights formed a curved triangle formation.

Boom boom boom!

Several huge dark purple sword energies crisscrossed and whizzed past the group of ground-thorned rhinos.

Wherever the sword energy passed, deep ravines appeared on the ground, grass clippings flew, and a violent shock wave spread instantly, like a strong wind sweeping through, and the weeds fell down one after another.

Invisible fluctuations even spread to the caravan. Those who were close to it turned over on their backs, and those who were far away closed their eyes tightly.

Si Si straightened his messy long hair, with a trace of inexplicable excitement and enthusiasm on his face.

When the grass clippings and smoke cleared, only a few of the huge group of ground-spined rhinos were still standing. Most of them were lying on the ground dying with missing arms and legs, and blood was flowing all over the ground.

A breeze blew across the grassland, and the strong smell of blood instantly filled the entire caravan. But these black-armored knights did not stop, their swords were not sheathed, and they directly spurred their horses, like gray-black clouds, quickly through the caravan, chasing the herd of animals in the distance.

The long motorcade seemed to have lost its sound all of a sudden, leaving only the breeze blowing on the grassland.

woo woo woo...

The horn sounded to clear the alarm, awakening everyone, and the convoy suddenly burst into uproar.

Others were stunned and silent, looking at the fragmented ground-thorned rhinoceros group, and the feeling of surviving the disaster came to their hearts.

ding ding ding...

The crisp sound of the wind chimes came with the breeze, and Si Si, who was about to get out of the carriage, looked up.

In the distance, two black carriages were slowly approaching, and there were several knights riding war horses around the carriages.

One of the knights suddenly accelerated and came to a group of ground-spined rhinos. After pausing for a while, he ran towards the convoy again.

After getting closer.

It turned out to be a red-haired knight wearing black leather armor.

The female knight has beautiful features and a well-proportioned figure. She wears two black shoulder armors on her shoulders and a long sword tied around her waist. There is only a scarlet scar on her neck, which is a bit ferocious.

It affects the aesthetics a lot, but Sisi thinks it's extremely cool.

Beautiful and cool!

Yerette looked around and said:

"Who is the leader of the caravan? I am a knight of the Soros family. I need to discuss something with you."

Dunleavy's eyebrows moved slightly, thinking that he was indeed a member of the Soros family. When he was about to reply, he saw the caravan leader Jordan and the guard captain rushing over.

Jordan heard Yerette's words and looked up at the logo on the knight's leather armor, feeling relieved again.

What a Soros family!


He is very familiar with the Soros family, because the Solida caravan often passes through Highland City. Based on his understanding of the family, he rarely consults with anyone when encountering issues.

Unless you have the capital to negotiate with him.

Although he was complaining in his heart, Jordan still showed a gentle smile on the surface and asked:

"Hello, distinguished knight of the Thoros family, I am Jordan from the Solidar Caravan. How can I help you?"

Jordan didn't know Yerette, but she knew Jordan, but this was the first time she had seen Jordan so kind and kind.

This "friend" of the Da family, a distinguished guest of the Basha tribe, would trade with the tribe every time Solida's caravan passed by the Traorin area.

It's just that in the transaction, the tribe has always been on the exploited side, and Jordan has always shown a condescending attitude, being indifferent to the Da family and being picky.

The Basha tribe dared to be angry but dared not speak out. There was nothing they could do.

Because except for these specific caravans, no other caravans are willing to trade, and they dare not trade with them.

But now, Jordan, who had always treated them arrogantly, had made a 180-degree turn.

There was even a hint of flattery in his tone.

Yerette understood that this was a change brought about by the Soros family behind her.

"This knight... Is there anything I need from you? If anything happens, just ask, and the Solida Caravan will definitely help." Jordan bent down and asked cautiously.

He couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw that the beautiful knight kept staring at him without saying a word, and her eyes were still changing.

He had to worry about meeting such a powerful knight team from the Thoros family on this resting grassland, or a knight team that had just slaughtered a group of terrifying beasts. He was very frightened.

It would have been easier for other families, but it was the Soros family, and he had to be afraid.

Jordan's gesture made Yerette suddenly sneer.

This laughter attracted everyone's attention, and the negative emotions contained in their eyes were very rich.

Especially Jordan's emotions, Yerette felt very comfortable. After a pause, she said in a cold tone:

"You find twenty people to deal with the ground-thorned rhino, and the reward will be as follows..."

"Without payment, I'm going to find thirty people. Everyone is out and about, so we should help each other."

"Hurry up, don't ink."


Jordan watched Yerette's leaving figure in silence, not knowing what he was thinking.

He glanced at the guard captain beside him who had remained silent from beginning to end.

Then turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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