My wizarding career begins on Earth.

Chapter 220 Controlling the Sky

Chapter 220 Controlling the Sky

Rejecting Carol's enthusiastic invitation to stay, he dropped one hundred thousand gold coins and left in the direction of Soros Manor.

The carriage was driving in the dark wilderness. Under the pale moonlight, there were occasionally a few roars of beasts, and the ground was full of stones and gravel blocking the road.

The cold wind howled from afar, and the climate in Xiangmu City at night was not much better than that in the Traorin District.

The knights were scattered around the carriage, and they were all knights. Although their clothes were blown by the strong wind, they stood upright and stared at the surroundings motionlessly.

The carriage wheels rolled slowly, mixed with the sound of rustling handwriting.

Lu He was sitting in the carriage, quietly calculating the model in front of him. Lines of delicate text and numerical formulas kept appearing under the tip of the pen, and the blanks were quickly filled.

He was deducing the model of the Black Halberd Guards.

There are two main difficulties in making the Black Halberd Guard.

The first is the cultivation of the black vine ball. This black vine ball is in a dormant state and needs to awaken its deepest vitality, and then cultivate and transform it in a specific direction.

The second is the model of the Black Halberd Heavy Guard, which is mainly the connection model between the soul and the implant. The black vine ball will generate an extremely strange implant. How the soul controls and uses the implant normally is very critical and involves many things. Knowledge.

The cultivation and propagation of black vine balls is not very difficult for him. His botany is second only to the control of the fire element.

The difficulty lies in connecting the model, which requires huge mental power to calculate and deduce, as well as the structure of the runes.

He does not have this ability at this stage. He has accumulated enough knowledge, but he lacks mental strength and magic power.

However, you can figure it out first and simulate it in advance to avoid failure due to unfamiliarity when you are actually preparing to do it.

"Sir, when I left just now..." Yerette said with a strange expression when she saw Lu He put down his pen.

"The woman with the black crescent moon on her face asked for your name and asked me to tell you that her name is Su Nan."

Yerette couldn't figure it out. He was not handsome to begin with, and his current image was even more... ordinary. He couldn't be more ordinary.

But why are there girls taking the initiative to come over?

Lu He smiled and said nothing. He took out the black vine ball from the wooden box and held it in his hand.

After a moment, the runes in his hand were surrounded by lines like blood vessels on the surface of the black vine ball. Green liquid continued to flow rapidly in the blood vessels, and wisps of halberd-shaped black mist emerged.

He felt that as the black mist halberd filled the air, the black vine ball gradually awakened, and the vitality fluctuations it emitted were increasing.

However, after he removed the rune, the black vine ball slowly fell silent and returned to its restrained state.

He felt a faint negative aura.

Lu He was thoughtful and then opened the car window.

"Fry, are there any strong men who used halberd weapons in the history of this area of ​​Xiangmu City?"

It’s not surprising that Earth-like spurge appears here.

The history of cold weapons in this world lasts for tens of thousands of years, and there are many types of weapons. All kinds of strange weapons can be found. However, with the rise of knights, the use of knight swords has become the mainstream, resulting in the fact that other weapons are rarely seen now. weapon.

The northern black halberd vines are not naturally generated, but are mutated after being affected by a special aura for a long time.

He suspected that after the death of the powerful extraordinary person who used the halberd, his physical body formed a field around his grave. As the years passed, the northern black halberd vine eventually grew.

Lu He asked Carol about it, but he didn't know it clearly. He said that his ancestors got it from the market several generations ago.

"Hyperhalberds?" Frye was stunned and thought for a moment.

"More than ten years ago, there was a master who wielded a halberd. At that time, I had just been promoted to knight level. I didn't know how high it was to challenge him, but in the end I didn't even have the courage to draw a sword."

Frye laughed at himself, "But he is only a knight, so he is not the strong man you say you are."

"If you go further, it won't be clear. You have to go to Xiangmu City Library to look up the biographies."

Lu He nodded and ordered: "Yerette, when you get back, ask Rudy to go to the library..."

The adult stopped mid-sentence and suddenly turned his head to look to the east, leaving Yerette a little confused.

The Black Prison Peacock Soul Seed in his mind fluctuated.

The fluctuations are caused by the peacock mark he left on his sister, Si Si. When Si Si experiences severe negative mood swings, the mark will send him a signal.

This is someone trying to take advantage of his good sister.

Thinking of this, Lu He's lips sneered.

"You go back first."

After saying that, his body suddenly rose into the sky, shot out from the carriage, straight into the sky, and headed towards the east.


In Yerette's exclamation.

The black light was extremely fast, pulling out a long black streak in the night and disappearing in an instant.

"This is the Sky Knight's ability to fly in the air!"

Frye looked feverishly at the direction in which Lu He disappeared and murmured to himself that this was a realm he had dreamed of but could not achieve.

Lu He looked at the woods, lakes, and castles that looked like ants under his feet, and he felt much better.

This is not the first time he has flown on his own. He has flown before becoming a first-order wizard on Earth.

But that relies on wind spells to fly.

And it is still cruising at low altitude, but now it is directly mobilizing the energy between heaven and earth.

The experience is better, it feels like a helicopter or a fighter jet, and the speed and height have been greatly improved.

Lu He whispered a few words.

After a moment, large waves of black mist emerged all over his body, and the mist swirled around him. The mist rolled and rotated, vaguely forming the shape of a peacock.


With a loud bang, his speed suddenly surged, and the harsh sound of breaking through the air exploded in the wilderness and echoed endlessly.

The figure jumped like lightning, leaving a bright black trail in the air, which took a long time to slowly dissipate.

…     A small town a hundred miles away.

The three giant eagle-like monsters in the sky were constantly circling, occasionally emitting a menacing howl.

The ground was soil soaked with blood, and there were corpses and blood stains everywhere. Broken swords were scattered on the roadside, and several metal arrows were nailed to the pillars of wooden houses.

Jia Gula was close to the stone wall, and the surroundings were silent. From time to time, there was the sound of the wind blowing the wooden doors and windows creaking.

He didn't want to fight for a long time.

The reason for the fight is also inexplicable.

Minister Aihe just wanted to touch the beautiful girl's little hand in the name of seeing a doctor, but he was pushed away by the bald man next to the girl and gave him a stern warning.

He also asked him to put on gloves before watching.


Jia Gula twitched the corner of his mouth. They had never used such an eyesore at the Ladder School, and they always did it with bare hands.

Only with bare hands can you feel the raw essence of flesh and blood.

Minister Aihe retorted on the spot, so the two sides began to exchange cordial greetings, and finally started fighting.

The president did not stop the fight. He kept staring greedily at the tube of blood drawn from the beautiful girl's body.

The green light in his eyes was very familiar to Jagula. Every time he encountered a creature with special blood, the president would do the same.

But I didn't expect the other side to be hard and ruthless.

In just one encounter, they lost at least one-third of their students on the spot.

He guessed that the president didn't want to continue the fight. If he had known that there were four knights on the opposite side instead of two as they thought, this battle probably wouldn't have been possible.

If it weren't for the president's strength, he could temporarily trap the two black-armored swordsmen with the help of white bats.

If it weren't for the bald man opposite who was afraid of their group of corpse beasts and kept guarding the girl.

Without these two ifs, this battle would have ended long ago.

Jagula secretly looked at the girl who was tightly protected in the distance. With a thought, a black beetle slowly crawled out of the corner and approached little by little along the blood stains on the roadside.

Now he had to fight even if he didn't want to, because he noticed that the bald man was showing signs of taking action.

Moreover, after exposing the Corpse Beast, these people must not be allowed to walk out of the Ladder Life Town alive.

Viscount Phil swallowed his saliva.

Even though Dutan was by his side, he still felt cold in his heart.

The darkness was full of pairs of glowing green eyes, not beasts, but monsters, terrifying monsters.

At a rough count, there are hundreds of them.

The monsters are all controlled by students wearing white robes. Each of them controls several monsters and surrounds them.

Among them was a monster that was all dark green, with rough skin like the bark of an old tree. It had a big belly and was short and stocky. The mace on its shoulder was black and extremely thick.

He is called the green fat man and has the strength of a high-level knight's squire.

There are more than a dozen green fat men in the monster group.

There is also a monster that is more than two meters tall. Its whole body is covered with bristles like bristles. Its big mouth is curved into a weird arc. It holds a broadsword in its hand. It is also the strength of a high-level knight's attendant.

Other types of monsters are not nearly as powerful, but at least they have the strength of a junior knight attendant.

Dutan's eyes were solemn. He glanced at the trembling Si Si behind him, and tightened his grip on the heavy bow in his hand.

The iron arrow is already attached to the bow.

The arrow seemed to be pointing at a knight and several green fat men who were besieging Dunleavy in the distance, but in fact it was always locked in a corner on the right front, where a sixth man was hidden.

Lao Liu's strength is not strong, he is sure to solve it within twenty moves, and then go to help Dunleavy.

It was just the monsters around him that made him afraid to act rashly.

Viscount Phil and several other knight attendants could not survive for long in the face of so many monsters. If something happened to the lord's sister, he would not be able to make up for it even if he died.

Dutan looked to the other side.

At the end of a row of gray-white houses, flaming sword energy raged there, accompanied by the hissing roar of giant white bats.

He frowned. The opponent was very strong. Ten minutes had passed, and the two Earth Fire soldiers had not yet eliminated the president of the Ladder Society and his disgusting bat.

"Viscount Phil, let's break out of the encirclement." Dutan made up his mind and planned to protect Si Si and fight out.

Judging from the situation, the Earth Fire Soldiers would not be able to deal with the president in a short period of time. He did not want to wait any longer. They were in the lair of the Ladder Society, and the longer they delayed, the worse it would be for them.

As long as he was careful about the sixth man secretly, there would be absolutely no problem if he wanted to take Si Si away.

Viscount Phil was silent for a moment, glanced at Knight Dunleavy in the distance, and could only nod sadly.

They left, wondering if Dunleavy could hold on.

"Knight Dutan, you don't have to worry about me, you go help Uncle Dunleavy, we can't leave him behind!"

Si Si gritted his silver teeth and said tremblingly.

"I'll take care of you guys first!"

A dead, headless corpse on the ground rushed toward Si Si, its fingernails glowing black.

Viscount Phil reacted quickly. He cut the corpse in half from the waist with a slash of his long sword. Seeing that the corpse's legs were still twitching, he split the legs with another sword and the corpse stopped moving.

Under the corpse, a black beetle crawled silently along the bloody water towards another corpse.

At this time, monsters were gradually surrounding him.

(End of this chapter)

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