Demon Resurrection: Start with an Immortal Lizard

Chapter 104 Want to defeat me?You haven't done enough classes yet!

Chapter 104 Want to defeat me?You haven't done enough classes yet!

Jia Yuanjia said: "Senior Zhang is using the Purifying Mantra to dissolve the restrictions in Hun Wuxiu's soul. He is almost successful. If he gives up at that time, Hun Wuxiu will be directly annihilated!"

"When we arrived, several disciples of Senior Zhang were guarding here."

"Later, we worked together to kill some of the ghosts that attacked here, and then Senior Zhang asked them to go to the Tianshi Temple to prevent these people from disturbing the retreating Tianshi."

"There are only two of us left, continue to guard here to prevent people from the Soul Controlling Sect from coming again."

"As expected, not long after, a ghost general and two vicious lieutenants arrived."

"Among the ghosts that fought with the disciples of the Tianshi Mansion earlier, there were many Yin soldiers led by the ghost general."

Gu Qing nodded slowly, the situation here was similar to what they thought before.

Zhang Guanyu had no way to take action, otherwise all his previous efforts would be wasted.

Fortunately they arrived just in time.

After Jia Yuanjia finished speaking, he asked Gu Qing: "Where are you?"

Gu Qing pursed his lips and then said: "Kill two and escape one."

Jia Yuanjia saw that there seemed to be a trace of uncertainty in Gu Qing's words.

Asked: "Are there any variables?"

Gu Qing's eyes flashed with thought as he recounted the story about the puppet master.

"I always feel that this old guy died too neatly, and there seems to be something weird about it."

Jia Yuanjia rubbed his chin and said: "Even Hun Wuyou and Hun Wuxi can use ghosts to replace themselves with their own appearance as puppets."

"Since this old man is called the Puppet Master, is it possible that the body that appeared earlier was not his body at all, but just a puppet?"

Gu Qing nodded slightly: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

The two of them did not relax their vigilance at all during the discussion.

I saw that He Xingzhou was almost unable to hold on.

There were several stab wounds on his body, which were covered in blood and looked extremely horrifying.

He Xingzhou usually looks cunning, but deep down he has a strong character.

Although the physical strength has reached the gold level, in fact, the accumulation of spiritual power is simply not enough. At this time, fighting against the fierce-level deputy general is considered a leapfrog battle.

And he still fights two people at once!

To be able to fight to this point is already considered that He Xingzhou has strong willpower.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have collapsed to the ground.

At this time, He Xingzhou was seriously injured, but he still did not call Gu Qing and Jia Yuanjia for help.

And the two of them really didn't move.

This is respect for He Xingzhou's choice. Since he chooses to grow in battle, that's what he wishes.

As long as his life is not in danger, Gu Qing will not interfere in his own battle.

However, due to serious injuries, He Xingzhou's combat effectiveness has significantly declined.

A fierce lieutenant held a long knife, saw the opportunity, and slashed hard with the knife.

But He Xingzhou had no chance to dodge. If he was hit by this knife, even if he didn't die, he would probably be maimed.

The soul-locking chain around Jia Yuanjia clattered, always ready to take action.

Gu Qing also stroked Fu Dou's hair and sent him to fight at any time.

However, He Xingzhou still did not choose to ask for help.

Facing this knife that might split his entire head, he shouted loudly: "You want to defeat me? You haven't done enough yet!!"

Then he didn't dodge at all, he raised his fist and hit the long knife directly!

There was a hint of smile on Gu Qing's lips.

As early as the last time He Xingzhou was hospitalized, Gu Qing had an in-depth discussion with him about the development direction and practice of magnetic field rotation.

At that time, Gu Qing mentioned by the way that if you were about to lose the battle, you might be able to increase your momentum by shouting the language of the strong and turn defeat into victory!This was originally a joke made by Gu Qing, but He Xingzhou took it seriously.

I learned a lot of powerful words from Gu Qing.

For example, the sentence just now.

The effect is obviously not bad, only a clicking sound is heard.

He Xingzhou's fist collided with the blade, and a deep wound appeared on his fist.

The blade just broke and flew away!
However, He Xingzhou's fist continued to gain momentum and hit the head of the vicious lieutenant directly.

boom! !

There was a loud explosion! !
Even the air produced ripples, and a large amount of air was highly compressed and even turned into a viscous liquid state, triggering a violent explosion.

With the two people at the center, the air flow surged, dust flew, and invisible shock waves spread outward.

After everything calmed down, the vicious deputy general had vanished into smoke and was completely gone!
And He Xingzhou also fell to the ground in a coma due to exhaustion of energy.

Seeing this opportunity, the other vicious deputy general immediately raised his sword and prepared to chop off He Xingzhou's head.

But I only heard the sound of "clatter" beside me.

Several black chains snaked around like pythons and quickly wrapped around him, binding his hands and feet.

Immediately afterwards, a pillar of fire violently impacted on him.

His soul body was instantly washed away, the Yin Qi collapsed, and all of it was sucked in one direction.

It was Gu Qing who used 'Dark Nourishment'.

[Congratulations to the host, you got 27500 lottery points! 】

After killing the last vicious deputy general, the two people quickly came to He Xingzhou's side.

Jia Yuanjia took out three beads from his arms, aimed them at different parts of He Xingzhou's body and crushed them.

All of a sudden, I saw glistening white light falling.

Immediately afterwards, the horrific stab wounds on He Xingzhou's body quickly stopped bleeding and sprouted flesh.

Although he has not fully recovered, he just needs to rest.

Gu Qing helped He Xingzhou up.

He said to Jia Yuanjia: "Good stuff, what is this?"

Jia Yuanjia smiled and said: "Healing beads, I ordered them from the black market after the last World Expo. We didn't receive the goods until just before departure. One piece only costs 30 to [-] yuan."

After hearing this, Gu Qing couldn't help but secretly clicked his tongue.

Although the balance of his bank account is now in hundreds of millions, it is still difficult to change his previous mentality of being a small citizen.

At this time, when I saw Jia Yuanjia mentioning 30 to [-] yuan, looking like he didn't care that it was just a small amount of money, I really didn't know what to say.

Seeing that no other ghosts or evil cultivators from the Soul Control Sect came, Gu Qing and the others carried He Xingzhou into the courtyard.

Placed in a side house.

Although this is Zhang Guanyu's courtyard, it seems a bit impolite to live in it without others' permission.

But as the saying goes, he was seriously injured. Even after using the healing beads, his body was still in a weak state.

It must be settled well.

Presumably Zhang Guanyu wouldn't say anything even if he knew about it.

As soon as the two of them left the room, they heard Zhang Guanyu's voice coming from a room not far away.

"You two, come first."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Gu Qing always felt that there was a hint of fatigue in Zhang Guanyu's voice.

The two looked at each other and it seemed that Zhang Guanyu had succeeded!

He walked over quickly and pushed the door open.

(End of this chapter)

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