Demon Resurrection: Start with an Immortal Lizard

Chapter 208 Could it be that he is a genius?

Chapter 208 Could it be that he is a genius?
Tianzhong's flying technique is itself a basic skill.

With Gu Qing's initiation, He Xingzhou and He Xinyue mastered it smoothly with just a little practice.

He couldn't help but fly into the air and let out a series of excited shouts.

They even attracted the community’s security guards.

After Gu Qing sent away the security guards, he said to the two of them: "We can't do it here. How about we go for a walk outside."

He Xingzhou immediately said: "Okay!"

The three of them hit it off immediately, activating the power within their bodies and quickly soaring into the sky.

After ascending to an altitude of 3000 meters, the surrounding air began to become much colder.

Overlooking the entire Yuncang City, He Xingzhou couldn't help but howl.

He Xinyue smiled and said: "Brother, you are too useless. This is not the first time I have seen this scene."

He Xingzhou chuckled and said, "I used to fly by plane or on Jin Ao's back, but it feels very different to fly up and see this scene in person!"

Gu Qing listened nearby and couldn't help but nodded.

After the three of them played in the sky for a while, they began to test their flying speed.

The first was Gu Qing, who used all his strength to activate the power of chaos and instantly broke through the sound barrier. He was surrounded by a conical sonic boom cloud and disappeared in an instant.

Then there was a loud rumble.

After testing, Gu Qing was able to reach up to twice the speed of sound when he exploded with all his strength.

He Xingzhou's speed is about one thousand kilometers per hour.

Because one speed of sound is 1224 kilometers per hour, He Xingzhou's speed at full strength is not enough to break the sound barrier.

As for He Xinyue, the speed is even slower.

She now has the strength of the ninth-level gold level, and can even vaguely touch the boundaries of the platinum level.

Gu Qing: "Xinyue, I remember you were only at the seventh level of gold last time."

That was before heading to Kunlun Mountain. Gu Qing clearly remembered He Xinyue telling him that he had the strength of the seventh-level golden level.

He Xinyue said: "I feel that my cultivation speed has increased a lot during this period, and I successfully broke through to the eighth golden stage yesterday."

"However, I don't know what happened today. I feel that the aura contained in the world has increased. It suddenly increased from the eighth level of gold to the ninth level of gold. It is even just a little bit short of breaking through the shackles and successfully promoted to the platinum level!"

Gu Qing raised his eyebrows slightly.

Because he never had to practice, he didn't have the feeling that He Xinyue said.

Over there, He Xingzhou nodded in agreement and said: "That's true. I also feel that the spiritual power in my body has suddenly improved a lot today. I just entered the platinum ninth level for the first time, but now I have been able to stabilize the state."

If there was only one, it would be considered a coincidence, but it would be a bit strange that both He Xinyue and He Xingzhou encountered this problem.

At this moment, Gu Qing suddenly saw an explosion in the city below.

It was a seven-story residential building.

The explosion occurred on the second floor, so that the residents on the five floors above suffered a disaster.

There was nowhere to escape even if he wanted to, so he could only watch the fire spread.

The fire soon spread to the third floor and was gradually spreading upward.

Among them, the resident on the fourth floor was actually a pregnant woman with a huge belly.

At this time, tears streamed down from the thick smoke, and he stood in front of the window and kept calling for help.

There were a few people gathered below, but most of them were overwhelmed.

Seeing that the fire was spreading rapidly, if we had to wait for the fire truck to arrive, we would not have enough time!
Many people shouted, asking her to go to the roof!
However, the pregnant woman's cry made everyone even more nervous.

"Help! I can't move, my water broke!"

There was a family of three on the fifth floor. The young man was only 17 years old. It was at this time of passion that when he heard this, he rushed downstairs to save people.

However, his parents forcibly held him down, covered his mouth and nose with a wet towel, and dragged him to a higher floor.

Now the way down has been blocked by the flames, so we can only go up and delay for a while, waiting for the fire truck to come and extinguish the fire, then there is a chance of survival.At this moment, a man carrying shopping bags from a supermarket ran back quickly.

He immediately saw the pregnant woman squatting on the balcony and threw the bag in her hand: "Honey! Wait for me! Hold on!"

After saying that, he took off his shirt, wet it with water from a nearby kettle, and tied it around his face.

Just rush directly into the fire scene.

Many of the people watching around wanted to dissuade him.

After all, with the current intensity of the fire, if you don’t have any protective measures, you will die if you go in!

But he was completely shaken off by the man's words: "I have my wife and children upstairs. If I back down now, am I still a man?"

Even if you know there is little hope, you still have to give it a try!
When Gu Qing and others came closer, they happened to see the man breaking into the fire scene.

He Xingzhou's expression suddenly changed: "Wait for me here!"

Before he finished speaking, the whole person dived down quickly.

Gu Qing shook his head helplessly: "This guy is really not stable at all."

With a wave of his hand, Fu Dou was summoned from the clan space.

It landed on the roof of that residential building.

At this time, some residents had gathered on the roof of the building.

They all turned to look at the black-haired dog falling from the sky.

I saw Fu Dou opening his mouth like a whale sucking water.

I saw the flames below, instantly emerging from the windows everywhere, and constantly gathering at Hu Dou's mouth.

It was swallowed into the mouth.

The surrounding residents, as well as the people watching below, were all dumbfounded!
Although I had just seen a mythical and legendary creature like the Yamata no Orochi through a live broadcast.

But seeing it through a screen and seeing it with your own eyes has a very different sense of perception!

At this time, He Xingzhou had already carried the pregnant woman out from the balcony on the fourth floor.

There was no time to wait for the ambulance, so he flew directly to the nearest hospital.

The pregnant woman's husband was not harmed because Fu Dou absorbed the flames in time.

At this time, he just broke into the home, only to find that his wife was missing.

Standing on the balcony, he saw the back of He Xingzhou carrying his wife away, and immediately shouted: "Where are you taking my wife!!"

Gu Qing looked at He Xingzhou flying away and smiled helplessly.

Then Fu Dou was taken back to the family space.

Just when he was about to leave with He Xinyue.

Suddenly I received feedback from Fu Dou.

Through the spiritual link, it told Gu Qing that the source of the flames on the third floor seemed not to be an accident, but a person.

An innate cultivator who has awakened supernatural powers.

Gu Qing felt something was wrong.

According to previous impressions, when ordinary people awaken their superpowers, the biggest gain is not the superpowers, but the ability to open the second bridge of heaven and earth and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

At that time, because of the thin spiritual power in the body, even if he had supernatural powers, he could not use them.

This is completely different from the mutants in Marvel.

Because the newly awakened powers are weaker and easier to control, they naturally won't cause all kinds of damage like mutants, making them hostile to ordinary people.

However, what I encountered this time was so powerful just after awakening.

Could it be some kind of genius?
(End of this chapter)

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