Demon Resurrection: Start with an Immortal Lizard

Chapter 222 A strong man locks up a man!The real strong man!

Chapter 222 A strong man locks up a man!The real strong man!
At this time, most of the surrounding streets and buildings had been destroyed.

Buildings collapsed and roads crumbled.

Vehicles rolled over, leaving casualties everywhere.

He Xingzhou knew that he could not let them continue.

But after just two fights, he knew how powerful Zhan Wushuang was.

Even with his current strength, it is still unclear whether he can win the battle together with Archangel Francis, let alone end the battle as soon as possible.

All that can be done now is to move the fighting venue!

But this is the central district of the city. If the battle site is moved forcibly, Yuncang City will suffer more and greater damage.

Thinking of this, He Xingzhou looked up at the sky full of stars.

Then he rushed towards Zhan Wushuang.

The huge body broke through the air barrier and formed a series of sonic booms.

When the speed reaches a certain level, the air will become an obstacle.

If the air can be broken at this time, a sonic boom will form.

That is often referred to as supersonic speed.

At this time, He Xingzhou, who had transformed into a super muscular tyrant, had enough explosive power to surpass the speed of sound at the moment of action.

Over there, the spear in Francis' hand bloomed with blazing light.

Stab forward fiercely, and the sharp luster is released.

Zhan Wushuang did not take the initiative to resist, but ducked to avoid it.

Just now, Zhan Wushuang had two head-to-head confrontations with He Xingzhou. This did not mean that he was a reckless man. It only meant that he knew that He Xingzhou's power could not hurt him at all.

But Francis is different. As a master angel with superior combat ability, his attack power is still very impressive.

Therefore, Zhan Wushuang would not directly receive Francis's attack unless necessary.

The sharp beam of light shot out after grazing Zhan Wushuang's body, hitting an office building not far away.

A violent explosion was heard, the smoke and dust cleared, and the office building was penetrated directly!

A blasted circular hole with a diameter of about ten meters appeared.

From this side, you can even see the scene on the other side of the office building.

Yet Francis was completely unfazed by the destruction and human toll.

In his eyes, there is only Zhan Wushuang!

Zhan Wushuang must be killed in order to wash away the shame.

After Zhan Wushuang dodged the blow, he drew out his bloody sword and prepared to fight back against Francis.

Unexpectedly, He Xingzhou suddenly came and killed him.

However, He Xingzhou's trip was not for attack.

I saw him rushing forward and hugging Zhan Wushuang fiercely!
Zhan Wushuang had originally imagined countless attack methods that He Xingzhou might use, and had methods to deal with them all.

However, he never expected that He Xingzhou not only did not attack him, but instead hugged him fiercely.

This was something he didn't expect, so he couldn't react for a while.

At the same time, He Xingzhou was given a chance!

He Xingzhou used all his strength to activate his spiritual power and soared high into the sky.

Although Francis didn't understand He Xingzhou's intention, he also flew up together.

Zhan Wushuang was stunned for a very short time, even less than a second.

Then he began to attack He Xingzhou.

Because his right arm was severely restrained, he could only use his left fist to continuously bombard He Xingzhou's body.

With his strength, even if He Xingzhou is in big muscle tyrant mode, he still can't bear it!
The muscles as hard as rocks rippled when being beaten, and then fine blood seeped out.

The bones inside were even overwhelmed, and burst out with a heart-wrenching cry!

He Xingzhou gritted his teeth and endured it, and even so he would never let go!
In an instant, we arrived at an altitude of 3000 meters.

Bang! !

With a muffled sound, Zhan Wushuang's fist struck He Xingzhou's abdomen hard.He finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell backwards.

Wow! !

While the person was still in the air, a large amount of blood sprayed out from his mouth.

Zhan Wushuang was really angry this time. Although He Xingzhou had not been able to cause him any harm just now, his strong-armed posture was really too shameful!

So he didn't hold back any force in his attacks. Under the continuous bombardment, He Xingzhou's rock-hard muscles were about to be shattered, and the bones on his body were smashed into pieces!

Zhan Wushuang had just broken free from He Xingzhou's shackles. Francis, who was following closely below, saw a rare opportunity. He swung his golden spear and saw countless cold lights blooming, swarming towards Zhan Wushuang!

On the other side, He Xingzhou held back the severe pain all over his body and reluctantly opened his eyes to look.

I saw Zhan Wushuang and Francis fighting at an altitude of 3000 meters, with a smile on their lips.

Just because of his injuries, he is still smiling no matter how he looks at him.

Although he paid a heavy price, fortunately, he finally moved the battlefield from Yuncang City to high altitude.

However, he himself had been extremely seriously injured under the series of bombardments by Zhan Wushuang just now.

He didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

Falling straight from an altitude of 3000 meters.

If he hadn't turned on the Big Muscle Dominance mode in advance, He Xingzhou felt that he would be dead at this moment.

The wild wind howled in my ears.

He Xingzhou is getting closer and closer to the ground.

Looking down from this high altitude, you can see a devastated neighborhood.

Vehicles were shattered and rolled over, houses collapsed, and tall buildings were either cut off at corners or punctured from front to back.

There are also the civilians who have suffered unreasonable disasters.

In the face of a disaster of this level, dozens of detectives and investigators seemed to be stretched thin.

Fortunately, the investigators are practitioners and can lift broken rocks or overturn vehicles to save people.

This greatly enhances the speed of rescue.

Ambulances came roaring in one after another, received the injured, and then roared away.

As for those who were seriously injured and whose lives were in danger at any time, Catherine used healing magic.

But after all, Catherine was alone and could not take care of so many injuries.

But she did not give up, even though she had exhausted her mana and was so weak that her face turned pale and she could not even stand firmly.

He is still repeating the healing technique, just hoping to save one more person.

He Xingzhou felt that this moment seemed to be stretched infinitely.

The closer he was to the ground, the clearer he could see.

He saw a middle-aged father who was hit by gravel in order to protect his daughter, and his leg was a bloody mess.

He saw mothers huddled together to protect their infant babies.

He saw traffic police trying to maintain order and disperse the crowd.

He saw practitioners from all walks of life who came after hearing the news and assisted the investigators in carrying out rescue operations.

He also saw ordinary citizens who spontaneously stepped forward to participate in rescue operations.

"Everyone is working hard."

"What reason do I have to give up at this time?!"

"A strong man should not shrink back, even if he still has his last breath!"

"Because there are people behind me who need my protection!!"

boom! !

He Xingzhou felt as if every muscle in his body was being burned by flames.

Every inch of muscle seemed to be torn apart, healed again, and torn apart again in an endless cycle.

This feeling is so familiar, I have experienced it long ago in Yaochi!
He Xingzhou discovered that the injuries caused by Zhan Wushuang had healed visibly!
Even the bones that were broken into pieces were reunited.

And harder!More powerful!
(End of this chapter)

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