Demon Resurrection: Start with an Immortal Lizard

Chapter 272 The old man talks about the teenage madness

Chapter 272 The old man talks about the teenage madness

Gu Qing found the seriously injured Lao Tianshi and Xiang Tianzong in the mess.

Together with the Killing Heart Guanyin, cast the inner lion seal restored by the Lord.

This seal method has miraculous effects on external injuries, internal injuries and poisoning, and is said to be invincible.

With Gu Qing's current strength and the help of Killing Heart Guanyin, Lao Tianshi and Xiang Tianzong were able to recover from their injuries.

However, although the injury is no longer serious, the energy and energy consumed will be difficult to fully recover in a short period of time.

Therefore, Lao Tianshi and Xiang Tianzong still looked weak.

Looking at the buildings at the foot of the mountain, only large areas of ruins are left.

The Tianshi Mansion that had just been rebuilt was now completely destroyed, with two-thirds of it destroyed.

The disciples were even more seriously injured.

Even the old Tianshi and Zhang Guanyu's direct disciples suffered casualties.

Zhang Guanyu himself suffered a lot of trauma, but it was not serious.

However, two of his six disciples were killed directly in the battle, and the rest were all injured.

Zhang Tianrui, the eldest disciple of the old Heavenly Master, was severely injured by demons from the outside world in order to protect his second disciple Zhang Yiyuan, and his life was in danger.

If it hadn't been for Killing Heart Guanyin's timely action, Zhang Tianrui wouldn't have been able to hold on for long.

While all the disciples were busy looking for survivors and extinguishing the burning fire.

Master Tianzong, Xiang Tianzong, and Gu Qing are standing on the back hill.

In front of the cave, there is still a hole that was pierced by Gu Qing's hateful blow and the giant 'Sword of the Night Sky'.

As for the sword, it was not an entity. It dissipated automatically after losing Gu Qing's control.

Xiang Tianzong said worriedly: "The sudden attack by the demons from the outside world must not only be at the Tianshi Mansion, but also at the Tongyin Army Base."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Gu Qing wave his hand and said: "Don't worry, Senior, I've been there before."

When he said this, Gu Qing looked a little remorseful and guilty.

At first, Hela felt a very strong energy and headed towards the Tongyin Army Base.

Even if Gu Qingdang thought of it, it would probably be Heixuan Mie Cang!
So we set off directly to the Tongyin Army Base.

After arriving, they discovered that Hei Xuan Mie Cang only brought half of the manpower.

Gu Qing immediately realized that they were probably acting separately.

However, by that time, the other half of the demons from the outside world had already arrived at the Tianshi Mansion!
When Hela, Killing Heart Guanyin and others were unable to get away, Gu Qing came to Tianshi Mansion alone for support.

But I didn't expect it to be a step too late.

He watched with his own eyes as He Xingzhou was knocked out by Lord Duansheng and fell into the space tunnel.

The Heavenly Master was keenly aware of Gu Qing's expression, and his eyes moved slightly.

He said, "Could it be that kid from Xingzhou?"

Previously, although the old Heavenly Master was seriously injured, he still had consciousness.

I realized that when Lord Duan Sheng was about to open the space tunnel, someone stopped him.

From the burst of lightning and fireworks, Master Tian could guess that the person who made the move should be He Xingzhou.

Looking at Gu Qing's appearance at this time, he looked around and found that He Xingzhou was nowhere to be found.

I couldn't help but feel a little thump in my heart.

He Xingzhou is quite popular with the old Heavenly Master, otherwise, he would not be allowed to practice Xing Gong in the Heavenly Master's Mansion.He even privately taught him all the eight divine spells of the Taoist sect.

Gu Qing nodded slowly, and then told the last scene he saw.

After the two of them heard this, they were also filled with sighs.

Xiang Tianzong sighed and patted Gu Qing's shoulder: "My condolences."

In his opinion, if He Xingzhou fell into the space tunnel, even if he could fall smoothly into the demon world, he would definitely be dead.

But Gu Qing shook his head and said: "This guy Xingzhou is like an invincible Xiaoqiang. I believe he will not die. One day, I will find him!"

The old Heavenly Master suddenly said: "That's right! One day we will be able to counterattack into the demon world and let these guys have a taste of being invaded!"

Xiang Tianzong glanced at the old Heavenly Master with some surprise.

In his impression, the Laotian Master has always been a group of people who are unobtrusive and calm in everything they encounter.

I didn't expect that I would go crazy today.

In fact, it is nothing more than that even the Heavenly Master cannot maintain his grace.

The main reason is that the demons from outside the world bully people too much!
From a broad perspective, the demons from the outer realm want to kill hundreds of millions of people in the entire Soaring Dragon Empire, and the two sides are already life-and-death enemies!
From a narrow sense, there was the Soul Controlling Sect first and then Duanshengjun, both of which caused great damage to the Tianshi Mansion.

At this moment, a vortex appeared not far away.

Green energy forms a channel.

A graceful figure emerged from it.

Xiang Tianzong and Laotianshi both felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy in response to this sudden change!
Gu Qing waved his hand and said: "Seniors, there is no need to be nervous."

"This is an existence from another dimension that I recently communicated with and successfully summoned. She comes from the world of death and is named Hela, the goddess of death."

The person coming is none other than Hela!

As mentioned earlier, Hela is good at many types of magic. Of course, it is not only the various elemental systems, but also the magic of space and time.

Both of them knew that Gu Qing's power was to summon creatures from other dimensions.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, immortal lizards or disasters are considered extradimensional creatures.

When existences like Demon Buddha Tathagata, Murderous Guanyin, and Gatekeeper appeared, they were already surprised enough.

But now, this being named the Goddess of Death used magic to teleport directly and appeared in front of them instantly.

It also carries unparalleled deterrence.

This can no longer be described as surprising, it is completely shocking!
Gu Qing continued: "The strongest little monarch-level expert on Qishan Island did not come here, but went to Tongyin Army Base. If it weren't for Hela, no one would be able to stop him."

Last time in Yashiro City, Hei Xuan Mie Cang took action once.

With just one blow, even a powerful man of Mo Buddha Tathagata's level was seriously injured.

All this can be seen clearly by them through satellite monitoring.

The old Heavenly Master sighed, and then said to Gu Qing: "Thank you for being here."

Although Gu Qing is only one person, he has many masters under his command!

When the Soaring Dragon Empire faced the threat of demons from the outside world, without Gu Qing's help, it would have been completely powerless to resist!
Gu Qing smiled slightly: "Don't forget, I am also a Soaring Dragonite!"

At this time, Hela had already walked up to the three of them.

Gu Qing did not receive the lottery points from Hei Xuan Mie Cang, so he directly asked Hela: "What happened?"

Hela nodded and said: "I didn't expect that guy to have a chance. When I wasn't paying attention, he broke free from the shackles of the Death Realm and escaped."

(End of this chapter)

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