Demon Resurrection: Start with an Immortal Lizard

Chapter 284 The source of disaster, the 4 Knights of the Apocalypse

Chapter 284 The Source of Disaster, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Gu Qing: "This group of vampires is really a huge system."

Catherine said: "That's right, because vampires rely on humans to survive and integrate into humans. Coupled with their mysterious and advantageous characteristics, they occupied many high positions in the early days when society was not yet developed, which also paved the way for the development of vampires. Made a lot of contributions.”

"But soon, the radiance of our Lord spread across the world, leaving these vampires with no place to hide. In the end, they could only hide in dark corners."

"In order to deal with the bad situation, several vampire clans at that time had to form an alliance, so the Secret Party, also called Camarilla and the Secret Alliance, was born."

"The alliance formed by these seven clans is also the largest alliance so far."

"When the Secret Party was founded, it established six strict commandments and traditions, requiring future generations of vampires in the alliance to abide by them forever."

"The highest purpose of the entire commandment tradition is to stipulate that vampires must hide in human society and must never reveal their identity to avoid putting the vampire's survival in danger. This is the origin of the commandment of 'escaping from the world'."

Gu Qing frowned slightly: "These guys are hidden deep in human society. Wouldn't it be difficult to find them?"

Catherine nodded and said: "If you want to look for some of these families, you can definitely find them, but they have already penetrated their tentacles into all aspects of human society. You can imagine how difficult it is to eradicate them, and the consequences will be very serious. Although it is serious, it will not lead to social collapse, but a major economic recession is certainly inevitable."

After listening to Catherine's introduction, Gu Qing felt that the situation in the West was much more complicated than that in the Soaring Dragon Empire.

In the Soaring Dragon Empire, there are also many demon clans that have integrated into human society.

It's just that these monsters are either secretly monitored by the Investigation Bureau, and measures can be taken immediately if there is any abnormality.

Either they have some power, but they are also afraid.

Or just hide completely and live a normal life like a real human being.

Monster clans with truly powerful power and strength usually live far away from human society.

For example, the mountains of Dianfu and Daxing Mountains.

Even the Immortal Family of Laolinzi, which has the most involvement with human beings, only allows their descendants to be guardian immortals and outperformers.

The real old guys are basically deep in the old woods and cannot come out easily.

Gu Qing: "Then why didn't those other vampire families join the Dark Council?"

Catherine: "Actually, these vampires are not all made of iron. They have been at war with each other for a long time."

"Among them, the fight between the Demon Party and the Camarilla is the most intense, because they do not recognize the doctrine of escapism."

"They rule through fear, force and threats."

"It is said that the demon party will bury the newly joined vampires alive, causing them to fear, and then control them with rituals and blood lines."

"The devil party also treats humans as lower animals and kills them at will."

"So when the Dark Council extended an olive branch to the Demon Party, they scorned some of the other human members of the Council and didn't even bother to join them."

"Besides, the Dark Council also contacted the Secret Party at the same time, which made the Demon Party even more resentful."

"As for the other four neutral clans, they usually remain neutral or act according to circumstances in the struggle between the two alliance factions."

"Actually, all vampire families are divided into several alliances to fight against each other, and the biggest victims of the battle are usually humans." Gu Qing nodded with deep approval.

Catherine: "If you just want to cause trouble with the Dark Parliament, then I don't recommend you to find Adams Vandro, because most of the Vandro family members hold high positions in human society, whether in business or politics."

Gu Qing waved his hands and said: "Forget it, I'm not here to eradicate the Dark Council, that's your job. I just want to find Hell and Black Xuan Mie Cang through them."

Catherine was surprised: "Oh?"

Gu Qing said: "Qishan Island has been wiped out by me. Your Holy See should have gotten wind of this matter. There is still a Black Xuan Mie Cang running here. The main reason I came here this time is to hunt him down."

Catherine was surprised: "Did you do that?!"

Gu Qing nodded.

Catherine felt so shocked that she drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Then he said: "That's right, I should have guessed a long time ago that no one else has this power except you."

Gu Qing: "The monsters in the outer realm are allies with Hell. After Hei Xuan Mie Cang comes here, he will definitely find a way to join Hell. I need to find Hell and Hei Xuan Mie Cang through the Dark Council."

Catherine: "In this case, we can go to Chester, Allen or Osvid."

Gu Qing: "Werewolves and vampires are also hostile, right? Since there are so many vampire families, aren't the werewolves the same?"

Catherine smiled and said: "The answer to the reason why werewolves and vampires are always at a disadvantage in the fight is here."

"Just like not all vampires are united, not all vampires and werewolves are enemies. At least Vandro and Chester have maintained a semblance of peace because they are both members of the Dark Parliament."

"Unlike vampires who form a tight-knit family, werewolves like to live in dark, moist and dirty places. They are carnivorous and will uncontrollably turn into full werewolves on full moon nights, so it is difficult for them to be like vampires. rooted in human society.”

"Even if it is usually in human form, it will have an extremely violent temperament and aggressive tendencies, and its vitality and attack power are very strong."

"So most of these guys are scattered all over the place, with the most in the countryside or some remote towns."

"The werewolves under the command of Howling Moon Wolf King Chester are already considered the largest force among the werewolves."

"Although they are not as good as vampires in general, because werewolves are much more united than vampires, Chester and Van Zhuo are on par, so they can maintain superficial peace."

Gu Qing nodded clearly.

Then he said: "Who do you think among them can get closest to hell and help me find Heixuan Mie Cang?"

Catherine rubbed her chin and thought: "I think Osvid is the most likely."

Gu Qing: "The source of disaster? Where does this guy come from?"

Catherine: "Osvid is a believer in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and is also their representative in the human world. He has brought many major disasters to the human world, and even some diseases were spread by plagues in the human world with the help of his hands, such as the Black Death. sick."

(End of this chapter)

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