Demon Resurrection: Start with an Immortal Lizard

Chapter 383 Finding Wealth in Danger

Chapter 383 Finding Wealth in Danger

Now that he had decided, Gu Qing took action.

He has never been a sloppy person.

Once you decide to do something, you will definitely try your best to do it.

Although this matter is very troublesome, as long as you are willing, I believe there is nothing you can't do.

Now that you have decided to do something, then you must do it.

This point is extremely important both to Gu Qing and to this era.

Nowadays, there are no traces of demons in the Free Federation, and they have all been slaughtered by Gu Qing.

Therefore, Gu Qing thought of Europa.

That's actually where the devil is active.

The Free Federation was merely incidental.

If you want to realize Gu Qing's idea, you have to find the devil.

But this time, Gu Qing didn't plan to kill the demon directly.

Although that could earn lottery points, doing so would disrupt his plan.

He needs to find the devil and then design the devil to return to hell with the scarab.

Doing so would allow the Scarab to lurk into Hell.

First, let the scarabs grow slowly, and then appear all at once, creating a huge insect plague.

Not to mention completely destroying hell, but it must also turn hell into chaos.

Moreover, doing so can also bring Gu Qing a large number of lottery points.

This is much faster and easier than killing demons one by one!

At this moment, Gu Qing realized that the scarab, which had always been useless, was actually the most useful!

Of course, the premise is that when he drew the lottery, he drew a twelve-star Heart of the Swarm!

Without the Heart of the Swarm, the Scarab wouldn't be able to do this.

Of course, this still depends on luck and time.

After all, even if the scarab now possesses the heart of the swarm and becomes an immortal, it may not necessarily succeed.

Therefore, Gu Qing's idea is just an idea. If it succeeds, it will definitely bring very generous rewards.

But if it fails, I'm afraid these people from hell will definitely not let him go easily if they know that he is behind it.

When the time comes, I'm afraid more than one demon god will come to the world.

As the saying goes, wealth is found in danger.

For Gu Qing, this risk is worth taking! ! !

As long as it succeeds, Gu Qing will get a lot of benefits from it!

Some people say that if capital has a 50% profit, it will take desperate risks. If it has a 100% profit, it will dare to trample all laws in the world. If it has a 300% profit, it will dare to commit any crime. , even risking being hanged! !

Although Gu Qing is not a capital, this sentence is still valid for him.

As long as there is benefit, you can definitely do it and take action!

But before leaving the Free Federation, Gu Qing still had one thing to do.

He has not forgotten what his main purpose was when he came to the Federation. That’s looking for the aura of the early Yuan Dynasty!

Lingyun is now in the Free Federation at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but it still has not appeared yet.

Gu Qing had no choice.

However, he has left it to Adams to handle this matter.

But after all this time, there is still no progress.

Therefore, Gu Qing planned to call Adams over before leaving to inquire about the progress of the matter.

Soon, Adams appeared in Gu Qing's room.

If others knew about it, their jaws would definitely drop.

After all, Adams' status in the mortal world is not low at all.

Even people who are not in high positions do not recognize him at all and do not know his true identity.

The Camarilla has been rooted in the secular world for so many years. With their natural talents, they can easily do things that ordinary people cannot do.

Therefore, these guys have accumulated a lot of wealth and have great power and status in the world.

And Adams is the patriarch of the Vandro clan and the leader of the secret party.

The status is naturally higher.

In fact, in the Free Federation, Adams' power is not too strong.

It is not compared with the real chaebols in the local area.

But in the homeland of the Blood Tribe, that is, Europa, Adams is the true earth emperor.

Even for some kings, there is no respect at all.

Even the kings did not dare to underestimate him.

The full name of Europa is the European Union.

There are many small countries on this continent, and after joining together, they formed the Europa Union.

In the world, it also has a lot of say.

It is second only to Dragon Soaring and the Free Federation.

Gu Qing: "How did you go about the things I asked you to do?"

Adams hurriedly lowered his head and said with an apologetic expression: "Sir, I'm sorry to disappoint you. So far, we still haven't found the person you're looking for!"

Gu Qing frowned. Although Adams' power in the Free Federation was not as good as that of the local plutocrats, it should not be underestimated.

But I still haven't found the person I'm looking for.

Could it be that my idea is wrong?

Lingyun at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was not a person?

In other words, he is not a Soaring Dragon?

(End of this chapter)

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