Demon Resurrection: Start with an Immortal Lizard

Chapter 395 The Mass of the Destruction Star

Chapter 395 The Mass of the Destruction Star

Just when everyone in Blue Mercury was clutching their hearts.

Almighty finally made up his mind, gritted his teeth and decided to go for it!

Since you can't count on angels, you can't count on Gu Qing either.

Then only you can do it yourself!

Mr. Almighty will never allow it. The Destruction Star will successfully fall and human civilization will be destroyed in one fell swoop!

At this time, the reason why Gu Qing did not appear immediately was that he was still staying in the investigation bureau watching the live broadcast.

It was because Gu Qing wanted to see what Mr. Almighty could do.

Anyway, he has the "Colorful Black Clouds", and his flying speed is increased many times compared to before.

Wanting to go to the outer world is just a thought.

It doesn't take long to find the God of Destruction immediately.

Totally in time.

Gu Qing still had plenty of time before the Destruction Star fell.

He was ready to set off, but suddenly he discovered that Mr. Almighty had appeared.

This made him very curious, so he delayed his actions.

I plan to see what Mr. Almighty can do.

At the same time, when Gu Qing saw that no angel appeared, he knew that he must have been intercepted halfway by the demons from hell.

I believe that the people in the Holy See and the Pope are all sweating in anxiety now.

Gu Qing felt funny when he thought of this.

On the other side, above space.

Mr. Almighty saw that using the laser had no effect, so he had no choice but to push forward!

Moving forward at full speed, relying on his steel body, he raised his fist and hit the God of Destruction with one punch!

Under the lens of satellite surveillance, this is like a mayfly shaking a tree!

But people all over the world admire him.

The size of Mr. Almighty is only a few hundredth of the Destruction Star.

But even so, he didn't have any timidity at all and rushed forward.

Bang! ! !

In a vacuum, of course, there is no sound propagation.

Even if there is sound, satellite surveillance cannot record it.

This voice is the collective imagination of all people around the world who are paying attention to this incident. Shocking sound!

As Mr. Almighty collided with the God of Destruction, an incredible scene occurred.

I saw the falling momentum of the God of Destruction actually paused!

And the trajectory of his whereabouts also deviated a bit.

Countries around the world that are monitoring this incident have all begun to make calculations again.

Finally, through a large computer, it was calculated that Mr. Almighty's punch only caused the Destruction Star to shift slightly.

But the crash location has also changed dramatically. Compared with the previously calculated crash location, it deviated by hundreds of kilometers!

As for Mr. Almighty, he was directly ejected.

The blood shot out and slowly dispersed in space, forming a spectacular picture.

People watching from all over the world felt their hearts tightening.

At this moment, Mr. Almighty had stopped his retreat and flew towards the Destruction Star again!

Although it seems like a mayfly can shake a tree and a mantis' arm can be like a cart, this spirit of refusing to admit defeat and fighting to save the world has won the respect of most people!

In space, Mr. Almighty was seen impacting the Destruction Star again and again.

And the God of Destruction turned out to be real. Because of his impact, it became somewhat broken on the surface.

But what happened next made everyone despair.

Because after some cracks appeared on the surface of the God of Destruction, no matter how Mr. Almighty collided.

To no avail!

Gu Qing, who was watching the video, quickly concluded that this was because of the mass of the God of Destruction!

Destruction orbits the sun all year round and approaches blue Mercury once every seven years.

And during this process, the God of Destruction was being compressed all the time.

Perhaps, the original Destruction Star was very large, but after countless years of compression, it reached its current size.

The true density of the Destruction Star has long exceeded human knowledge.

The layer on the surface that was shattered by Mr. Almighty was nothing more than crispy skin.

It's just a layer of crispy skin produced by the heat when it's close to the sun.

But even so, it took a lot of effort from Mr. Almighty.

Gu Qing's expression changed slightly, and it seemed that he had to leave as soon as possible.

The mass of the Destruction Star also exceeded his expectations.

If the quality of the Destruction Star is really so powerful, then it will not be that easy to crush it.

(End of this chapter)

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