Chapter 76 The Temple of Mercy

In the past, money was the least useful thing for Gu Qing.

Now, the lottery points are the most insufficient thing.

After a grand lottery draw, Gu Qing looked at the system panel, only three digits of lottery points were left.

Once again lost in thought.

Then turn on the computer and log in to the cultivator forum.

Although he might be attacked by members of the Soul Controlling Sect at any time now, Gu Qing would not just hide at home and wait for them.

Of course, just do whatever you have to do, and if the Soul Controlling Sect dares to take action against him, then do it.

However, when Gu Qing opened the bounty mission section, his brows gradually wrinkled.

Because he found that just after not watching for a few days, he had a lot more tasks!

This shows that the frequency of supernatural events has been increasing!
Even the investigation bureau and the cultivators who accepted the bounty missions have been constantly eradicating ghosts and evil spirits.

But it still can't keep up with the speed of these supernatural events.

This resulted in more and more tasks.

Gu Qing also noticed that there were very few supernatural missions published near the urban area before, but now after browsing, he found that there were three bounty missions in the urban area of ​​Yuncang!

The reason why there were so few bounty missions in urban areas before was not because there were no supernatural events happening.

On the contrary, urban areas have a large population and the probability of supernatural events will be greater.

In fact, it's because it's relatively close to the Investigation Bureau, so investigators have always been handling it.

As for those supernatural incidents in towns and villages, because investigators are unable to get away and cannot reach them, they will be posted on the forum to form bounty tasks.

Now even the tasks in the city have been announced, which shows that the Investigation Bureau is beginning to be unable to withstand it.

Gu Qing took a rough look at the three missions in the city.

One is the incident of the four-faced sculpture in front of the technician school.

One was a late-night canteen incident.

One is the incident of exorcising evil Buddha statues.

Since they all happened in the urban area, Gu Qing took them all directly.

After introducing the general background of these three supernatural events, Gu Qing left the villa.

Drive to the first destination, Mercy Temple.

Mercy Temple is located in the old city and is one of the oldest buildings in Yuncang City. It has a history of hundreds of years.

It was once very popular in the past, but with the development of the times, it gradually declined.

Later, due to the national policy of protecting material cultural heritage, it was not demolished during urban development. Instead, it was repaired and protected.

The monks inside have gradually become 'civil servant monks' sent by the government.

With the salary, you can get a wife and have children, and you can drink and eat meat after work.

The monk, who was originally disliked by others, has become a highly sought-after profession.

But perhaps because of this, the local residents of Yuncang City basically did not come to the Mercy Temple to offer incense.

At most, outsiders who come to Yuncang to visit will check in at Mercy Temple and have some fun.

The monks in the temple work leisurely and receive generous wages, which is not bad at all.

But a few years ago, a scandal broke out.

At that time, the abbot in charge of the temple was suspected of illegally appropriating a young tourist girl.

It even caused a stir on the Internet.

There has been such a big scandal in the land of Buddhism, so it is not bad that it has not closed down.

Later, the number of tourists naturally decreased, and local residents could not be fooled.

Mercy Temple gradually became deserted and desolate.

The monks in the temple don't care about this. They only need to be a monk and ring the bell for a day. Anyway, the salary is paid by the government. The temple can't make any money for sesame oil, so it's none of their business.However, during this period, some people living near Mercy Temple would develop some strange illnesses for no apparent reason, and seeking medical treatment was of no use, and they never recovered.

When they become more and more desperate, they will dream of a Buddha statue in their sleep, telling them that they are the Tathagata Buddha. As long as they go to the Mercy Temple to burn incense and worship, it will naturally help them get rid of the disease.

At first, some people were hesitant about it, but later they found out that it was really effective, so they spread it from ten to ten and then to hundreds of people.

When Gu Qing arrived here, there wasn't even a parking space available.

Looking around, the Mercy Temple is full of incense and crowded with people.

It even boosted the surrounding economy, with many vendors coming to sell things.

Gu Qing parked the car and did not go in immediately. Instead, he bought some food outside.

Chatting with the boss: "This Mercy Temple is really lively!"

The boss also sighed with emotion: "I heard that the Buddha appeared inside!"

Gu Qing pretended not to believe it: "Real or false?"

The boss said: "There have been a lot of rumors recently that there are ghosts and evil spirits disturbing the world. Haven't you heard? Many people encounter strange things or get strange diseases. They come here to offer incense and pray to Buddha to recover their health!"

The increase in supernatural incidents caused by the demon's resurgence has overwhelmed the investigation bureau, and of course the public will also be aware of it.

It's just that the Mercy Temple itself is an anomaly, but it is definitely not a manifestation of the Buddha.

Gu Qing is sure of this.

"That's it. It's really magical. There are so many pilgrims and the incense is booming."

The boss chuckled and said: "What's the matter? You didn't see those who were fighting for the top spot in the morning, and they were about to start a fight!"

Gu Qing: "Oh, it's such an exaggeration."

The boss said: "I guess the government will have to send officials to maintain order tomorrow. Do you think it's an exaggeration?"

Gu Qing nodded silently, scanned the QR code to pay, and took the cold baked noodles from the boss.

While eating, I walked into the Mercy Temple.

After entering it, I realized that there were really many people here.

And the vast majority are local residents of Yuncang City.

At first glance, it looks like a popular tourist attraction during the peak tourist season.

Gu Qing relied on his strong physical fitness to squeeze into the hall.

Immediately activate the ability of 'Penetrating into the Netherworld' and look towards the Buddha statue in the center.

I saw that the Buddha's surface was golden, but it was dark inside.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

As he expected, the gods in this world are out of control and the demons are causing trouble.

The so-called appearances of Buddha are still ghosts in disguise.

It's just that this guy is much greedier than the cat-faced old lady.

Directly casting spells to make people sick, and then reminding them through dreams, taking the place of Buddha and forcibly gathering believers.

If the cat-faced old lady still has a slight possibility of successfully stealing the position of Mountain God, then this is a typical way to die!

It's just that there are pilgrims offering incense all around, so it's hard for Gu Qing to take action directly.

It made him slightly embarrassed.

At this moment, a monk wearing monk's robes came forward.

Putting his hands together, he said to Gu Qing: "Amitabha, donor, I see that your seal hall has turned black. Have you been plagued by bad luck recently?"

Nine times out of ten, life will be unsatisfactory. What this monk said is a complete cliche. What he said is the same as what he didn't say.

Gu Qing glanced at him and sneered: "I think you are the twinkling star of death, and you are about to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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