Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Chapter 319 The decisive battle with Bibi Dong

Chapter 319 The decisive battle with Bibi Dong ()

Two and a half months later, Qian Daoliu arrived with 5000 angel legions and began to gradually replace the already exhausted sea soul masters.

When the second round of the sun rose in the sky, Bo Saixi's aura suddenly weakened, and he fell from the sky as soon as he closed his eyes.

"Bo Saixi."

"Your Majesty the High Priest."

The shouts of Qian Daoliu and Sword Douluo sounded at the same time.

It's just that Qian Daoliu has now taken over Bo Saixi's position and turned into an eye of the angel formation. He can only watch reluctantly as Sword Douluo takes Bo Saixi into his arms.

"Your Majesty the High Priest, are you okay?"

Bo Saixi opened her eyes weakly and smiled slightly: "It's okay, I'm just very tired."

As soon as he finished speaking, a subtle cry sounded in Sword Douluo's arms.

Suddenly, the big sun in the sky fluctuated violently, and then quickly stabilized.

Sword Douluo seemed to feel something. He raised his head to look at Qiandaoliu, who was blooming with soft white light in mid-air. He raised his eyebrows slightly and said in a provocative tone: "Anxin, I will take good care of her."

The big sun fluctuated again, and even the soft white light on Qian Daoliu's body seemed to be unstable.

Seeing this, Sword Douluo did not dare to tease Qian Daoliu anymore, and quickly disappeared from his eyes while holding Bo Saixi in his arms.

"Damn white-haired boy, if I hadn't been unable to move, I would have beaten you until you called me daddy."

Looking at the direction in which Sword Douluo disappeared, Qian Daoliu cursed fiercely and slowly closed his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, another three months had passed. Bo Saixi's body had recovered, but her soul power had permanently dropped by three levels.

Forcibly controlling a power beyond one's own capabilities will naturally come with a certain price.

"Elder Jian, when will your Majesty be able to succeed?"

Looking at the huge blue silver grass cocoon in front of him, Sword Douluo shook his head: "I don't know, the aura inside is too complicated."

"Life energy and endless murderous aura flow to each other, and the power of blood is filled with them and constantly reconciled. Sword intent and soul power have to act as firefighters to make up for the leaks."

"It is no exaggeration to say that the fighting inside this big cocoon formed by Blue Silver Grass is no less fierce than the five Ming demigods fighting in it."

"Kenshin's ability to persevere until now is partly due to his indomitable will, and the other is probably due to his unrivaled body."

"Hey!" Bo Saixi sighed: "It's been three months. I just checked Qian Daoliu's condition. He may not be able to hold on much longer."

Sword Douluo frowned slightly and glanced again at the big cocoon of blue silver grass that enveloped Shen Jianxin.

"Don't worry, I have already sent someone to inform that girl Xiaoxue. She has the inheritance of the Angel God and can definitely take over Qian Daoliu's position."

"Say less, and you can hold on for another month."

Bo Saixi shook her head: "You know, this is not realistic at all. Even if Qian Renxue can come, it will not help at all."

"Our blockade can only slow down Bibi Dong's speed of becoming a god. It does not completely suppress her from becoming a god."

"It's been five and a half months, and in twenty days at most, or even less than twenty, she will be able to become a god at level 100."

"Withdraw the people you arranged to deliver the message and leave one chosen one. Even if all of us fail, we can still have a chance to make a comeback."

Sword Douluo's eyes gradually sharpened, and infinite sword intent burst out from him.

"Wait another five days. If Kenshin has not succeeded, then you should retreat."

"Take Kenshin with you, and I will serve as your queen."

Bo Saixi smiled slightly: "You want to be a hero?"

"If you die, the cage that binds me will never be opened again. In this case, what power do I have to live?" "How can a bird that has seen the vastness of the world be willing to return to the cage again? "

"Hero? That's a path I've never tried before."

Sword Douluo turned his head and glanced at Bo Saixi, laughed loudly and said, "Jian Xin once told me that the sword and the girl should not be let down."

"It seems that I won't be too lonely in the last moments of my life."

Bo Saixi's pretty face was slightly red, and she reached out to lift a strand of hair from the side of her face: "What girl? I'm more than ten years older than you, so I call you eldest sister."

On the first day of the countdown, Bo Saixi ceded the position of High Priest of Poseidon Island to Sea Dragon Douluo, and asked him to lead all the Sea Spirit Masters to begin a gradual retreat to Jialing Pass in the rear.

At the same time, the Angel Legion in the formation also began its final round of rotation.

All replaced soul masters will no longer enter the formation, and will instead use all their strength to recover themselves in preparation for the final day of retreat.

On the second day of the countdown, there was no movement in the Blue Silver Grass Cocoon, and the Angel Legion had already replaced 2000 people.

On the third day of the countdown, there was no movement in the Blue Silver Grass Cocoon. The Angel Legion had already replaced 3000 people.

On the fourth day of the countdown, there was no movement in the blue silver grass cocoon, the Angel Legion.
On the fifth day of the countdown, Sword Douluo and Bo Saixi took another look at the motionless blue silver grass cocoon.

"That's all, it's fate, let Qiandaoliu retreat too."

Sighing, Sword Douluo and Bo Saixi turned and left.

The sun in the sky gradually extinguished, and the unconscious Qiandaoliu was picked up by Sword Douluo himself.

The boundless evil energy gathered again, and the evil energy that had been suppressed for five months began to expand rapidly. The sun was blocked, and the sky quickly darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hahahahaha, you can't stop me anymore. I have become a god at level 100. I am the one who wins! Hahahaha."

A terrifying sound came from the evil barrier again.

Sword Douluo turned a blind eye and fell from the sky, handing the unconscious Qian Daoliu into the hands of an angel thousand-man captain whose legs were shaking.

"Don't be afraid, the time left is enough for you to evacuate and protect your big offering."

The Angel Thousand Captain bowed deeply to Sword Douluo: "Elder Sword, Your Excellency, Poseidon High Priest, take care!"

The angel army began to retreat rapidly. Sword Douluo looked at the sky covered by dark clouds, then turned to look at Bo Saixi beside him.

"Everyone's gone, only the two of us are left."

Bo Saixi smiled slightly and said, "Apart from the not-so-good environment, this is also rare and clean, isn't it?"

Sword Douluo laughed loudly and said, "That's right, it seems like I haven't been this pure for a long time."

As he spoke, Jian Douluo sat cross-legged on the floor, looking up at Bo Saixi's pretty face like a girl in her twenties.

"Let's chat while we wait?"

"Okay." Bo Saixi smiled sweetly. She didn't care that the dust on the ground would stain her clothes, and sat down next to Sword Douluo without hesitation.

"I was born on Poseidon Island and grew up on Poseidon Island. This is my first time coming to the mainland in more than a hundred years."

It was the last moment, and there was nothing left to say. Although there seemed to be nothing interesting in her life, Bo Saixi suddenly felt like she wanted to let it all out.

Being imprisoned in that large cage called Poseidon Island, it was not until today that she really smelled a hint of the smell called freedom.

Bo Saixi talked about his cage-like life, Sword Douluo listened quietly. Sword Douluo told interesting stories about his journey to the mainland, and Bo Saixi laughed.

Two completely different lives, with the same life experience lasting a hundred years, are bizarrely blended together at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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