Many children, many blessings, the great witch of blood will dominate the world!

Chapter 195 If you dare to steal Dad’s wine, your legs will be lame!

Chapter 195 If you dare to steal Dad’s wine, your legs will be lame!
Taiqing's expression changed, he took a deep breath and gritted his teeth in anger.Not a son of man, this ancestral witch of blood is too bullying.Not only did he cut off his treasure, but he actually wasted it and used it to make wine?

However, I have to say that the effect of this Yang wine is extremely good, it has been increased by countless times, and after refining, the cultivation level has no sense of vanity, which makes Taiqing's face moved.

Taiqing's heart was filled with ups and downs, and he could no longer remain calm.If he were to follow a blood witch, he would be able to attain Hunyuan as long as he drank a few jars of wine every day.

As soon as this shameful thought came up, it was suppressed, which made Taiqing extremely frightened:
"Oh my God, who is this Blood Witch Lord? There is such a peerless existence among the witch sect."

Taiqing was completely shocked and burst into tears. Just this skill of wine was enough to convince people.And Taiyi and Dijun combined cannot be compared with Lin Xuan at all. They are not on the same level at all.

The gap is huge. It's ridiculous that Demon Court is still fighting against the Wumen. This is no different than seeking death.

For a moment, the atmosphere on the field changed subtly. Sanqing looked at each other and saw surprise and longing on each other's faces.

They originally thought that Kunpeng and Dongfang were talking nonsense, but what they saw with their own eyes now was countless times more terrifying. This Buzhou Mountain was completely incomprehensible, and it was far beyond the imagination of a saint.

As for this Ancestral Witch of Blood, he should be at the peak of a saint at his weakest, and his underlying strength is definitely no worse than that of Teacher Hongjun.


For a moment, the three of them took a deep breath, and the mysterious figure of Lin Xuan was outlined in their minds, and they could not get rid of it for a long time.

"Oh my God, is what Demon Master Kunpeng said true?"

"The Blood Witch has really created a brood of quasi-saints who are more powerful than us and other peak quasi-saints?"

"How is this possible? He is a quasi-sage when he is born. Even the descendants of the ancestor Long Shifeng cannot do this."

Sanqing murmured in shock, his face full of madness and disbelief, and he was somewhat surprised by the sight in front of him.

As they explored the back mountain of the Wu tribe, they became more and more aware of their own insignificance, and were shocked beyond measure.

There is nothing that cannot be brewed, even merit and sword intent can be brewed. The methods of this witch master Lin Xuan have long been comparable to that of a saint, making people unable to peep into it and longing for it.

And the most shocking and incomprehensible thing is that this is only the outer circle of the Blood Witch Tribe, just some side dishes and wine jars, but it has such a profound background.

If you were lucky enough to drink the holy wine gifted by Lin Xuan, you wouldn't be able to break through the saint on the spot, right?

In an instant, Sanqing's expression changed, and his eyes were full of anticipation and yearning. He couldn't wait to continue digging holes and dig forward.

Not to mention rescuing Qinyuan, just the inferior immortal brew they had obtained previously made them extremely satisfied, and they felt that their trip was worthwhile.

Just as Taiqing continued to dig and opened the next cave of Immortal Brewing.

In the eyes of everyone who was looking forward to it, a sudden change occurred, and tribulation thunders rose up all over the sky.

As soon as it rose up, billions of purple sky thunders roared beside the sky, carrying rolling holy power. Just a aftermath swept out, spreading an extremely crazy meaning of destruction.

Suddenly, thunder swept across the sky, drowning Sanqing's figure, and screams and wailings were heard.

After stealing a lot of immortal brew, this time the thief was finally caught and fell into a pit.

Who would have thought that all the immortal brews in this cave are brewed with Heavenly Tribulation, and they are at the level of Saint Tribulation, which ordinary people simply cannot bear.

What's more, the year has not yet come, and the destructive power of the natural disaster has not yet been fully transformed, and has been increased several times. The power can be imagined.

Chi chi chi - there was a roar on the field, the souls of the three souls flew out, and the body suddenly changed into a human shape. It was chopped to a crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, and the aroma of roasting came out.

The three brothers had never suffered such a big loss since they were born and transformed. They suddenly collapsed and cracked. Their faces were full of despair and ferocity, and they curled up and roared, fighting against the tribulation thunder in the sky.

The Golden Crow Prince on the side also suddenly became alert, and his previous expectations for this wine road were wiped away, replaced by unspeakable fear:

"What, you can even make wine during the Heavenly Tribulation? It's too scary. This Blood Ancestral Witch is too insidious."

"Oh my God, if these amplified divine thunders strike down, I might die."

"It's so crazy. If these wine jars were smashed out and hit Demon Ting, my clan would be destroyed."

All the Golden Crow princes let out roars of collapse. They were so shocked that the place cracked. It was extremely unbelievable.

They knew that Lin Xuan's way of drinking was extremely evil, but they never imagined that the evil spirit could reach this level.You can even capture other people's holy tribulations and make wine. It's really crazy.

Obviously, even with the cultivation level of the Sanqing Demon Emperor, these purple sky divine thunders cannot withstand it at all, and it is extremely uncomfortable.

And this was the result of them absorbing hundreds of jars of immortal brew before, which only slightly increased their strength and barely saved their lives.

Otherwise, when he first came to Buzhou Mountain, he might not have been able to withstand the first wave of catastrophe and would have died on the spot.

When the boundless thunder and alcohol dissipated, Sanqing's extremely embarrassed and blurry figure appeared, all swaying like a candle in the wind.

Who knows what kind of experiences they endured and what price they paid before they managed to survive.

However, what can be seen is that the Pangu flags and Tai Chi diagrams have developed huge cracks visible to the naked eye, and have become dim, as if they are about to explode at any time.

Seeing this situation, the eyes of everyone in the demon tribe below trembled wildly, their faces full of surprise and fear:
"What? Even the three Demon Emperors are about to fall. This Wumen is too dangerous. There is no way that we are no match for it."

"It's too scary. What the demon master Kunpeng said is actually true. I'd better return quickly."

"Oh my god, is there really a quasi-holy heir in this witch sect? How did the blood witch create it? It's crazy."

The Golden Crow princes were trembling, their hairs were standing on end, and they felt extremely confused.

Before, they had doubted the two people from the West and Kunpeng, but now they were frightened and somewhat convinced.

After all, what they saw in the Wumen was countless times more terrifying than they expected.

Even the saint's calamity was used by Lin Xuan to make wine. Who knows what more terrifying dangers are waiting behind him.If we encounter the legendary mountain-protecting formation again, I'm afraid it will be wiped out on the spot.

Thinking of this, everyone became as alert as if they had fallen into an ice cave. They were not as arrogant as when they first arrived. They all misunderstood Kunpeng and Zhunti's good intentions.

What followed was an extremely complicated emotion of regret. All the Golden Crows were filled with regret. They were so frightened that they peeed and wanted to escape back to the Sun Star.

At this time, the naughty children hidden around the formation finally came out with a grin on their face and surrounded them in all directions.

"Dare you steal daddy's Holy Tribulation Wine? Your legs will be crippled by you!"

(End of this chapter)

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