Many children, many blessings, the great witch of blood will dominate the world!

Chapter 322: The ancestral witch is surprised and has a bright future

Chapter 322: The ancestral witch is surprised and has a bright future

With the arrival of hundreds of thousands of descendants of saints, unimaginable changes have taken place on the field. The previously arrogant suppression formation has cracked with countless cracks and is extremely fragile.

"Is this the level of a heavenly saint? But Er'er is not as good as a single hair on my father's body."

"Old bastard Hongjun has such little strength, yet he dares to come and attack the Wumen. I really don't want to live anymore."

"Hmph, you're just hiding in Chaos. It's okay if my clan doesn't go looking for you, but you still dare to come out and cause trouble. You really think the ancestral witch has a good temper."

All the children were old-fashioned and looked arrogant.

At the current state, let alone the Saints' Leaders, even if they are in the true state of heaven, they would dare to form a formation and fight together.At this time, the Wumen has become worthy of the name of the prehistoric overlord, and its influence is even far greater than that of the previous Zixiao Palace. All cats and dogs have to kneel down.

Seeing this situation, the hundreds of millions of shamans below were dumbfounded, followed by unimaginable cheers.

"Wu Wu Wu!"

"Oh my god, how could the blood witch ancestor give birth to such evil and terrifying offspring?"

"It's too scary. Are these really a bunch of dolls who are less than a hundred years old? Why are they all Hunyuan saints? Didn't they say that the prehistoric sainthood is limited?"

"Why has the ancestor repeatedly broken the limit of prehistoric times? Could it be that he is really the manifestation of Pangu's father's body? It's incredible."

"Hahaha, even Dao Ancestor Hongjun has been defeated. He can only surrender to the Wumen. Looking at the chaotic world, who else is my clan's opponent."

The Wu soldiers suddenly became excited, dancing with long swords in their hands, and they all saw the arrogance and excitement on each other's faces.Since they were born in Buzhou Mountain, they have been living in a cowardly state, facing the threat of catastrophe and annihilation.

Until this moment, he was truly proud. Not only had he spent a lot of calamity, but with the help of the Blood Witch Ancestor, he had actually driven all the saints out of the wilderness. It was really incredible.

Now facing a supreme formation that can suppress the peak saint, a descendant of the ancestor's line was born, forcibly renewing the life of the Wumen, blocking Hongjun and Sanqing from the chaos, making everyone ecstatic.

The Wumen's current development is all due to ancestor Lin Xuan.For a time, the blood witch ancestor's status in the hearts of the people once again became transcendent and unfathomable to the extreme.Even if all the ancestral witches were added together, they were not worth mentioning at all.

Immediately, the expressions on the faces of the great witches such as Xing Tian and Kua Fu were also extremely exciting. Their expressions changed one after another, and they were extremely shocked and stunned.

"Oh my God, even Dao Ancestor has been defeated, and the Supreme Formation is vulnerable. Where are the limits of these dolls?"

"Am I right? They are both great witches. Why did he become an ancestral witch and raise a group of terrifying offspring? It's so unreasonable. Is this the gift and blessing of God the Father?"

"Hahaha, Sanqing is all dumbfounded. It's really fun. A bunch of clowns dare to offend our witch clan."

After all the great witches were shocked, what followed was ecstasy and excitement, as well as an unconcealable pride of superiority.Originally, the sanctification of Sanqing and others put great pressure and urgency on their ancestral witches.

But now with the birth of ancestor Lin Xuan, everything is no longer a problem, just because their Wu clan has countless times more saints than Xuanmen, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

And as long as Patriarch Lin Xuan is crazy about taking concubines and giving birth to children, he will naturally have an endless supply of saints. I wonder if there is any comparable force in the chaos.

Everyone's eyes showed anticipation, as if they had already seen the bright future of the rise of the Wumen.Becoming the prehistoric overlord is just the beginning, even conquering the world and suppressing the avenue is not an issue.

The twelve ancestral witches looked at each other, completely stunned.Di Jiang's face was filled with red light, and he cried with joy:

"Oh my God, is this the guidance of God the Father? Who else is my opponent in the Wu Sect? The old man from Sanqing is worthy of competing with us for the name of authenticity. He is really looking for death."

Zhu Jiuyin snorted coldly and said with a cruel smile:

"The ancient world was created by Father God. It has been in the hands of Hongjun earthworms for a long time. Now it has regained its clarity and is on the right track. The whole world should celebrate it."

Hou Tu and Xuan Ming also nodded repeatedly, with joy on their faces:
"If Father God saw the Wumen today, I'm afraid he would be pleased."

Saints are everywhere, and the quasi-sage Da Luo is no better than a dog. At a glance, they, the veteran ancestral witches, can retire early and disappear into the crowd.

In front of these saint-level descendants born to Lin Xuan, let alone these ancestral witches, even if Pangu were reincarnated, he would be ashamed and have no intention of competing for supremacy.

Monster, all the ancestral witches were sweating and sighed.Fortunately, Lin Xuan is his brother and not Hongjun's enemy. Otherwise, their Wumen would not have to play at all and would just surrender.

For a moment, everyone shouted thankfully and cast grateful glances in the direction of the Blood Witch Palace.

Seeing Hongjun and the Saints of Demon Court avoiding Chaos and being crushed outside the great sealing formation, the ancestral witches breathed a sigh of relief as they relieved themselves.Finally, with Lin Xuan's family here, no matter how big the calamity crisis is, they can handle it.

Di Jiang and Hou Tu were sweating coldly when they saw the other party leading the phantom of the avenue back with force, thinking that the Wu clan was doomed, but now it seemed that they still underestimated Lin Xuan's capabilities.

Not to mention the shadow of Dao Ze, even if the retired Dao Ze deity is here, he may not be able to escape bad luck. The Wumen is not timid at all.

"Hahaha, the Witch Clan is truly lucky to have Lin Xuan as our son."

The Twelve Ancestral Witches looked up to the sky and smiled. If it hadn't been for the rise of the Great Witch of Blood, and relying solely on their reckless force, I'm afraid they would have finished their game long ago, and how could they have had the good days they have now.

The powerful people from all sides in the ancient world were also extremely shocked, their expressions were frozen, and the air was still.

Who would have thought that Hongjun would come back so powerfully that he could not even enter the Great Barrier after a long attack, but was crushed by the army of Wumen saints with his backhand.

Seeing this scene, Wanxian felt unreal, rubbed his eyes crazily, and couldn't help but gasp.

"Hiss, am I reading that right? Is this the strength of the ancestor of the Wu Sect? All that bullshit Heavenly Dao realm is illusory and not good enough."

"It's too scary. The dolls of the Witch Clan are simply beyond the laws of nature. How on earth are they cultivated? Why do they have countless descendants of saints in endless supply?"

"We have been practicing for hundreds of millions of years, but in the end we are still no longer as good as the children of the witch sect. We have trained like dogs!"

"The prehistoric times have completely changed. Who else will be the opponent of the witch clan in the future? Only witches are the only ones among all races."

The powerful officials from all sides were filled with sighs and beat their hearts.After all, even Hongjun and Sanqing could only stare blankly, and the elders of various ethnic groups they left behind could only bow their heads.

Facing the behemoth of the Wumen, who would dare to say no?

(End of this chapter)

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