Chapter 106: Official release from slavery
Everyone came directly to the West District, where most of the institutions were located.

However, when they were almost here, they did not go directly to the security office, but first headed towards the slave management office.

This is also an extremely important thing for Chen Fan.

It would be strange if I said I wasn't nervous.

Soon, they came to a group of buildings connected together, which were the offices in the city.

"Colosse Affairs Hall."

This place contains almost all the things that need to be done in the royal capital and the places where they can be solved.

License plates, slave contracts, horse registration, knife and gun trade, certificates of going abroad...

Almost everything is done here.

This also led to the fact that at only one o'clock in the morning, the place was already full of people.

Businessmen from all walks of life, and even some minor nobles, lined up here early in the morning.

Even if you want to handle inheritance, you have to come here.

You can often see many noble housekeepers walking in and out here.

Looking at the long queue, Chen Fan had a headache. He didn't even know how long the queue would last.

"How about you go back first, I can just line up here by myself."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, but when they came to their senses, they couldn't help laughing.

"We, the Bellucci family, are here to do business. We don't need to queue up with them."


This was something Chen Fan didn't expect.

It seems that privileges are still available everywhere.

But it feels good when you enjoy the privilege yourself.

As soon as the carriage stopped at the door, someone immediately ran out to greet him.

"I am the person in charge here. I wonder why Miss Monica came here today?"

Many people around him were stunned.

Just because the person who talks so flatteringly is the director of the affairs department here.

In front of them on weekdays, that person would hold his head high and not even look at them.

It was only when they saw the medal of the Bellucci family that they suddenly realized it.

"I will release him from slavery."

"Oh, that's no problem. Miss Monica, please wait a moment and I'll make arrangements."

The director hurriedly ran in and cleared out all the people inside.

"You can go in now."

Being glanced at by those people with strange looks made me feel a little stressed.

But at this point, Monica was much more familiar with it than she was, so she walked inside without caring.

Not much time was wasted.

He simply crossed out his status as a slave, removed his slave mark, and received a congratulations.

When he walked out of the hall, he was still the same person, but his energy and spirit were different.

"Okay, now you are going to join the company."

"It's not convenient for me to show up, so I'll wait for you in the villa."

After personally delivering Monica to the villa, everyone prepared to head to the police station.

But when Mort and Larry saw Chen Fan following them, they were dumbfounded.

"Hello, future colleagues."

Chen Fan smiled at the two of them, and when he saw Mote's expression, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

The four of them were talking and laughing as they moved forward.

They didn't need any introduction. As soon as we passed through the bustling West End, a strange smell hit our nostrils.

I saw garbage all over the street and melon rinds thrown carelessly on the ground.

Chen Fan immediately knew that he had arrived in the slums.

Although Chen Fan had passed by it several times before, he had never gone in-depth.

When the horse's hooves stepped into this place, Chen Fan couldn't help but sigh.

They obviously live in the same city, but they are only separated by a small area.

It's like coming to two different environments.The war horses stepped across the ground, and from time to time they could see people hiding in the dark, looking wary.

Just looking at this environment, Chen Fan knew that they would not be recognized by the people here.

Seeing Chen Fan's curious gaze, Mott lowered his voice and explained.

"This side of the slums has always been a no-nonsense area."

"The people who live here are naturally powerless, so the vigilantes are very rough in their methods."

"If something happens, I'll even force him to take him back and beat him up."

“I don’t know how many people die in the police station every year.”

"The people here, let alone treating them normally, probably hate the Sheriff to death."

"You have to be careful. We have tried it before. An unlucky patrol officer was caught and beaten to death while walking at night."

It is indeed a good place.

Chen Fan shook his head.

No wonder His Majesty the King would leave this place to the Bellucci family.

If it is done well, then the royal capital will be good too.

If you don't do it well, you can push the matter onto Duke Ang.

It actually killed two birds with one stone.

Fortunately, there are still slightly cleaner places in this slum area.

After entering the central area, the prosperity is visible to the naked eye.

You can see all kinds of cheap bars and dancers everywhere.

The coolies who come and go will also invest all the money they earn today here.

This made Chen Fan frown.

"These shops are located next to the police station. Is this okay?"

In Chen Fan's imagination, the security station should be regarded as a sacred place.

I just didn’t expect that, let alone sacred, it was completely mixed in with the good and the good.

"You don't know, these stores are already the most profitable stores in the slums."

"They are here just to get protection from the security office and prevent people from making trouble."

"So these stores will turn over a fortune to the Sheriff."

"This is considered a semi-public matter."

Sure enough, these days, money is the real thing.

In just a few hours, it was like welcoming Chen Fan.

It's like finally coming to the real world.

Compared to the small days of the Bellucci family, this is the most common and real place on this continent.

In order to fill their stomachs, people here will do anything.

Mote was also afraid that Chen Fan wouldn't be able to stand this kind of place.

Only when he saw the smile on Chen Fan's lips did he react.

Chen Fan came out of a place like the Colosseum.

Speaking of understanding this kind of environment, he probably has a deeper understanding than these family knights.

Soon, they arrived at their destination this time.

"Eastern Sheriff's Office."

The slums are the East Side, but few people would call it the East Side.

More often it is just called ghetto or ghetto.

Looking at the people coming and going, they all have confusion about life on their faces.

It’s no wonder that a church like the Harvest Goddess can flourish here.

Before even entering the police station, Chen Fan felt great pressure.

It seems that they will have many things to do in the future.

Finally, under many curious eyes, the four of them strode into the police station.

Soon, the news spread throughout the district.

(End of this chapter)

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