Chapter 204 Enjoying Snow and Wine Together

After passing through the high fence and crossing the racecourse, no one thought that there was a mystery hidden inside.

The small courtyard is lined with high walls. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary warehouse.

Only when you go inside can you know that there is a different world.

The small red brick building is not particularly spacious but refined enough. It is about [-] to [-] square meters and has two floors.

As if to emphasize the mystery, the inside of the small building seemed a little dark.

All thanks to the roaring fireplace that lights up the living room.

Everyone sat facing each other around a table in the middle, with steaming black tea on the table.

Chen Fan leaned against a corner, with the wall behind him. He subconsciously hid himself in the darkness.

His eyes secretly swept over the people in front of him.

The number of people was not very large, including myself, there were nine people in total.

Except for the dwarf forging master Gufu and the demon knight Cid, the remaining six people all have their own characteristics.

Two of them were wearing coats, but it could be seen from the exquisite clothes and elegant boots exposed under the clothes.

This is definitely a young third-generation noble from a big family.

Every move they made had the unique temperament of aristocrats.

This cannot be faked.

For a guy like House who works as a pirate on the sea, even if he wears gorgeous clothes, he can't hide the smell of the sea on his body.

The other two people seemed to know each other and were sitting a little far apart. Chen Fan noticed that they were a little wary of each other.

One of them spoke with a fierceness and the temperament of a gangster.

The other one had a look that Chen Fan was very familiar with, a front-line official with status.

Like a patrol officer, an officer who is responsible for facing the crime scene directly, rather than someone sitting in an office.

There was also a young man with long black hair who looked a little bored and was in a daze, unable to see anything for the time being.

The last one to arrive was a girl, who was the same as Chen Fan. After being led in by Xi De, she sat in the corner.

He was still wearing a cloak, only half of his delicate face was exposed, and he seemed to be slightly wary of everyone in the audience.

Two nobles, an official, a gang leader, an ordinary young man, and a mysterious blonde girl.

Just looking at the first impression, Chen Fan could feel it.

Anyone who can come here has some status and energy.

This is definitely a higher-end party.

It seems that it is not a place where I simply want to share knowledge as I imagined.

Secretly used the system to read the information of these people one by one.

But when he saw the seemingly ordinary boy and the blonde girl he brought last, Chen Fan's pupils shrank slightly.

"Character: Murphy"

"Age: 23"

"Character background: A member of the Assassins, codenamed Ma Shi. He was taken in by the Assassins from an orphan and trained into an outstanding killer. As long as he is given money, he can do anything."


"Character: Lilia"

"Age: 24"

"Character background: The elves, the dawn elves who were expelled from the Elf Forest, live in the Kingdom of Steel Gale."

An assassin, an elf!

This lineup is really luxurious enough.

Not only the dwarves, but also the pure-blood elves saw it today.

Chen Fan's eyes were faintly looking towards Elf Lilia's cloak.

The other party's ears are all hidden under the cloak.

Chen Fan was very curious as to whether there were pointed elf ears underneath.

Just like Natasha. Lilia seemed to feel Chen Fan's gaze, frowned, and glanced back at Chen Fan.

There was a trace of disgust and wariness towards human beings in his eyes.

What a sharp reaction!

Chen Fan then slowly withdrew his gaze.

A pure-blood elf should have a lot of things in his hands.

It seems that I came here right. The energy contained here is stronger than I imagined.

While Chen Fan was secretly observing, West Germany had already closed the door, blocking out all the coldness.

Then he sat on the top chair and started leading the party.

He coughed lightly, causing everyone to look at him.

"I haven't seen you for a while. Judging from your expressions, it seems that you have gained something. It seems that a new door will be opened tonight."

"By the way, this time, we have a new friend joining us."

West Germany smiled and turned his attention to Chen Fan, obviously introducing him to Chen Fan.

"According to the rules, I also want to introduce to you the origin of our party."

"We are just a group of enthusiasts who like to explore the world of mysticism, and we gather here because of our interest."

"In order to avoid the possibility of being found out about our illegal gathering in the future."

"So I registered the "Snow and Wine Society" as the name of our legal gathering. We can all call ourselves members of the Snow and Wine Society."

Have a good time together with snow and wine.

The illegal gatherings that West Germany refers to are based on the laws of the Kingdom.

For gatherings of more than 3 people, you need to apply in advance. The venue and the reason for the gathering must be reported in advance.

This is a very old law that originated from the founding period, when the Iron Gale Kingdom had not yet settled down.

At that time, the kingdom was still very chaotic and full of conspiracies and intrigues.

In the kingdom, people’s hearts are impetuous.

From time to time, someone will hide and plot secretly, and then collude with outsiders to take advantage of the opportunity to do other things.

Only then did Emperor Caesar forcefully add a rule to the law, requiring parties of more than 3 people to apply in advance.

This is entirely for the convenience of eradicating those who have second thoughts.

Of course, after all these years.

Almost no one obeys this law anymore.

Even Syd had a smile on his face when he told her about the snow and wine party, as if it was just a joke to lighten the mood.

This is probably just a name to facilitate things like making invitations.

"The purpose of our gathering is also very clear, which is to talk about the world of occultism and share some knowledge about occultism."

"Since knowledge is fixed, if there is no new content, there will be no party."

"So the date of the party is not fixed. The party will only be held when all four party members come to the club and leave messages with new content they want to share."

West Germany was mainly introducing Chen Fan.

Seeing Chen Fan silently nodding his head, he turned his attention to the others.

"At the same time, I would like to emphasize this to everyone."

"What we say and do here, please keep it confidential."

"In the best case scenario, we don't have any contact in private."

West Germany deliberately emphasized his tone to remind everyone.

If no one takes care of a party like theirs, they can have it as many times as they want.

But if other interested people learn about it, trouble will arise.

They just want to know the occult, not to sacrifice their lives for the occult.

(End of this chapter)

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